

Street photography is just applied visual sociology!


Eric Kim’s quotes on the intersection of sociology and street photography highlight the role of sociological understanding in his approach to photography:

  1. “Street photography is just applied sociology — with a camera. A visual sociology” oai_citation:1,The Sociology of Street Photography – ERIC KIM.
  2. “I loved learning all of the ways that people interacted, communicated, and collected in groups. It really opened up my eyes to the world around me… all these things I have learned in Sociology… would apply so much to street photography” oai_citation:2,10 Things Sociology Has Taught Me About Street Photography – ERIC KIM.
  3. “People react more similarly than dissimilarly when it comes to street photography” oai_citation:3,10 Things Sociology Has Taught Me About Street Photography – ERIC KIM.
  4. “Most people when you take photos of them will at worst get upset, yell at you, and ask you to delete their photograph. Rarely do people become physical or confrontational, so shoot with confidence” oai_citation:4,10 Things Sociology Has Taught Me About Street Photography – ERIC KIM.
  5. “When you shoot street photography in a group, your courage skyrockets” oai_citation:5,10 Things Sociology Has Taught Me About Street Photography – ERIC KIM.
  6. “93% of communication was nonverbal… If you show via your body language that you are not threatening or harmful, people won’t suspect you when you are shooting on the streets” oai_citation:6,10 Things Sociology Has Taught Me About Street Photography – ERIC KIM.
  7. “You can easily resocialize yourself into thinking the opposite—that you are doing a good thing by capturing the beauty of a person through street photography” oai_citation:7,10 Things Sociology Has Taught Me About Street Photography – ERIC KIM.
  8. “Having a camera in your hand gives you authority and power… Speak confidently and with authority” oai_citation:8,10 Things Sociology Has Taught Me About Street Photography – ERIC KIM.
  9. “Sometimes the meanest looking people can be the nicest” oai_citation:9,10 Things Sociology Has Taught Me About Street Photography – ERIC KIM.
  10. “To become a better street photographer, it is crucial to have a community helping and supporting you” oai_citation:10,10 Things Sociology Has Taught Me About Street Photography – ERIC KIM.
  11. “Street photography is a lot like swimming. You can read a hundred books on it, but until you jump into the water—you will never learn anything” oai_citation:11,10 Things Sociology Has Taught Me About Street Photography – ERIC KIM.

Through these quotes, Kim encapsulates how sociology informs and enhances his practice of street photography, providing insights into human behavior, communication, and societal norms.

Eric Kim’s perspective on the intersection of sociology and street photography is quite insightful. He views street photography as a form of applied sociology, using it as a medium to explore and understand human behavior and society. Here are some of his key thoughts:

  1. Sociology’s Relevance to Street Photography: Kim acknowledges his sociology education as a significant influence on his street photography. He appreciates the insights gained from studying human interaction and group behavior, which he finds applicable to street photography oai_citation:1,10 Things Sociology Has Taught Me About Street Photography – ERIC KIM.
  2. Similarities in Human Reactions: Traveling and shooting street photography worldwide, Kim observes that despite cultural differences, people’s reactions to street photography are more similar than dissimilar. This realization comes from his sociological understanding of human nature oai_citation:2,10 Things Sociology Has Taught Me About Street Photography – ERIC KIM.
  3. Non-Confrontational Nature of People: Kim notes that people are generally non-confrontational, a concept he applies to street photography. He rarely encounters aggressive responses, even when shooting close to his subjects, which aligns with his sociological observations oai_citation:3,10 Things Sociology Has Taught Me About Street Photography – ERIC KIM.
  4. Group Dynamics in Photography: Shooting in groups can build confidence in street photography. Kim explains that this is because people perceive the group as part of a class or project and are thus more receptive to being photographed oai_citation:4,10 Things Sociology Has Taught Me About Street Photography – ERIC KIM.
  5. Importance of Non-Verbal Communication: He emphasizes that non-verbal communication, like facial expressions and body language, plays a crucial role in street photography, similar to its importance in sociology oai_citation:5,10 Things Sociology Has Taught Me About Street Photography – ERIC KIM.
  6. Resocializing Perceptions: Kim discusses the idea of resocializing oneself against societal norms, such as the notion that taking photos of strangers is inappropriate. He encourages street photographers to adopt a positive mindset about their work oai_citation:6,10 Things Sociology Has Taught Me About Street Photography – ERIC KIM.
  7. Authority and Photography: Reflecting on experiments like the Stanford Prison Experiment, Kim draws parallels to street photography, where holding a camera gives a sense of authority, influencing how subjects respond oai_citation:7,10 Things Sociology Has Taught Me About Street Photography – ERIC KIM.
  8. Expecting the Unexpected: His experience in sociology experiments taught him that people’s reactions can be unpredictable, a lesson he finds valuable in street photography oai_citation:8,10 Things Sociology Has Taught Me About Street Photography – ERIC KIM.
  9. Appearances vs. Reality: Kim has learned not to judge people based on appearances, a principle he applies in his photography, finding that sometimes those who look intimidating can be quite friendly oai_citation:9,10 Things Sociology Has Taught Me About Street Photography – ERIC KIM.
  10. Community Importance in Photography: He stresses the importance of community in improving as a street photographer, advocating for constructive feedback and engagement with fellow photographers oai_citation:10,10 Things Sociology Has Taught Me About Street Photography – ERIC KIM.
  11. Learning by Doing: Finally, Kim compares street photography to learning how to swim – emphasizing the importance of practical experience over theoretical knowledge oai_citation:11,10 Things Sociology Has Taught Me About Street Photography – ERIC KIM.

Through these reflections, Kim illustrates how sociology provides a framework for understanding and engaging with the world, significantly enriching his approach to street photography.


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Open source:

  1. What is Street Photography? (2.4gb) / Download
  2. Black and White (2.3gb) / Download
  3. How to Shoot Street Photography (2.2gb) / Download
  4. Street Portraits 101 (1.9gb) / Download
  5. Conquer Your Fears (430mb) / Download
  6. Composition (460mb) / Download
  7. Masters (107mb) / Download
  8. Editing and Post-Processing (1.3gb) / Download
  9. Photography Projects (1.4gb) / Download
  10. Motivation (3.7gb) / Download

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walking woman umbrella crimson red
  1. How to Become More Stealth in Street Photography
  3. Street Photography Mastery
  4. How I Became the Greatest Street Photographer Alive
  5. Antifragile Photography
  6. How to Conquer Your Fears in Street Photography
  8. 5 Simple Street Photography Techniques
  10. The Street Photographer Ideal
  11. 50 Street Photography Tips, Techniques and Ideas
  12. Street Photography Values
  14. Why Street Photography is So Great
  16. Society Photography, Not “Street” Photography
  17. How to Street Photography
  19. 10 Street Photography Tips
  20. The Street Photographer as the Apex Photographer
  21. Street Photography & Adrenaline
  23. 50 Street Photography Tips by ERIC KIM
  24. What I Wish I Knew If I Started Street Photography All Over Again
  25. Photograph like it’s not a big deal
  26. Suburb Street Photography
  27. What is Our Personal Motivation Behind Street Photography?
  29. Personal Street Photography
  31. Pandemic Street Photography
  33. How to Shoot Street Photography Right Now
  34. Towards a More Independent Street Photography Approach
  35. How Street Photography Improves Your Life
  36. How to Tell Stories in Your Street Photos
  37. Face Street Photography
  38. How to Start Shooting Street Photography
  39. How to Shoot Street Photography During a Pandemic
  40. 7 Street Photography Assignment Ideas


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Hearts. Hollywood, 2011 #flash

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  1. How to Shoot Street Photography with Dads and Kids
  3. Use Quarantine as an Opportunity to Pick up Film Photography
  4. Hong Kong Street Photography by ERIC KIM

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Eric Kim on sociology and social media

Eric Kim’s views on sociology and social media reveal a critical and reflective stance. He discusses the societal implications of social media, its psychological effects, and its role in modern communication:

  1. Digital Colonialism and Social Media Penetration: Kim notes the high penetration of social media like Facebook in countries like Vietnam and the Philippines, raising concerns about digital colonialism and its impact on societies. He points out how social media platforms have become integral to commerce and communication in these regions oai_citation:1,Eric Kim Social Media Philosophy – ERIC KIM.
  2. Personal Experience with Social Media: As a millennial without Instagram, Kim observes how different age groups in America use social media platforms differently, with younger people preferring Instagram and older generations using Facebook. He also comments on the evolving landscape of social media, with platforms like Snapchat losing popularity and TikTok emerging as an addictive form of entertainment oai_citation:2,Eric Kim Social Media Philosophy – ERIC KIM.
  3. Reasons for Deleting Instagram: Kim deleted his Instagram account due to various reasons, including its distraction from valuable work, its psychological impact like dependency on likes for self-esteem, concerns about advertising and data privacy, and limitations on freedom of speech. He emphasizes the importance of authenticity and self-expression, choosing to use his own platforms for sharing ideas oai_citation:3,Eric Kim Social Media Philosophy – ERIC KIM.

Through these insights, Kim highlights the complex relationship between sociology and social media, emphasizing the need for critical thinking and authentic expression in the digital age.

Eric Kim on Sociology

Sociology is lit

Eric Kim shares insightful thoughts on sociology, emphasizing its practical importance and transformative impact:

  1. On Sociology’s Broad Application: “To study and understand business, finance, politics, etc — it all stems from the social” oai_citation:1,Sociology is Great – ERIC KIM.
  2. On Sociology as a Tool for Free Thinking: “To unlearn BS society has taught you, to learn to become a free thinker” oai_citation:2,Sociology is Great – ERIC KIM.
  3. On Personal Impact of Studying Sociology: “I studied sociology as an undergrad, and it might’ve been one of the most formative things for me” oai_citation:3,Sociology vs Philosophy? – ERIC KIM.
  4. On Sociology and Philosophy: “My personal thought is [sociology] is practical, pragmatic, applied philosophy to society, other people, everyday life” oai_citation:4,Sociology vs Philosophy? – ERIC KIM.

These quotes highlight how sociology has influenced Kim’s understanding of various aspects of life, his approach to thinking, and his views on the interaction between individuals and society.

Eric Kim expresses a profound appreciation for sociology, viewing it as a foundational discipline for understanding various fields of knowledge. He emphasizes its role in fostering free thinking and unlearning societal misconceptions. Kim regards sociology as the “ultimate ‘generalist’ major,” essential for comprehending business, finance, politics, and more, as these fields are deeply rooted in social contexts. Reflecting on his own educational journey, Kim finds his sociology education increasingly valuable over time, contrasting it with other fields like Political Science, English, and Business/Economics, which he perceives as less impactful in the long run oai_citation:1,Sociology is Great – ERIC KIM.

Eric Kim on how to make your own website blog

Until you own you can’t be free, how we still slaves in 2016? – JAY Z


Eric Kim’s quotes on creating your own website blog emphasize the importance of self-publishing and the freedom it provides. Here are some of his key thoughts:

  1. On Starting and Publishing: “First register your own website and domain… Then, start publishing! Start publishing your photos, blog posts, and the goal is to get indexed by Google” oai_citation:1,How to Publish Yourself – ERIC KIM – EK.
  2. On Choosing a Domain: “When you register your own website domain, select a .com domain, ideally your If not,” oai_citation:2,How to Build a Blog – ERIC KIM.
  3. On Freedom and Control: “When you have your own website… you have full freedom. You have control how to build your website, how to customize it, and you can change it whenever you want” oai_citation:3,Why You Must Create Your Own Website – ERIC KIM.
  4. On the Significance of Building: “Build a website, or blog. Build your own name, your own personal brand. Build your own personal self-employment empire” oai_citation:4,BUILD! – ERIC KIM.

Kim’s advice underscores the value of owning your digital space, the importance of being discoverable through Google, and the potential personal and professional growth that comes from building and maintaining a personal website or blog.


Eric Kim, known for his expertise in photography and blogging, offers valuable advice for creating your own website blog. Here’s a summary of his recommendations:

  1. Register Your Own Website and Domain: Start by registering your website and domain. Kim suggests using services like or for this purpose. It’s important to choose a .com domain, preferably your first and last name (or with ‘photo’ added if the desired domain is taken) oai_citation:1,How to Build a Blog – ERIC KIM.
  2. Install WordPress is a widely used platform for building websites and blogs due to its flexibility and ease of use. After registering your domain, install to start creating your website oai_citation:2,How to Publish Yourself – ERIC KIM – EK oai_citation:3,Why You Must Create Your Own Website – ERIC KIM.
  3. Start Publishing and Get Indexed by Google: Once your website is set up, start publishing content like photos and blog posts. The goal is to get your site indexed by Google, which will increase your visibility in search results and help people discover your website oai_citation:4,How to Publish Yourself – ERIC KIM – EK.
  4. Customize and Control Your Website: Having your own website gives you complete freedom and control over its design and content. You can customize your website as you wish, and you have unlimited access to various plugins and tools to enhance or fix your site. This control allows you to build your personal brand and potentially create a self-employment empire oai_citation:5,Why You Must Create Your Own Website – ERIC KIM oai_citation:6,BUILD! – ERIC KIM.
  5. Consider Investing in Your Website: While many themes and tools are available for free, Kim advises that paying for certain aspects of your website, like a premium theme, can be beneficial. This investment can enhance the professional look and functionality of your site oai_citation:7,How to Build a Blog – ERIC KIM.

These steps outlined by Eric Kim provide a solid foundation for anyone looking to start their own website blog, particularly those interested in showcasing photography or other creative content.

Eric Kim on sole proprietor

Start your own photo business — fly solo! File not as LLC, but as a sole proprietor. Just use TurboTax!

Eric Kim sole proprietor quotes

Eric Kim, a prominent figure in the world of street photography, has expressed his views on the concept of sole proprietorship through various quotes. These quotes reflect his philosophy on independence, self-reliance, and entrepreneurship:

  1. On Avoiding Business Partners: “Don’t have any business partners. If you have a business partner, sooner or later you’ll get screwed somewhere, or, resentment from how slow and ineffective they are. Go solo. Sole proprietor is the way.” This quote highlights Kim’s preference for independence in business, emphasizing the potential pitfalls of partnerships oai_citation:1,Don’t have any business partners – ERIC KIM.
  2. Sole Proprietorship as a One-Man Ship: “What I believe in — sole proprietorship. Basically you’re a one-man ship. You got extreme responsibility in yourself. It’s all on you. In Praise of Sole Proprietorship. Why sole proprietorship? Maximal freedom. You dictate and choose for yourself. You choose your successes, wins, losses, whatever.” Here, Kim underscores the autonomy and freedom that come with being a sole proprietor, accepting both the responsibilities and rewards that come with it oai_citation:2,Sole Proprietorship – ERIC KIM – EK.
  3. Economic Independence and Self-Employment: “Become self-employed (you are the sole proprietor of your business). In praise of solo entrepreneurship. Don’t desire to buy stuff … desire to make, design and create stuff! In praise of design and designer thinking. Don’t buy anything.” This quote reflects Kim’s emphasis on the creative and productive aspects of entrepreneurship, valuing the creation and innovation over consumerism oai_citation:3,How to Become Economically Independent – ERIC KIM.
  4. Simplicity and Control in Business: “The best style of company to build in America is a ‘Sole Proprietorship.’ What is this? Simple: You are the solo owner, boss, and employee of your own company (of yourself). Simplest taxes, ways to report income and deductions, etc.” Kim advocates for the simplicity and control offered by a sole proprietorship, highlighting the practical benefits such as easier tax handling oai_citation:4,Become a Sole-Proprietor – EK.
  5. Business Expenses in Sole Proprietorship: “The upside of sole proprietorship, you could literally file almost everything as a business expense.” This advice points to the financial advantages of being a sole proprietor, where a wide range of expenses can potentially be filed as business costs oai_citation:5,Just treat everything like a business expense – ERIC KIM – EK.

These quotes collectively showcase Eric Kim’s endorsement of sole proprietorship as a business model. He emphasizes the importance of independence, responsibility, and the freedom to make one’s own decisions, which he sees as crucial for personal and professional growth. His perspective is particularly relevant for those looking to venture into entrepreneurship, especially in creative fields like photography.

Eric Kim, a renowned figure in street photography, has shared his insights on entrepreneurship, particularly regarding the idea of operating as a sole proprietor. He advocates for going solo in business ventures, cautioning that having a business partner can lead to issues like resentment or inefficiency. Kim’s preference for being a sole proprietor aligns with his emphasis on personal freedom and control over one’s work and life oai_citation:1,Don’t have any business partners – ERIC KIM.

In his guide on starting a photography business, Kim elaborates on his entrepreneurial philosophy. He emphasizes the importance of freedom, suggesting that true wealth lies in self-employment and the ability to pay for basic needs, rather than amassing riches. He argues for a “tinkering” approach to business, learning through trial and error rather than relying on formal business plans. For Kim, the ultimate goal of entrepreneurship is not financial success but the freedom it provides to pursue creative passions and live life on one’s terms oai_citation:2,How to Start Your Own Photography Business – ERIC KIM oai_citation:3,How to Start Your Own Photography Business – ERIC KIM oai_citation:4,How to Start Your Own Photography Business – ERIC KIM.

Additionally, Kim highlights the importance of owning your platform in the digital economy, advising against relying solely on social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook for business. He suggests building a personal website as a central hub for your work, akin to owning a home rather than renting. This approach reflects his advocacy for independence and control in business endeavors oai_citation:5,How to Start Your Own Photography Business – ERIC KIM.

Kim’s entrepreneurial philosophy is also evident in his approach to photography and life in general. He is known for his innovative approach, blending traditional photography techniques with modern technology. His teachings often delve into the philosophical aspects of photography, touching on themes like mortality, the human condition, and finding beauty in everyday life. He encourages community building and sharing knowledge, resonating with the communal learning principles of ancient Greek societies. Kim’s approach to street photography can be seen as a form of practical stoicism, emphasizing dealing with rejection, overcoming fear, and finding contentment in the art itself rather than seeking external validation oai_citation:6,Why does Eric Kim Matter? – ERIC KIM.

Eric Kim’s views on sole proprietorship and entrepreneurship reflect a broader philosophy of independence, innovation, and personal freedom. His advice and approach offer insights not only into starting and running a photography business but also into living a life aligned with one’s values and passions.


Advice I would have given myself in photography, if I started all over again:

Until You Own Yourself You Can’t Be Free

Photography Entrepreneurship 101 by ERIC KIM

De-lamify the future.

Photography Entrepreneurship 101 Presentation by ERIC KIM


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Entrepreneurship Ideas

  1. InstaSlaves
  2. How to Become a Vlogger
  3. How to Build Your Own Self Brand
  6. How to Market Yourself in Photography
  7. How to Become More Ambitious
  8. Crypto Photography
  9. In Praise of Email Newsletters
  10. Propagate.
  11. Make Your Own Street Photography Blog
  12. Create the Information You Seek.
  13. Content over Technology
  14. How to Advertise Yourself as a Photographer
  16. Photography Branding 101
  18. Bet on Your Own Coin.
  19. The Photographer Should Also Make His/Her Own Music?
  20. Mix Your Photos and Videos
  26. Why Start a Photography Blog?
  27. Once You FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early), Then What?
  29. In Praise of Solo Photography Business Entrepreneurship
  31. Street Photography Philosophy Entrepreneurship
  35. Scaleable Photography
  36. What Does it Mean to Become a Successful Photographer?
  37. 20 Photography Marketing, Branding, and Entrepreneurship Tips
  38. Create Your Own Social Media
  39. Individual Entrepreneurship
  41. BUILD!
  42. What is Success in Photography?
  44. Publish Fearlessly
  47. PhotoLink
  48. Real World Applications
  49. You Are Your Own Ideal User
  50. What is Your Creative Vision?
  51. A More Dope, Prosperous Future for All Photographers
  54. How to Maximize Your Impact as a Photographer
  55. Why the World Needs More Bloggers
  57. The Joy of Speculation
  59. Propogate
  60. Meaningful Advantage or Not?
  64. Photography Blogs are Highly *UNDERRATED*
  65. What is Your Competitive Advantage?
  66. Why 4K?
  67. Indirect Monetization
  68. The Future of Innovation in Photography
  69. Photography Innovation and Image Selection Idea: Let Google (YouTube) Suggested Thumbnail Pick Your Best Photo? 
  70. How to Identify Your Competitive Advantage
  71. In Praise of Insanely Fast Wifi
  73. The Stoic-Entrepreneurship Mindset
  74. Marketing Tips for Photographers
  77. Visual Entrepreneurship
  78. On Becoming a Full-Stack Visual Entrepreneur
  79. Real Photographers Don’t Use Instagram
  80. Brave New World of Blogging
  81. Don’t Go to Photography School
  82. Mass Success is a Failure?
  83. How to Maximize Your Archimedes Lever in Life
  84. Maximize Your Archimedes Lever
  85. How to Create Value Out of Nothing
  86. The Best Brand is No Brand
  87. What Do We Entrepreneurs *Really* Want?
  88. You Were Destined to Do Great Things
  89. Just Share Your Photos on Your Own Blog
  90. Your Blog is the Ultimate Form of Social Media
  91. The Future of Websites and Blogs
  92. Create a Company
  93. Money Photography Project
  95. Google and YouTube SEO (Search Engine Optimization) 101: How Would You Type It?
  97. Digital Photography is the Future
  100. A Non-Ownership Future
  102. Economic Constraints Are Creative Constraints
  103. Become a Sole-Proprietor
  104. Entrepreneurship is a Mindset
  105. How to Master Mac
  106. The Future of Lifestyle
  107. Necessity is the Mother of Innovation
  108. Once We Have an Easy Life, Then What?
  109. Why I Don’t Read Comments
  110. YouTube SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for Photographers
  111. How to Become a Self-Employed Photographer
  112. How to Live Big With Little Money
  113. Why Blogging, Vlogging and Internet Media is More Important than Ever
  114. No Marketing, No Future
  115. Photography Marketing 101
  116. Google and YouTube are King
  117. Why I’m So Suspicious of Everyone Online and on the Internet
  118. How to Become More Notorious
  119. Kaizen Approach to Blogging
  120. How to Master Marketing
  122. Anti Silicon-Valley Thinking
  123. Your Name
  124. In Praise of WordPress
  126. Your Future Portfolio is a Website
  127. Infinite Runway
  129. Financial Independence as a Road to Freedom of Speech?
  131. Just Post It.
  132. Posts Are Products
  133. Photography Entrepreneurship Ideas
  134. YOU ARE KING.
  135. You’re Always in BETA MODE
  136. Build Your Own Media Empire
  138. Why I Became an Entrepreneur
  139. The Uber-Photographer
  140. Create What You Would Like to See Manifested in the World
  141. Create the Future
  142. Entrepreneurship is Best During Uncertain Times
  143. Photography Entrepreneurship 101 Presentation by ERIC KIM
  144. Your Body is the Brand
  145. Your Name is Your Brand
  146. Create Your Own Social Media Platform
  148. Sell Yourself
  149. Create New
  150. Insta-Slaves
  152. Why Hybrid is the Future
  153. Don’t Censor Yourself
  156. If Someone Offers You Help, You’re Stupid to *NOT* Take It.
  158. How I Became So Famous
  159. Let Reality Mould Itself to You
  161. Live Your Life as If You Were a Billionaire
  163. Impact, Influence, Reach: The Three Pillars of Marketing
  165. Classicism.
  167. Money is Movement
  168. Elitism 2.0
  169. Mass Market or Luxury Market?
  170. Why You Must Market Yourself
  171. Why You Must Start an Email Newsletter
  172. How Laptops Can Change the World
  173. What Do You Want to Become?
  174. What is Really Holding You Back in Life?
  175. Why I Write: Writing as Meta-Thinking
  177. Use Your First and Last Name
  178. How Blogging Can Change the World
  179. In Praise of Liberty
  180. How I Write in Markdown
  181. How I Became So Influential on YouTube
  183. What a Time to Be Alive in Today’s Brave New World of Photography
  186. My Life Photography Entrepreneurship Story
  188. My Entrepreneurship Mindset
  190. My Money Philosophy
  191. Why Brand and Market Yourself?
  193. Just Share What Works for You
  194. How to Create Your Own Platform
  195. Living in a Post Monetary Society
  196. In Praise of Blogging
  197. The Entrepreneurial Lifestyle is the Best Lifestyle
  198. Algorithm Slavery
  200. Entrepreneurship is The Goal
  201. The Art of Blogging
  203. How to Make Great Titles
  204. Sole Proprietorship
  205. Just Build It.
  208. Become a Full-Stack Entrepreneur
  209. How to Entertain Others
  210. My Experience Teaching My First Online Photography Creativity Workshop on Zoom
  211. Humans Aren’t Lazy
  212. One Shot.
  214. The Brave New COVID Lifestyle
  215. Start Your Own Business
  216. Minimum Viable Income ( MVI)
  217. TRAINING.
  218. WHY VIDEO?
  219. How to Become Bolder
  220. You’ve Always Already Been a Photography Entrepreneur!
  221. The Future is All Digital Everything
  222. Digital Sharecropping
  224. In Praise of Buffer and Redundancy
  227. Advertise Your Own Stuff
  229. Simulated Universal Basic Income
  230. Is Losing Followers a Good Thing?
  231. How to Add to Economic Activity
  234. Anything is Possible
  237. How to Profit from Calamity
  238. Capitalism 2.0
  240. SOCIETY 2.0
  242. How to Make Art from Home
  244. JUST BLOG IT.
  248. Who Are Your Ideal Followers?
  249. Why I Blog, Vlog, and Log
  250. Your Perspective is Irrefutable
  251. What are Your Hidden Powers?
  252. IMPACT MAXIMIZATION, not Profit Maximization
  253. Our Desire to Maximize Impact and Change
  254. 10 Rich Tips How to Make Money from Photography
  255. Create What You Would Love to Consume
  256. Publish is Pleasure
  257. Retire Now
  258. Do You Desire to Become the Best?
  259. Solo Entrepreneurship
  260. My Vision of Photography Entrepreneurship
  262. The Desire to Transcend Ourselves
  264. How to Retire
  265. Via Negativa Productivity
  266. Why You Must Make Your Own Website
  267. Individuals over Companies
  268. Build Yourself
  269. Success is Survival
  270. Why You Shouldn’t Go to Photography or Art School
  271. How to Differentiate Yourself as a Photographer
  272. Surpass Yourself
  273. Can You Handle Extreme Freedom?
  274. Boutique or Mass Market?
  275. Proof of Concept
  276. Unified Field Theory for Photography
  277. Build a Company You’d Never Sell
  278. Play the Long Game
  279. Entrepreneurship and Art
  280. What is the Source of our Strength?
  281. What’s the Future for Photography?
  282. Full-Stack Visual Artist
  283. Why Scale?
  284. What is Your Unfair Advantage?
  285. Substance Marketing
  286. Share Your Dopeness with Others
  287. Frugality is Freedom
  288. Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for Entrepreneurship
  289. Don’t Follow or Predict Trends, Start Your Own Trend!
  290. If You’re Not Busy Growing, You’re Busy Dying
  291. Entrepreneurship born from Superabundance, not Need/Necessity
  292. Photography Entrepreneurship Philosophy
  293. How to Master Marketing in Photography
  294. Photography Entrepreneurship Tips and Ideas
  295. Is Hustle Sufficient Unto Success?
  296. Don’t do it for the money
  298. Zen Entrepreneurship
  300. Streamers Shall Inherit the Earth

Photography Blogging is our best friend.



Marketing and Branding

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Entrepreneurship Mindset

Photography Entrepreneurship 101

Life and Productivity Hacks

How to Make a Living from Your Passion

Put a Dent in the Universe.

How to Succeed as an Entrepreneur

entrepreneurship overview eric kim course

The Modern Photographer: Tips, Strategies, and Tactics to Thrive as a Visual Artist in the Digital Age

Marketing, Branding, Entrepreneurship Principles For Success

MODERN PHOTOGRAPHER is your new philosophical and practical primer to succeed as a modern photographer in today’s digital world.

Business Mental Models

How to Monetize Your Photography


Why Become a Photography Entrepreneur?

Take control of your own photographic destiny:

  1. Photography Startup Manual
  3. On Risk Taking and Entrepreneurship


Photography Entrepreneurship Articles




Table of Contents

Learn how to make a living from your passion:

Photography Business 101

How to Make Money with Photography


Photography Marketing 101

How to Hustle.

Entrepreneurial Principles

How to be a Full-time Photographer

Photography Blogging

How to Teach Photography

Social Media

How to Save Money



  1. Just Follow the Money
  2. My Money Philosophy
  3. Eternal fame and glory over money
  4. The Trillion Dollar Question: How to Make Money on the Internet Without Advertising?
  5. Entrepreneurship that Doesn’t Involve Money-Making?
  6. Money Ain’t Real
  7. Making Money for Fun, Not to Get Rich
  8. Why Money?

Who to trust? Don’t outsource your thinking!

First and foremost, don’t trust nobody but yourself. Why? You yourself are the center of all intelligence wisdom and critical thinking. To outsource your intelligence wisdom and thinking is base.

Don’t outsource your thinking!


Time for me to open up my own fight club!

Eric Kim has compiled a selection of quotes from “Fight Club,” capturing the film’s essence and themes. Some notable quotes include:

  1. “The things you own end up owning you.”
  2. “I look like you wanna look; I fuck like you wanna fuck; I am smart, capable, and more importantly — I’m free in all the ways that you are not.”
  3. “Were consumers; we are the byproducts of a lifestyle obsession. Murder, crime, poverty — these things don’t concern us.”
  4. “Self-improvement is masturbation. Seek self-destruction; seek anti-consumerism; anti-social media; anti-photography; anti-street; anti-role model.”
  5. “I see all this potential; and I see it all squandered. Entire generation of slaves with white collars.”
  6. “Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don’t need. No purpose or place. No great war, no great depression. Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great depression is our lives.”
  7. “Without pain and sacrifice, we would have nothing.”
  8. “It is only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything.” – Tyler Durden
  9. “You are not your job; you’re not how much money you have in the bank; you’re not the car you drive; you’re not the contents of your wallet.”
  10. “I don’t have a car” oai_citation:1,FIGHT CLUB QUOTES – ERIC KIM oai_citation:2,FIGHT CLUB QUOTES – ERIC KIM.

These quotes resonate with themes of anti-consumerism, self-identity, and the pursuit of freedom from societal norms. “Fight Club” explores the disconnection of modern individuals from authentic experiences and emotions, using sharp and provocative language to question the values and lifestyles of contemporary society.

Delving deeper into the analysis of these quotes:

  1. Nihilism and Despair: “It’s easy to cry when you realize that everyone you love will reject you or die. On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone will drop to zero.” This quote reflects the narrator’s nihilistic view of life, where despair becomes a solace in a world perceived as meaningless oai_citation:3,Fight Club Quotes and Analysis | GradeSaver.
  2. Identity Crisis: “If I could wake up in a different place, at a different time, could I wake up as a different person?” This contemplates the fluidity of identity and the dissociation between the narrator and his alter-ego, Tyler Durden oai_citation:4,Fight Club Quotes and Analysis | GradeSaver.
  3. The Fleeting Nature of Perfection: “One minute was enough, Tyler said, a person had to work hard for it, but a minute of perfection was worth the effort. A moment was the most you could ever expect from perfection.” This highlights the elusiveness of perfection and the intense effort needed to achieve fleeting moments of it oai_citation:5,Fight Club Quotes and Analysis | GradeSaver.
  4. Consumerism and Entrapment: “Then you’re trapped in your lovely nest, and the things you used to own, now they own you.” This speaks to the entrapment within consumer culture, where material possessions begin to control one’s life oai_citation:6,Fight Club Quotes and Analysis | GradeSaver.
  5. Dichotomy of Identity: “Who guys are in fight club is not who they are in the real world.” This quote emphasizes the contrast between societal identity and the more primal, authentic self revealed in the fight club oai_citation:7,Fight Club Quotes and Analysis | GradeSaver.
  6. Perfection vs. Self-Destruction: “Maybe self-improvement isn’t the answer… Maybe self-destruction is the answer.” This suggests that true self-discovery may require breaking down established perceptions and ideals oai_citation:8,Fight Club Quotes and Analysis | GradeSaver.
  7. Intensity of Living: “You aren’t alive anywhere like you’re alive at fight club.” This captures the raw, intense experience of being alive in moments of physical and emotional extremity, contrasting with the numbness of everyday life oai_citation:9,Fight Club Quotes and Analysis | GradeSaver.
  8. Freedom Through Loss: “‘It’s only after you’ve lost everything,’ Tyler says, ‘that you’re free to do anything.'” This encapsulates the concept of liberation through the loss of material and emotional attachments oai_citation:10,Fight Club Quotes and Analysis | GradeSaver.
  9. Deconstruction of Individuality: “‘You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic mater as everyone else, and we are all part of the same compost pile.'” This refutes the notion of inherent specialness, suggesting a collective, undifferentiated human existence oai_citation:11,Fight Club Quotes and Analysis | GradeSaver.
  10. Fatherhood and Faith: “‘If you’re male and you’re Christian and living in America, your father is your model for God. And if you never know your father, if your father bails out or dies or is never at home, what do you believe about God?'” This quote explores the relationship between paternal figures and religious belief oai_citation:12,Fight Club Quotes and Analysis | GradeSaver.
  11. Disillusionment of a Generation: “‘We are the middle children of history, raised by television to believe that someday we’ll be millionaires and movie stars and rock stars, but we won’t. And we’re just learning this fact,’ Tyler said. ‘So don’t fuck with us.'” This expresses the disillusionment of a generation raised with false promises and a sense of entitlement, only to face a different reality oai_citation:13,Fight Club Quotes and Analysis | GradeSaver.

“Fight Club” uses these themes to critique modern society’s obsessions with materialism, identity, and the illusion of individuality, raising profound questions about the nature of reality and our place in it.

Kirk Douglas Quotes

Here are more quotes from Kirk Douglas, showcasing his wisdom, humor, and perspective on life and acting:

  1. Insight on Relationships: “If you want to know about a man, you can find out an awful lot by looking at who he married” oai_citation:1,40 Best Kirk Douglas Quotes About Acting & Dealing With Adversity | YourTango.
  2. On Love and Aging: “Love has more depth as you get older” oai_citation:2,40 Best Kirk Douglas Quotes About Acting & Dealing With Adversity | YourTango.
  3. Fame and Change: “When you become a star, you don’t change — everyone else does” oai_citation:3,40 Best Kirk Douglas Quotes About Acting & Dealing With Adversity | YourTango.
  4. Character Depth in Acting: “When you play a weak character, find a moment when he’s strong, and when you play a strong character, find a moment when he’s weak” oai_citation:4,40 Best Kirk Douglas Quotes About Acting & Dealing With Adversity | YourTango.
  5. From Poverty to Success: “I came from abject poverty. There was nowhere to go but up” oai_citation:5,40 Best Kirk Douglas Quotes About Acting & Dealing With Adversity | YourTango.
  6. Self-Perception: “I was not a tough guy [in real life], I just acted like one” oai_citation:6,40 Best Kirk Douglas Quotes About Acting & Dealing With Adversity | YourTango.
  7. Complexity of Characters: “People are composed of many things, and in my work, what influences me is the complexity of people — the chiaroscuro of dark and light. When I play a strong guy, I try to find, where is he weak? And conversely, when I play a weak guy, where is he strong?” oai_citation:7,40 Best Kirk Douglas Quotes About Acting & Dealing With Adversity | YourTango.
  8. On Being a Father: “I am so proud of Michael because he never followed my advice. I wanted him to be a doctor or lawyer, and the first time I saw him in a play I told him he was terrible, but then I saw him a second time and I said: ‘You were wonderful!’ And I think he is very good in everything he’s done” oai_citation:8,40 Best Kirk Douglas Quotes About Acting & Dealing With Adversity | YourTango.
  9. Perspective on the Past: “People are always talking about the old days. They say that the old movies were better, that the old actors were so great. But I don’t think so. All I can say about the old days is that they have passed” oai_citation:9,40 Best Kirk Douglas Quotes About Acting & Dealing With Adversity | YourTango.
  10. The Actor’s Spirit: “All children are natural actors, and I’m still a kid. If you grow up completely, you can never be an actor” oai_citation:10,40 Best Kirk Douglas Quotes About Acting & Dealing With Adversity | YourTango.

These quotes reflect Kirk Douglas’s insightful observations on life, acting, and personal growth. They offer a window into his philosophy and character, painting a picture of a man who was not only a great actor but also a thoughtful and reflective individual.


Some thoughts on Jewish people:

First, seems that American people are suspicious of Jewish people because they don’t understand Jewish people –their customs their beliefs, their names their clothing, how they talk, their last names, cultural thoughts etc.

For example, Hanukkah. A menorah dreidel etc.… going to the temple? The average Christian, Catholic protestant in America has no idea what Judaism, being Jewish is all about.

I’m speaking from the perspective of being born and raised, baptized Roman Catholic, growing up in a liberal Korean American Catholic circle, and also later becoming Sunday school teacher and even Sunday school principal.

First, at least for Catholic people we don’t really care for Jewish people. We don’t really think about them, nor care, and we don’t criticize or critique them. We don’t even know who Jewish people are what they are, and we really don’t care.

I think for Christian protestants, Lutheran’s Baptists or whatever… also, they don’t really care about Jewish people that much either. There are more interested in leaving Jewish people alone, and trying to proselytize and convert more normal people into their protestant sect.

Catholicism is interesting because we are not rabid religious zealots. We are very tolerant actually; we allow other people to do as they please, even one hot fact that people don’t know, the Catholic Church is actually very open to the LGBTQ community, and being gay. The only thing that the Catholic Church doesn’t like is gay people having intercourse, as the Catholic Church believes the purpose of intercourse is for a man and a woman to get a child, which I get. 

So who is anti-Jewish?

I think actually, the African-American community the “black” community is actually the ones who are anti-Jewish. Why? I think there actually is a history of exploitation or perhaps power dynamic issues between powerful and rich Jewish executives in the music rap industry and poor African-American aspiring rapper kids, who come from the hood.

I heard from this one cool African-American guy that I met who’s been to Nigeria Lagos and traveled a bunch and knows history told me that even a lot of the original jazz divas, jazz musicians, James Brown and all of that music was mostly bankrolled by Jewish media executives, even if you read Henry Ford’s anti-Semitic publication, the international Jew, there is actually a section on which it is mentioned that jazz is a Jewish phenomenon.

A funny thought:

Then is rap music, Jewish music?

Even Ben Horowitz, the great Silicon Valley entrepreneur and venture capitalist, who is also Jewish American, put out a rap album as a kid! Even apparently Kanye West has ties with Ben Horowitz.

Who doesn’t care?

So at least for Asians, Asian Americans, or the new elite rich Asians in Asia, they are unapologetically racist. Also, there is a strict caste system and hierarchy in Asia. Only poor slave like indentured people do the dirty work of sanitation and hygiene, sweeping and mopping at the mall, cooking food, taking care of kids, waiters and waitresses, working at coffee shop etc. The rich just lounge, hang out, drink coffee, wear luxury clothes, and want to be seen. Compare this to funny America where everyone thinks that kind of labor is beneath them — the notion of the benevolent virtue of “work, respect for one’s work” and “career”.

Why so many cultural clashes in America?

America is a very strange hodgepodge of things because in America, we are almost too multicultural. 

For example, let us consider that essentially the first founding fathers of America were British people who didn’t like Britain, and fled. The early American settlers came to America and colonized America because it didn’t like the policies of the British monarchy and king, they were essentially the first troublemakers.

Fast forward to today, cultural vestiges of Quakerism, Protestantism, Benjamin Franklin and the protestant work ethic etc.… the new world order and ethos is towards capitalism. Like Kanye said: 

White people make money don’t spend it. But I’d rather buy 80 gold chains and go ‘ignant’!

How people profit

One of my workshop attendees when I was in New York told me a funny Jewish or a Yiddish thing; one generation makes the money, the next generation conserves the money, the third generation spoils all the money, and thus, the cycle continues.

Jewish people just want to be left alone 

I think the truth is Jewish people just want to be left alone, and like any good immigrant, they were actually very pro assimilation. For example Kirk Douglas, changed his last name because he wanted to “fit in” in Hollywood, and not be stigmatized for his Jewish background. His real name is Issur Danielovitdh. Doesn’t sound as catchy as a good simple “American” sounding name.

Kirk Douglas was the son of Jewish immigrants fro, Belarus, spoke Yiddish growing up and faced poverty and antisemitism early on.

Apparently Walt Disney was very anti-Semitic and anti-Jewish.

Even in today’s world, why is the modern-day American or person so anti-Jewish?

Just look at these podcasts, anybody who has anything bad to say about Jewish people. They tend to be weak, skinny, anemic, probably drink too much vegetable juice or green fruit juice or whatever, don’t eat enough meat, has too low testosterone. 

I have a theory that actually, the higher your testosterone, the more tolerant and open minded you are. It seems only low testosterone men are the ones who blame others, hate, etc.

Scapegoating is a tactic of the weak, meek, powerless and castrated.

Solution ideas 

  1. First and foremost, I think everybody should do some sort of DNA test, DNA testing or whatever, and find out that their genetic heritage is actually more diverse than they thought it was. For example imagine if you are anti-Jewish and anti-Semitic, and you did a DNA test and you actually found out that you were part Jewish? Even the fun fact, people don’t want you to know this… Japanese people descended from Korean people and the Yayoi people — and also I think Korean people we descended from the Chinese Mongolians? And ultimately if you go back far enough we all came from Africa anyways. 
  2. I really do believe that ChatGPT 4, AI can actually make people more tolerant. Why? For example get the paid ChatGPT paid plus premium, and ask it “What are some common misconceptions about Islam“? Or, “What are some common misconceptions about Catholicism?” or, “what are some misconceptions about Judaism?”. To debunk conspiracy theories, myths, and other insane nonsense is critical.

It ain’t my fault you’re so poor! 

A lot of people who talk about Jewish people owning the whole banking system international finance whatever, I think these individuals were complaining are because they themselves are poor, in poverty, or have financial problems, and once again they are looking for a scapegoat. Nobody likes to think:

Wow, perhaps I should go back to medical school, law school, become a doctor or lawyer, or do a coding Boot Camp, or go to community college and teach myself computer programming, and get a better pay job as a programmer, etc.

Why don’t people like to take responsibility of themselves?

I think the big issue here is that I don’t know if it is a learned behavior, a cultural behavior or something else?

One of the good things about the immigrant mentality is the ethos, which I think is a good one… That “if you work hard enough“, you will become successful“.

For example just watch fight club, do you remember that scene where Brad Pitt puts a fake gun with no bullets in the barrel against the kids head, telling him to go back to law school or doctor school or whatever? There were no bullets in the gun!  

I think maybe the issue is if you were born in the states, to all occasion family, or maybe something else… And there hasn’t really been a history of struggle in your family or your life, there is this “learned helplessness” which occurs and happens.

Instagram, YouTube is to blame?

OK, if you spend too much time on Instagram, or read it, or Google, Wikipedia, YouTube etc.… Sooner or later you all fall into weird weird conspiracy theories.

In fact, my greatest shock is often, the most intelligent people that I know fall into the conspiracy theories.

For example one of my friends who is a PhD graduate from UC Berkeley, theorized that Kanye West was in fact, and the reason why he was so into fashion and going to Paris was to go see his gay romantic partners, and that Kim Kardashian was just a cover-up for his gayness, and that in fact Kim Kardashian was secretly fly on a private jet to Saudi Arabia or the Middle East to have sex with some princes or whatever, for high sums of money etc.

I was so insanely shocked because here is this area date scholar man, well-versed in history, insanely intelligent and critical, falling victim to these weird conspiracy theories?

Also, some thing I have learned about academics, scholars at the Ivy League schools, Harvard Yale Princeton Brown University, UC Berkeley UCLA etc.… They are all addicted to Netflix, checking their Gmail for too many times a day, not eating enough meat, not exercising enough, drinking too much alcohol (it seems that universally all academic scholar professors are either alcoholics, or smoke too much weed). Let us consider the height in Apex of these intelligent scholars; the ones that shape public opinion and policy… If they themselves are the ones who are also physically and mentally sick, what will the public opinion be?

Have you really met these rich famous people in real life in the flesh?

Spending a lot of time in Beverly Hills Holby Hills, Culver City etc.… I have definitely rubbed shoulders with a lot of famous, notable, “beautiful” people. And truth be told, in the flash when you see them face-to-face are not very impressive.

First and foremost, a lot of them are actually quite short. Isn’t Tom Cruise like 5 foot seven or something? Or 5 foot six?

Kanye West I think is also 5 foot seven.

So a lot of these “Shorty guys”, have Napoleon syndrome here; they try to make up for their insecurity of being short through other weird ways like buying an expensive car, whatever?

Even a lot of these “beautiful women“ in LA; if you look at them up close and in person in the flesh, indirect sunlight, in fact, a lot of them look quite repulsive in the flesh because you can tell that they’ve had some weird Botox lip fillers or face fillers or something, they essentially look like Hyenas who had some sort of allergic facial reaction.

Even something that’s becoming more mainstream now, people injecting stuff in their face? Collagen, other things in their face? Even for men in their 50s and 60s, apparently it is popular to Botox surface as well? I think this is a bad idea.

Who to trust?

First and foremost, don’t trust nobody but yourself. Why? You yourself are the center of all intelligence wisdom and critical thinking. To outsource your intelligence wisdom and thinking is base. 

Also, even when you meet really intelligent people, a lot of them are also not very critical. They can quote all of these boring old French thinkers until no end, as Nassim Taleb calls them “international Association of named droppers“, they themselves have no true original ideas which is vested in themselves. 

Also, it also seems that a lot of these academics spend too much time watching sports – Steph Curry and the Golden State Warriors, other sports etc. Into me watching sports on television is almost like the male version of pornography.

Critical thinking

To me critical thinking is being the judge, weighing the information yourself. For example, even if you discover the truth, you gotta ask yourself “Does this even matter?”

“So what?”

For example, let us say all the conspiracy theories are true, we never landed on the moon yada yada yada, Jewish people run the world whatever, you gotta ask yourself:

Does this even matter?

I don’t think so. Why? The joy and the glory of free market capitalism in America is that in theory, you as a sole proprietor can start your business right now, start selling products and services on PayPal, your own woocommerce enabled website, or using Shopify or whatever else —  and you could take a profit.

Actually the benefit of having a day job is you could do very very risky entrepreneurial ventures on the side, while  still being able to pay your rent.

Certainly having to be employed full-time is hiring, but there are very creative ways you could leverage your time. For example, my pragmatic thought is this:

Do the bare minimum of work necessary without getting fired. 

So let us say that you work at a tech company or whatever, Google Amazon Facebook Apple whatever, just show up, click your paycheck, or zoom in, and during all your extra time, build your empire on the side.

Now what?

Just think to yourself, at what point do we scapegoat others?

A funny intervention that I had was thinking; what if in fact I am actually the bad guy? And I was the bad guy all along?

Everyone likes to see themselves as the judicious hero in their own life’s narrative, and everybody else is the bad guy, doing them injustice. 

Personally speaking I witness this with my father; he was always blaming other people for everything. Blaming my mom, blaming my grandfather on my mom‘s side, my mom‘s relatives family members etc., yet, he never blamed himself? 

Also something really weird; he would always blame other people, all the time, yet, ever since I was two years old, he never had a job?

I think as a child, you are keenly aware of things. Kids are 1 trillion times more intelligent than their parents think. Kids are no fools.

Now what?

This is what I say, fuck it!  Lettuce assume that all the conspiracy theories are true, that we never landed on the moon, we never kept it Hitler and he went to some sort of bunker in an article or whatever, and that also, there are some sort of world conspiracy illuminati thing happening. So what? Does it matter?

No. You control your own destiny, you create your own future.

Simple things:

  1. Don’t waste money. We waste money by buying new cars, luxury goods and things, going to debt use credit cards etc. I’m even starting to think that the new millennial trap is buying a house, it looks like this is the new modern day trip, because technically even if you buy a house, you yourself don’t really own that house, the bank owns your house! You never really own it until you have hundred percent paid it all off in cash, or if you bought it with 100% cash offer. But even still, the big issue at hand is you still gotta pay property tax on it! This is literally money you’ll never ever see again, money which is essentially thrown in the gutter. And let us say you own expensive house, and you bought it in all the cash, you might have to still pay it around $1500-$2000 month just in property taxes! Just add another thousand dollars and you got rent money! 
  2. Start a website a blog posted on and — what is a quadrillion times cheaper than owning property, buying a new car etc.? Starting a website! It is so easy, so chief, so accessible, the barrier to entry is only entering your credit card information. Consider how less tedious this is than having to go through the whole escrow process of purchasing a house, which can often take up to a year!
  3. Start publishing your thoughts on anything and everything: to me, all ideas are good ideas, as long as they are personally motivated, something you are genuinely interested in, and also something you genuinely care for. The only crime is when you create something or publish something because you think other people like it. To me this is a sign of cowardice.

So what do you want to build? 

“I want to build now!” – Cindy

The greatest muse in my life is my wife and partner Cindy. To me, she is an exemplary figure of somebody who has taken the rain by her arms, her hands, and steered and crafted her own unique future. and and also — her own brain children!

I think the life the ultimate thing to seek is a great creative partner. Somebody who has your creative compliment, part of your own plan, your own party, your own squad.

For example, the personality of me and Cindy differs greatly, yet we are both still committed to being curious, creative, and we both have a passion for the arts, the world, travel etc.

Also, if you’re a man, I just suggest you to go out and look for wifey material. Ignore everything else.

Either find a wife get married and have kids, or stay a bachelor.

Creating your own future

The best way to create your own future is maybe through your art?

The other day Cindy myself and Seneca went to the Getty, in LA, on top of the hill, our minds were blown! Parking is 20 bucks, but admission is free! 

We took the tram to the top of the hill, and marveled at these great architectural wonders of the space, the breathtaking view, and also all the great artwork enclosed in the gallery.

It seems at the end of the day, after all the wealth and riches and whatever, whatever everyone loves and inspires for is art. Art, art production, art Curation whether it be paintings photos videos sculpture, drawings, printed matter, objects etc.

To me anything and everything could be art, what I just think is art is simply something that you create with love and care and attention, and put it out into the world, whether digitally or physically or both.

Art profiteering

To make a profit off your art, not a bad thing, but also not critical. Some people think the typical capitalist way; in order to become a legitimate artist, I must sell my artwork for a lot of money, as money as a metric of success in America and beyond. 

But is this true? No.

McDonald’s might be the most profitable and most consumed restaurant in the world, but is it of the highest grade? No. Also Starbucks is the number one most consumed coffee beverage in the world, but is Starbucks coffee the apex of great coffee? No.  

Technically android is actually more popular than iPhone, there are more android devices in the world than iPhones, but does that make android better than Apple and iPhone? No. The URX of the iPhone is at least 1 trillion times better than android.

Also, iPhone the iPhone camera is the most used camera on the planet, what is it the best quality? No. The best quality would probably be some sort of Rico Pentex camera, or some sort of Panasonic Lumix camera. And let us not forget that Leica cameras essentially used borrow technology from Panasonic Lumix.

The world is inconsistent

I think one of the greatest things I have learned starting sociology philosophy etc. is that the world is very inconsistent. 

For example, we are told that it is virtuous to be meek, humble or whatever… Yet everybody in America wants to flex on how rich successful famous they are, or what part they drive?

For example even Christian theology? Humbleness and meekness is praised, yet people will “virtue flex“, by broadcasting into the world how “good” other person they are?

For example, people who post to social media about donating to some sort of cause nonprofit or adopting an animal or whatever. We’re posting Bible scriptures or whatever. I don’t think this is virtuous at all. In fact, isn’t it Jesus that said, when you give to the temple, or you donate to charity, let your left-hand not know what your right hand is doing?

I wonder if Jesus was alive today he would say:

If you’re going to donate to charity, don’t name the building after yourself or a family member, don’t name the foundation after yourself, never publicly donate money under your name, and never publish it to the news or social media.

In fact, I think the rapper Pusha T actually donated 18 wheelers of freshwater to Flint Michigan, anonymously without telling nobody, he is truly virtuous. 

Why so miserable?

If you’re dark depressed and EMO or whatever… Just moved to LA, I recommend Culver City, I especially really like the Culver City arts district. I really like the platform park, the new downtown Culver steps area, in front of the Philz Coffee, the whole area.

I wonder if the reason why a lot of people are so dark and grim is simply because they live somewhere with poor weather?

I know personally that when I was in Berlin, eastern Europe, Prague, Marseille in the winter time, it was some of the most depressive times of my life. 

And on the contrary, some of the happiest times in my life or when I was in Vietnam, in Hanoi and Saigon, in Panam Cambodia, other places with good climate, bright light and sun good weather.

Your mind and your body is precious.

Don’t prostitute your mind, your body your soul.

Prostitution is not just sexual, it could be your mental abilities, your physical body whatever.

Prostitution isn’t just about your sexual organs, your penis or vagina your butt hole your mouth your hands or whatever, maybe… the more critical thing is your soul?

Your soul not as some hocus-pocus concept. Rather, your soul is a combination of your personality, your thoughts, your body, your opinions your beliefs your thoughts your abilities your capabilities, your skills etc. 

The mortal soul. That is when your body dies, your soul also dies. 

Memento mori

Remember that you must die, and you will die. Death is also also one of our final duties.

Therefore just thinking consider an ask yourself, in this short and cruel life that we live in, how can we discover more more joy, more thanksgiving, more happiness, more Thanksgiving?

How can we contribute more to the world to others to our progeny, our children are friends and communities and the world?


We need new concepts

My big critique of modern day media movies etc. is that it is all the same same. It is not necessarily the movie or TV show or series itself which is the issue here, but rather the concept, the overall gist behind it.

For example, at this point I’m pretty bored with the whole superhero notion. The same thing goes with a lot of these crime drama thrillers, etc. We need a totally new type of movie, a totally new type of concept. Even a lot of these films which highlight the biography or story of an interesting person, this is an overplayed trope.

We need something radically different. I actually think a more interesting idea will be this kind of futuristic dystopian notion of the human body, muscles, fitness, and philosophy? Imagine like the movie 300 meets the matrix?

The first 10 seconds

You can see whether something is interesting or boring based on the first 10 seconds of watching it.


Ok … when you wanna delete, unsubscribe or something from something … why is it so fucking annoying? Just one click done dammit!

Don’t offer me a damn “last chance to keep my subscription BS”!


Often we are using things that ain’t optimal or the best … and there are *better* and more superior and supreme options out there. However the issue —

When you try to adopt a new platform technology or whatever… perhaps the “gains” from this new technology or platform *IS A NET-NEGATIVE* to what you already know.

For example for my website domain — the domain host sucks, but still … I know how to navigate it and how it works. I can “upgrade” to a “better” host, but I’m sure I’m gonna break something or lose a lot of gains in order to try to figure out something new.


Why this matters so much?

To me, how one researches is actually more fascinating and interesting than their findings!

Or in other words, how one thinks.

Split screen — screen recording:


You don’t need fiber for digestion! I’m 100% carnivore red meat beef lamb diet and I go consistently every single day, I’m the morning after my morning coffee and tap water?


Think quality — quality is critical!

It never pays to go cheap!

10 Years

If you knew you were going to die in 10 years, how would you live your life or differently?

What’s Real?

You, yourself, your family, your wife, your kids, etc.


Some thoughts on Jewish people:

First, seems that American people are suspicious of Jewish people because they don’t understand Jewish people their customs their beliefs, their names their clothing they talk, their last names, cultural thoughts etc.

For example, Hanukkah. A menorah dreidel etc.… A lot, temple? The average Christian, Catholic protestant in America has no idea what Judaism, being Jewish is all about.

I’m speaking from the perspective of being born and raised, baptized Roman Café, growing up in a liberal Korean American Catholic Circle, and also later becoming Sunday school teacher and even Sunday school principal.

First, at least for Catholic people we don’t really care for Jewish people. We don’t really think about them, nor care, and we don’t criticize or critique them. We don’t even know who Jewish people are what they are, and we really don’t care.

I think for Christian protestants, Lutheran’s Baptist or whatever… Also, they don’t really care about Jewish people that much either. There are more interested in leaving Jewish people alone, and trying to proselytize and convert more normal people into their protestant sect.

Catholicism is interesting because we are not rabid religious zealots. We are very tolerant actually; we allow other people to do as they please, even one hot fact that people don’t know, the Catholic Church is actually very open to the LGBTQ community, and being gay. The only thing that the Catholic Church doesn’t like is gay people having intercourse, as the Catholic Church believes the purpose of intercourse is for a man and a woman to get a child, which I get. 

So who is anti-Jewish?

I think actually, the African-American community the “black” community is actually the ones who are anti-Jewish. Why? I think they’re actually is a history of exploitation or perhaps power dynamic issues between powerful and rich Jewish executives in the music rap industry and poor African-American aspiring rapper kids, who come from the hood.

I heard from this one African-American guy that I met who’s been to Nigeria Legos and travel a bunch history is that even a lot of the original jazz divas, jazz musicians, James Brown and all of that music was mostly bankrolled by Jewish media executives, even if you read Henry Ford’s anti-Semitic publication, the international Jew, there is actually a section on which it is mentioned that jazz is a Jewish phenomenon.

A funny thought:

Then is rap music, Jewish music?

Even Ben Horowitz, the great Silicon Valley entrepreneur adventure capitalist, who is also Jewish American, put out a rap album as a kid! Even apparently Kanye West has ties with Ben Horowitz.

Who doesn’t care?

So at least for Asians, Asian Americans, or the new elite rich Asians in Asia, they are unapologetically racist. Also, there is a strict caste system and hierarchy in Asia. Only poor slave like indentured people do the dirty work of sanitation and hygiene, sweeping and mopping at the mall, cooking food, taking care of kids, Waiters and waitresses, working at coffee shop etc. The rich just lounge, hang out, drink coffee, wear luxury clothes, and want to be seen.

America is a very strange hodgepodge of things because in America, we are almost too multicultural. 

For example, let us consider that essentially the first founding fathers of America were British people who didn’t like Britain, and fled. The early American settlers came to America and colonized America because it didn’t like the policies of the British monarchy and king, they were essentially the first troublemakers.

Fast forward to today, their layers of Quakerism, prostatism, Benjamin Franklin and the protestant work ethic etc.… the new world order and ethos is towards capitalism. Like Kanye said: 

White people make money don’t spend it.

But I’d rather buy 80 gold chains and go ‘ignant.

How people profit

One of my workshop attendees when I was in New York told me a funny Jewish or a Yiddish thing; one generation makes the money, the next generation conserves the money, the third generation spoils all the money, and thus, the cycle continues.

Jewish people just want to be left alone 

I think the truth is Jewish people just want to be left alone, and like any good immigrant, they were actually very pro assimilation. For example Kirk Douglas, change his last name because he wanted to “fit in” in Hollywood, and not be stigmatized for his Jewish background. Apparently Walt Disney was very anti-Semitic and anti-Jewish.

Even in today’s world, why is the modern-day American or person so anti-Jewish?

Just look at these podcasts, anybody who has anything bad to say about Jewish people. They tend to be weak, skinny, anemic, probably drink too much vegetable juice or green fruit juice or whatever, don’t eat enough meat, has too low testosterone. 

I have a theory that actually, the higher your testosterone, the more tolerant and open minded you are. It seems only low testosterone men are the ones who blame others, hate, etc.

Solution ideas 

  1. First and foremost, I think everybody should do some sort of DNA test, DNA testing or whatever, and find out that their genetic heritage is actually more diverse than they thought it was.  for example imagine if you are anti-Jewish and anti-Semitic, and you did a DNA test and you actually found out that you were part Jewish? Even the fun fact, people don’t want you to know this… Japanese people descended from Korean people and the Yayoi people — and also I think Korean people we descended from the Chinese Mongolian? And ultimately if you go back far enough we all came from Africa anyways. 
  2. I really do believe that ChatGPT four, AI can actually make people more tolerant. Why? For example get the page at PT plus premium, and ask it “what are some common misconceptions about Islam“? Or, “what are some common misconceptions about Catholicism?” or, “what are some misconceptions about Judaism?”. To debunk conspiracy theories, myths, and other insane nonsense is critical.

It ain’t my fault you’re so poor! 

A lot of people who talk about Jewish people owning the whole banking system international finance whatever, I think these individuals were complaining are because they themselves are poor, in poverty, or have financial problems, and once again they are looking for a scapegoat. Nobody likes to think:

Wow, perhaps I should go back to medical school, law school, become a doctor or lawyer, or do a coding Boot Camp, or go to community college and teach myself computer programming, and get a better pay job as a programmer, etc.

Why don’t people like to take responsibility of themselves?

I think the big issue here is that I don’t know if it is a learned behavior, a cultural behavior or something else?

One of the good things about the immigrant mentality is the ethos, which I think is a good one… That “if you work hard enough“, you will become successful“.

For example just watch fight club, do you remember that scene where Brad Pitt puts a fake gun with no bullets in the barrel against the kids head, telling him to go back to law school or doctor school or whatever? There were no bullets in the gun!  

I think maybe the issue is if you were born in the states, to all occasion family, or maybe something else… And there hasn’t really been a history of struggle in your family or your life, there is this “learned helplessness” which occurs and happens.

Instagram, YouTube is to blame?

OK, if you spend too much time on Instagram, or read it, or Google, Wikipedia, YouTube etc.… Sooner or later you all fall into weird weird conspiracy theories.

In fact, my greatest shock is often, the most intelligent people that I know fall into the conspiracy theories.

For example one of my friends who is a PhD graduate from UC Berkeley, theorized that Kanye West was in fact, and the reason why he was so into fashion and going to Paris was to go see his gay romantic partners, and that Kim Kardashian was just a cover-up for his gayness, and that in fact Kim Kardashian was secretly fly on a private jet to Saudi Arabia or the Middle East to have sex with some princes or whatever, for high sums of money etc.

I was so insanely shocked because here is this area date scholar man, well-versed in history, insanely intelligent and critical, falling victim to these weird conspiracy theories?

Also, some thing I have learned about academics, scholars at the Ivy League schools, Harvard Yale Princeton Brown University, UC Berkeley UCLA etc.… They are all addicted to Netflix, checking their Gmail for too many times a day, not eating enough meat, not exercising enough, drinking too much alcohol (it seems that universally all academic scholar professors are either alcoholics, or smoke too much weed). Let us consider the height in Apex of these intelligent scholars; the ones that shape public opinion and policy… If they themselves are the ones who are also physically and mentally sick, what will the public opinion be?

Have you really met these rich famous people in real life in the flesh?

Spending a lot of time in Beverly Hills Holby Hills, Culver City etc.… I have definitely rubbed shoulders with a lot of famous, notable, “beautiful” people. And truth be told, in the flash when you see them face-to-face are not very impressive.

First and foremost, a lot of them are actually quite short. Isn’t Tom Cruise like 5 foot seven or something? Or 5 foot six?

Kanye West I think is also 5 foot seven.

So a lot of these “Shorty guys”, have Napoleon syndrome here; they try to make up for their insecurity of being short through other weird ways like buying an expensive car, whatever?

Even a lot of these “beautiful women“ in LA; if you look at them up close and in person in the flesh, indirect sunlight, in fact, a lot of them look quite repulsive in the flesh because you can tell that they’ve had some weird Botox lip fillers or face fillers or something, they essentially look like Hyenas who had some sort of allergic facial reaction.

Even something that’s becoming more mainstream now, people injecting stuff in their face? Collagen, other things in their face? Even for men in their 50s and 60s, apparently it is popular to Botox surface as well? I think this is a bad idea.

Who to trust?

First and foremost, don’t trust nobody but yourself. Why? You yourself are the center of all intelligence wisdom and critical thinking. To outsource your intelligence wisdom and thinking is base. 

Also, even when you meet really intelligent people, a lot of them are also not very critical. They can quote all of these boring old French thinkers until no end, as Nassim Taleb calls them “international Association of named droppers“, they themselves have no true original ideas which is vested in themselves. 

Also, it also seems that a lot of these academics spend too much time watching sports – Steph Curry and the Golden State Warriors, other sports etc. Into me watching sports on television is almost like the male version of pornography.

Critical thinking

To me critical thinking is being the judge, weighing the information yourself. For example, even if you discover the truth, you gotta ask yourself “Does this even matter?”

“So what?”

For example, let us say all the conspiracy theories are true, we never landed on the moon yada yada yada, Jewish people run the world whatever, you gotta ask yourself:

Does this even matter?

I don’t think so. Why? The joy and the glory of free market capitalism in America is that in theory, you as a sole proprietor can start your business right now, start selling products and services on PayPal, your own woocommerce enabled website, or using Shopify or whatever else —  and you could take a profit.

Actually the benefit of having a day job is you could do very very risky entrepreneurial ventures on the side, while  still being able to pay your rent.

Certainly having to be employed full-time is hiring, but there are very creative ways you could leverage your time. For example, my pragmatic thought is this:

Do the bare minimum of work necessary without getting fired. 

So let us say that you work at a tech company or whatever, Google Amazon Facebook Apple whatever, just show up, click your paycheck, or zoom in, and during all your extra time, build your empire on the side.

Now what?

Just think to yourself, at what point do we scapegoat others?

A funny intervention that I had was thinking; what if in fact I am actually the bad guy? And I was the bad guy all along?

Everyone likes to see themselves as the judicious hero in their own life’s narrative, and everybody else is the bad guy, doing them injustice. 

Personally speaking I witness this with my father; he was always blaming other people for everything. Blaming my mom, blaming my grandfather on my mom‘s side, my mom‘s relatives family members etc., yet, he never blamed himself? 

Also something really weird; he would always blame other people, all the time, yet, ever since I was two years old, he never had a job?

I think as a child, you are keenly aware of things. Kids are 1 trillion times more intelligent than their parents think. Kids are no fools.

Now what?

This is what I say, fuck it!  Lettuce assume that all the conspiracy theories are true, that we never landed on the moon, we never kept it Hitler and he went to some sort of bunker in an article or whatever, and that also, there are some sort of world conspiracy illuminati thing happening. So what? Does it matter?

No. You control your own destiny, you create your own future.

Simple things:

  1. Don’t waste money. We waste money by buying new cars, luxury goods and things, going to debt use credit cards etc. I’m even starting to think that the new millennial trap is buying a house, it looks like this is the new modern day trip, because technically even if you buy a house, you yourself don’t really own that house, the bank owns your house! You never really own it until you have hundred percent paid it all off in cash, or if you bought it with 100% cash offer. But even still, the big issue at hand is you still gotta pay property tax on it! This is literally money you’ll never ever see again, money which is essentially thrown in the gutter. And let us say you own expensive house, and you bought it in all the cash, you might have to still pay it around $1500-$2000 month just in property taxes! Just add another thousand dollars and you got rent money! 
  2. Start a website a blog posted on and — what is a quadrillion times cheaper than owning property, buying a new car etc.? Starting a website! It is so easy, so chief, so accessible, the barrier to entry is only entering your credit card information. Consider how less tedious this is than having to go through the whole escrow process of purchasing a house, which can often take up to a year!
  3. Start publishing your thoughts on anything and everything: to me, all ideas are good ideas, as long as they are personally motivated, something you are genuinely interested in, and also something you genuinely care for. The only crime is when you create something or publish something because you think other people like it. To me this is a sign of cowardice.

So what do you want to build? 

“I want to build now!” – Cindy

The greatest muse in my life is my wife and partner Cindy. To me, she is an exemplary figure of somebody who has taken the rain by her arms, her hands, and steered and crafted her own unique future. and and also — her own brain children!

I think the life the ultimate thing to seek is a great creative partner. Somebody who has your creative compliment, part of your own plan, your own party, your own squad.

For example, the personality of me and Cindy differs greatly, yet we are both still committed to being curious, creative, and we both have a passion for the arts, the world, travel etc.

Also, if you’re a man, I just suggest you to go out and look for wifey material. Ignore everything else.

Either find a wife get married and have kids, or stay a bachelor.

Creating your own future

The best way to create your own future is maybe through your art?

The other day Cindy myself and Seneca went to the Getty, in LA, on top of the hill, our minds were blown! Parking is 20 bucks, but admission is free! 

We took the tram to the top of the hill, and marveled at these great architectural wonders of the space, the breathtaking view, and also all the great artwork enclosed in the gallery.

It seems at the end of the day, after all the wealth and riches and whatever, whatever everyone loves and inspires for is art. Art, art production, art Curation whether it be paintings photos videos sculpture, drawings, printed matter, objects etc.

To me anything and everything could be art, what I just think is art is simply something that you create with love and care and attention, and put it out into the world, whether digitally or physically or both.

Art profiteering

To make a profit off your art, not a bad thing, but also not critical. Some people think the typical capitalist way; in order to become a legitimate artist, I must sell my artwork for a lot of money, as money as a metric of success in America and beyond. 

But is this true? No.

McDonald’s might be the most profitable and most consumed restaurant in the world, but is it of the highest grade? No. Also Starbucks is the number one most consumed coffee beverage in the world, but is Starbucks coffee the apex of great coffee? No.  

Technically android is actually more popular than iPhone, there are more android devices in the world than iPhones, but does that make android better than Apple and iPhone? No. The URX of the iPhone is at least 1 trillion times better than android.

Also, iPhone the iPhone camera is the most used camera on the planet, what is it the best quality? No. The best quality would probably be some sort of Rico Pentex camera, or some sort of Panasonic Lumix camera. And let us not forget that Leica cameras essentially used borrow technology from Panasonic Lumix.

The world is inconsistent

I think one of the greatest things I have learned starting sociology philosophy etc. is that the world is very inconsistent. 

For example, we are told that it is virtuous to be meek, humble or whatever… Yet everybody in America wants to flex on how rich successful famous they are, or what part they drive?

For example even Christian theology? Humbleness and meekness is praised, yet people will “virtue flex“, by broadcasting into the world how “good” other person they are?

For example, people who post to social media about donating to some sort of cause nonprofit or adopting an animal or whatever. We’re posting Bible scriptures or whatever. I don’t think this is virtuous at all. In fact, isn’t it Jesus that said, when you give to the temple, or you donate to charity, let your left-hand not know what your right hand is doing?

I wonder if Jesus was alive today he would say:

If you’re going to donate to charity, don’t name the building after yourself or a family member, don’t name the foundation after yourself, never publicly donate money under your name, and never publish it to the news or social media.

In fact, I think the rapper Pusha T actually donated 18 wheelers of freshwater to Flint Michigan, anonymously without telling nobody, he is truly virtuous. 

Why so miserable?

If you’re dark depressed and EMO or whatever… Just moved to LA, I recommend Culver City, I especially really like the Culver City arts district. I really like the platform park, the new downtown Culver steps area, in front of the Philz Coffee, the whole area.

I wonder if the reason why a lot of people are so dark and grim is simply because they live somewhere with poor weather?

I know personally that when I was in Berlin, eastern Europe, Prague, Marseille in the winter time, it was some of the most depressive times of my life. 

And on the contrary, some of the happiest times in my life or when I was in Vietnam, in Hanoi and Saigon, in Panam Cambodia, other places with good climate, bright light and sun good weather.

Your mind and your body is precious.

Don’t prostitute your mind, your body your soul.

Prostitution is not just sexual, it could be your mental abilities, your physical body whatever.

Prostitution isn’t just about your sexual organs, your penis or vagina your butt hole your mouth your hands or whatever, maybe… the more critical thing is your soul?

Your soul not as some hocus-pocus concept. Rather, your soul is a combination of your personality, your thoughts, your body, your opinions your beliefs your thoughts your abilities your capabilities, your skills etc. 

The mortal soul. That is when your body dies, your soul also dies. 

Memento mori

Remember that you must die, and you will die. Death is also also one of our final duties.

Therefore just thinking consider an ask yourself, in this short and cruel life that we live in, how can we discover more more joy, more thanksgiving, more happiness, more Thanksgiving?

How can we contribute more to the world to others to our progeny, our children are friends and communities and the world?


Christians (Protestant American Caucasians) are Anti Jewish: The Gentle Art of Changing Jewish Names

In 1808 Napoleon sent out a decree commanding all Jews to adopt family names.

The names were devised from precious stones, as Rubenstein; precious metals, such as Goldstein, Silberberg; plants, trees, and animals, such as Mandelbaum, Lilienthal, Ochs, Wolf, and Loewe.

Last name Concept Super interesting!

The German Jews created surnames by the simple method of affixing the syllable “son” to the father’s name, thus making Jacobson, Isaacson; while others adopted the names of the localities in which they lived, the Jew resident in Berlin becoming Berliner, and the Jew resident of Oppenheim becoming Oppenheimer.

It is noteworthy that a Belmont became American agent of the Rothschilds, and that the name of Rothschild is derived from the red shield on a house in the Jewish quarter of Frankfort-on-the-Main. What the original family name is has never been divulged.

Rothschilds are Jewish?


When Leon Bronstein becomes Leo Trotsky

When Rosenbluth and Schlesinger becomes “The American Mercantile Company,” there is justification for the feeling that the name “American” is being used to conceal the Jewish character of the firm.

Changing names and luck

The tendency of Jews to change their names dates back very far. There was and is a superstition that to give a sick person another name is to “change his luck,” and save him from the misfortune destined upon his old name. There was also the biblical example of a change of nature being followed by a change of name, as when Abram became Abraham and Jacob became Israel.


In the United States it is hardly to be doubted that business and social reasons are mostly responsible for the changes in Jewish names. The designation “American” is itself much coveted, as may be gathered by its frequent use in firm names, the members of which are not American in any sense that entitles them to blazon the name throughout the world.

Jewish last names are Christian too

Jacob becomes Jackson, Jacobi, Jacobus, Jacof, Kaplan, Kauffmann, Marchant, Merchant.



For example … would you trust a great philosopher, thinker and “thought leader” (man) who espouses notions of female equal rights blah blah blah … yet secretly watches really weird porn behind the scenes? No.

Or if this man is secretly cheating on his wife?

Why we shouldn’t trust Karl Marx

  • Friedrich Engels confessed on his deathbed in 1895 to Marx’s daughter Eleanor, that Karl Marx was the father of Frederick Demuth

Trusting a man to philosophize on economics, economic theory and work … who essentially was unemployed or didn’t earn income … his thoughts carry no legit weight.

And common … Karl Marx had an affair with the family housemaid, Helene Demuth… birthing an illegitimate son (Frederick Demuth).

Zero respect for anyone who cheats on their wife … especially common ..the HOUSEMAID of all people?

Kind of the same as Arnold S with his affair and illegitimate son with his own house maid nanny!

What happen to son

The story of Frederick Demuth, the illegitimate son of Karl Marx and Helene Demuth, and the subtle hints in historical documents about his existence are intriguing aspects of historical research on Marx’s life.

What Happened to Frederick Demuth

  1. Raised by Foster Parents: Frederick was raised by foster parents, following the common practice of the time for handling illegitimate children, especially in cases involving prominent individuals.
  2. Engels’ Claim of Paternity: Friedrich Engels, a close friend of Marx, claimed paternity of Frederick. This action was likely taken to protect Marx’s reputation and shield his family from scandal.
  3. Life as a Working-Class Individual: Unlike the Marx family, Frederick Demuth lived a working-class life. He became a skilled factory worker and was involved in the labor movement, but he did not achieve significant prominence.
  4. Limited Interaction with Marx Family: There is little evidence to suggest that Frederick had any substantial relationship with Karl Marx or his legitimate children. The secrecy surrounding his birth likely limited any potential interactions.
  5. Death and Recognition: Frederick Demuth lived until 1929. The full recognition of his parentage only came to light well after the deaths of both Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

Subtle Hints in Historical Documents

  1. Timing and Circumstances: The birth of Frederick Demuth closely followed the period when Helene Demuth was in service at the Marx household. This timing was a significant hint for historians.
  2. Engels’ Confession: Engels’ deathbed confession to Eleanor Marx was a pivotal revelation. Although not a written document, it played a critical role in subsequent historical investigations.
  3. Letters and Correspondences: Letters between Marx, Engels, and others sometimes contained veiled references or peculiar phrases that hinted at a secret being kept. These were often ambiguous but, when pieced together with other evidence, helped form a clearer picture.
  4. Absence of Explicit References: The lack of explicit references to the affair or the child in Marx’s known writings itself became a hint. Given the expected practices of discretion in the Victorian era, the absence of direct mention was consistent with keeping a significant secret.
  5. Behavioral Evidence: Accounts of the behavior and actions of those involved, including the Marx family’s continued employment and support of Helene Demuth, were also considered. These behavioral aspects, while not direct evidence, contributed to the overall understanding of the situation.

The investigation into Frederick Demuth’s life and his connection to Marx is a testament to the meticulous and often interpretive nature of historical research, where piecing together the past requires both evidence and inference.

How find out

The truth about Karl Marx’s affair with Helene Demuth and the existence of their illegitimate son, Frederick Demuth, emerged gradually and was fully acknowledged long after the deaths of both Marx and Engels.

  1. Initial Secrecy: The affair and the existence of the child were kept secret during Marx’s lifetime. Friedrich Engels, Marx’s close friend and collaborator, claimed paternity of Frederick Demuth to protect Marx’s reputation.
  2. Posthumous Revelations: After the deaths of Marx and Engels, information about the affair and the child began to surface. Engels, on his deathbed in 1895, confessed to Marx’s daughter, Eleanor, that Karl Marx, not he, was Frederick Demuth’s father.
  3. Research and Documentation: Historians and biographers over time have pieced together the story using letters, personal documents, and the accounts of those close to the Marx family. The story was initially known only to a small circle of Marx’s associates and family members but later became public knowledge through historical research and biographies.
  4. Scholarly Analysis: The confirmation of Marx’s paternity of Frederick Demuth has come from the analysis of letters and documents by Marx scholars. This has included examining correspondences between Marx, Engels, and others in their circle, which hinted at the true nature of Frederick’s parentage.
  5. Public Interest and Biographies: The interest in Karl Marx’s personal life, particularly in the context of his significant influence on political thought, has led to detailed biographies and studies that explore these aspects of his life. These works have shed light on the complexities and contradictions of his personal relationships.

The revelation of Marx’s affair and his illegitimate child has added a more human dimension to the understanding of Marx as a historical figure, showing a personal life marked by secrecy, complexity, and moral contradictions. This aspect of his biography is often examined to understand better the man behind the influential theories.

Karl Marx Affair

Karl Marx’s affair with Helene Demuth, the housemaid of the Marx family, is a notable aspect of his personal life, although it was kept largely secret during his lifetime. Here are some key details:

  1. Helene Demuth’s Role in the Marx Household: Helene Demuth, often called Lenchen, joined the Marx household in 1845. She was a devoted and long-serving member of the household, and over time, she became a close and trusted confidante of the Marx family.
  2. The Affair and the Child: The affair between Karl Marx and Helene Demuth resulted in the birth of an illegitimate son, Frederick Demuth, in 1851. The affair and the existence of the child were kept secret from the public and even from many close to the Marx family.
  3. Jenny Marx’s Awareness: Jenny Marx, Karl’s wife, was reportedly aware of the affair and the child. How she dealt with this situation is not entirely clear, but it is believed that she accepted the child’s presence in their lives to some extent.
  4. Friedrich Engels’ Role: Friedrich Engels, a close friend and collaborator of Marx, claimed paternity of the child to protect Marx’s reputation. Frederick Demuth was raised by foster parents, and Engels’ acknowledgment of paternity ensured that the child’s link to Marx remained hidden during Marx’s lifetime.
  5. Impact on Marx’s Legacy: The affair and the existence of Frederick Demuth were not widely known until after the deaths of Marx and Engels. This revelation has led to some reevaluation of Marx’s character, especially in terms of his personal life and his commitment to the ideals he espoused in his work.
  6. Historical Context: The way Marx handled this affair and the secret child reflects the complex social and moral standards of the 19th century. It also highlights the personal struggles and contradictions that can exist in the lives of influential historical figures.

The affair and its consequences provide a more nuanced understanding of Marx as a person, beyond his role as a philosopher and economist. It illustrates the often complex and imperfect nature of personal lives, even among those who are celebrated for their intellectual contributions.


Did Karl Marx ditch his wife and spouse?

Karl Marx’s personal life, particularly regarding his marriage and relationships, is a subject of historical interest. Marx was married to Jenny von Westphalen, and there is no well-documented evidence of him abandoning or “ditching” his wife and family. Here are some key aspects of his marriage and family life:

  1. Marriage to Jenny von Westphalen: Marx married Jenny von Westphalen in 1843. She was a childhood friend from a Prussian aristocratic family. Their relationship was considered quite unconventional at the time due to differences in their social status.
  2. Family Life: The Marx family experienced significant financial hardships and instability, largely due to Karl Marx’s focus on his political and philosophical work, which often did not provide a steady income. Despite these struggles, there’s no indication that Marx ever left or intended to abandon his family.
  3. Challenges: The Marx family faced several challenges, including financial difficulties, political persecution, and the deaths of several children in infancy or childhood. Jenny Marx supported her husband’s work and shared his political views, even in the face of these hardships.
  4. Loyalty and Support: Jenny remained loyal to Marx throughout their life together. She played a significant role in supporting his work, including assisting with his writing and research.
  5. Marx’s Affair and Illegitimate Child: It is worth noting that Marx did have an affair with the family’s housemaid, Helene Demuth, which resulted in the birth of an illegitimate son, Frederick Demuth. This aspect of Marx’s personal life was kept secret, and Jenny was reportedly aware of the affair and the child. This part of Marx’s life has been subject to criticism and has somewhat tarnished his personal reputation.

In summary, while Marx’s marriage to Jenny von Westphalen endured significant hardships and he had an extramarital affair, there is no historical evidence to suggest that he abandoned his wife and family. Instead, the available evidence points to a complex personal life marked by both loyalty and personal failings.

Was Marx Jewish

  1. Lineage long line of Rabbis
  2. Became Christian?
  3. Karl Marx baptized Lutheran

Marx critical of religion

Who was his dad and mom history ancestry

Karl Marx’s parents, Heinrich Marx and Henriette Pressburg, came from Jewish families, each with their own distinct backgrounds:

  1. Heinrich Marx (Father):
  • Jewish Ancestry: Heinrich Marx was born Herschel Mordechai to a Jewish family. The Marx family was well-respected, with a lineage of rabbis on Karl’s paternal side, including his grandfather.
  • Profession: Heinrich was a lawyer, which was a significant profession in Prussian society at the time.
  • Conversion to Christianity: In 1816, Heinrich Marx converted to Lutheranism from Judaism. This conversion was likely influenced by social and professional pressures, as restrictions were placed on Jews’ professional and social lives in Prussia.
  • Influence on Karl Marx: Heinrich Marx was known for his Enlightenment ideals, including beliefs in freedom of thought and secular education, which likely influenced Karl Marx’s intellectual development.
  1. Henriette Pressburg (Mother):
  • Jewish Ancestry: Henriette was born to a Jewish family in the Netherlands. The Pressburg family was less prominent in religious terms than the Marx family.
  • Background: Henriette’s background is less documented compared to Heinrich’s. However, it is known that she came from Nijmegen in the Dutch province of Gelderland and that her family was relatively middle-class.
  • Religion: Like her husband, Henriette was also part of the Jewish community before her marriage, but there is less information about her personal religious beliefs or practices after her marriage.

Karl Marx’s Jewish ancestry played a complex role in his life. While he was of Jewish descent, he was raised in a secular, Lutheran household. His upbringing in this environment, combined with the social and political changes of the 19th century, influenced his development into a thinker who was critical of religion and focused on economic and social theory. Despite his secular upbringing and personal beliefs, Marx’s Jewish heritage was sometimes used against him by his critics, especially in the context of the anti-Semitic attitudes prevalent in 19th-century Europe.

Karl Marx, the philosopher, economist, and revolutionary socialist, was of Jewish descent. He was born on May 5, 1818, in Trier, Prussia (now Germany), to a Jewish family. However, his family background in terms of religion and culture was complex:

  1. Jewish Ancestry: Marx’s paternal line was Jewish. His father, Heinrich Marx, was born to a long line of rabbis. On his mother’s side, Henriette Pressburg, Marx also had Jewish ancestry.
  2. Conversion to Christianity: In 1816, two years before Karl Marx was born, his father converted to Lutheranism, the state religion in Prussia at the time. This conversion was likely pragmatic, enabling Heinrich Marx to continue his career as a lawyer, which would have been restricted due to his Jewish faith. Karl Marx was baptized in the Lutheran Church in 1824 along with his siblings.
  3. Marx’s Personal Beliefs: Despite his Jewish heritage, Marx was not religious himself. He grew up in a secular environment and, as an adult, was critical of all forms of organized religion, famously referring to religion as the “opium of the people.”

Marx’s Jewish background played a role in the reception of his ideas, especially given the anti-Semitic attitudes prevalent in Europe during his lifetime and afterwards. His ancestry was sometimes used by critics to discredit his theories and to propagate anti-Semitic interpretations of Marxism. However, Marx’s philosophical and economic theories, as outlined in works like “The Communist Manifesto” and “Das Kapital,” were secular and focused on economic and social issues, not on religion or ethnicity.

Henry Ford is the Real Bad Guy Here?

So… Hitler is seen as the devil in the flesh, yet Henry Ford is still seem with admiration … even though, the anti Jewish sentiment of Ford *DIRECTLY INSPIRED* Hitler?

Henry Ford — “On the International Jew”—

Why ford anti Jewish

Why isn’t ford seen as such a bad guy then

Henry Ford’s legacy is multifaceted, and while his anti-Semitic views and publications have been widely criticized, they are often overshadowed by other aspects of his legacy for several reasons:

  1. Significant Industrial Contributions: Ford revolutionized the automotive industry and manufacturing through the development of the assembly line and mass production techniques. His innovations significantly lowered the cost of the automobile, making it accessible to a broader segment of the population. This contribution to industrial efficiency and economic transformation is a major part of his legacy.
  2. Cultural and Economic Impact: Ford’s impact on the American economy and culture was profound. He not only changed the automotive industry but also had a significant influence on American labor practices, including the introduction of the $5 workday, which was a high wage at the time.
  3. Separation of Business and Personal Views: Many people separate Ford’s personal beliefs from his business achievements. While his anti-Semitic views are acknowledged, they are often viewed as a personal failing rather than a reflection of his entire legacy.
  4. Historical Context: The era in which Ford lived and worked was marked by widespread prejudices and societal norms that were vastly different from today’s standards. Some people view Ford’s views within the context of his time, though this perspective doesn’t excuse his promotion of harmful stereotypes.
  5. Lack of Direct Involvement in Atrocities: Unlike figures like Adolf Hitler, Ford was not directly involved in orchestrating or carrying out atrocities. While his publications contributed to anti-Semitic propaganda, his actions were primarily in the realm of business and industry.
  6. Reassessment and Apology: Ford later retracted his anti-Semitic statements and apologized in 1927, which for some, mitigates his earlier stance, though the sincerity and effectiveness of this apology have been debated.
  7. Public Awareness: The general public may not be fully aware of the extent of Ford’s anti-Semitic activities, as this aspect of his life is often less emphasized in popular histories and narratives about him.

Henry Ford’s case illustrates how historical figures can have complex legacies, with significant achievements in one area coexisting with deeply problematic views and actions in another. It’s a reminder of the importance of evaluating historical figures in a nuanced and critical manner, acknowledging both their contributions and their failings.

Why Hitler like ford

Adolf Hitler’s admiration for Henry Ford was primarily due to two key factors:

  1. Anti-Semitic Views: Ford’s publication of “The International Jew,” a series of articles promoting anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, resonated with Hitler’s own deep-seated anti-Semitic beliefs. Hitler saw Ford as an influential international figure who shared his hostile views towards Jews. This ideological alignment was significant for Hitler, who sought validation for his views from respected and successful figures outside of Germany.
  2. Success in Industry and Mass Production: Ford was a pioneer in mass production, particularly with the development of the assembly line for the Model T car. This innovation revolutionized industrial manufacturing, making Ford an icon of efficiency and industrial success. Hitler, who was keen on modernizing Germany’s industry, particularly for war production, admired Ford’s achievements in this area. The efficiency and effectiveness of Ford’s production methods were aspects that Hitler sought to emulate in Germany, especially in the context of building a strong military-industrial complex.

These two aspects made Ford a figure of interest and admiration for Hitler. It’s important to note, however, that while Hitler may have admired Ford, the extent of Ford’s awareness of or response to this admiration is less clear. Ford’s influence on Hitler underscores the complex and often troubling ways in which ideas and prejudices can transcend national boundaries and have significant historical impacts.

Henry Ford’s anti-Semitic views, which became widely known in the early 20th century, were complex and rooted in various personal, social, and historical factors:

  1. Influence of Prevailing Attitudes: During Ford’s time, anti-Semitism was unfortunately common in many parts of the world, including the United States. Ford’s views were influenced by the prevalent societal and cultural prejudices of his era.
  2. The International Jew: Ford sponsored the publication of a series of articles titled “The International Jew,” which promoted various anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. These articles were later compiled and published in multiple volumes. They suggested that Jews were responsible for a range of societal and economic problems, reflecting common anti-Semitic tropes of the time.
  3. Economic and Political Views: Ford believed that Jewish people had a disproportionate influence on the global financial system and were behind various political movements, such as Bolshevism, which he opposed. These beliefs were not based on factual evidence but rather on prejudiced stereotypes and conspiracy theories.
  4. Personal Beliefs and Paranoia: Some historians suggest that Ford’s anti-Semitic views were partly fueled by his personal beliefs and a sense of paranoia about the changing world, particularly concerning industrial and financial trends.
  5. Influence of Advisors and Literature: Ford was known to be influenced by various advisors who harbored anti-Semitic views. Additionally, he might have been influenced by anti-Semitic literature circulating during that period.

It’s important to recognize that Ford’s anti-Semitic views have been widely condemned and are seen as a dark aspect of his legacy. These views contributed to harmful stereotypes and prejudices, which had significant negative impacts, particularly as they were propagated by someone as influential as Ford. His beliefs were a product of their time, but they also significantly contributed to the spread of anti-Semitic ideology in the early 20th century.

Hitler on Henry Ford

What did he say about Ford

Adolf Hitler’s specific statements about Henry Ford are not extensively recorded in verifiable historical texts. However, Hitler’s admiration for Ford is indirectly acknowledged in a few key instances:

  1. Mention in “Mein Kampf”: Hitler referenced Ford in his book, “Mein Kampf.” While the exact quote isn’t typically highlighted, the mention itself is significant. It’s understood that Hitler admired Ford for his industrial success and his anti-Semitic views, particularly as expressed in Ford’s publication “The International Jew.”
  2. Portrait in Office: Hitler reportedly had a portrait of Henry Ford in his office. This is often cited as evidence of Hitler’s respect and admiration for Ford, especially in the context of Ford’s anti-Semitic publications and his success as an industrialist.
  3. Awards and Recognition: Ford was awarded the Grand Cross of the German Eagle in 1938, a high honor bestowed by Nazi Germany to foreign individuals. This award was seen as a clear indication of Hitler’s respect for Ford.

These references and actions suggest that Hitler viewed Ford as an influential figure whose ideas, particularly regarding anti-Semitism and industrial practices, were aligned with Nazi ideology. However, without direct quotes, it is challenging to detail precisely what Hitler said about Ford beyond these indications of admiration and alignment in ideology.


Adolf Hitler had a well-documented admiration for Henry Ford, the American industrialist and founder of the Ford Motor Company. This admiration was largely due to Ford’s pioneering role in mass production and his anti-Semitic views, which Hitler shared.

Hitler mentioned Ford in his book “Mein Kampf” and even kept a portrait of Ford in his office. Ford’s book “The International Jew,” which promoted anti-Semitic theories, was well received by Hitler and influenced Nazi propaganda and policies. The recognition wasn’t one-sided; Ford was the only American mentioned in “Mein Kampf” and was awarded the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, a Nazi honor, in 1938.

This connection between Hitler and Ford is a significant historical point, reflecting how ideas and prejudices can transcend borders and influence international political and social movements. It’s a reminder of the importance of critically evaluating the beliefs and influences of public figures, especially in the context of their broader impact on society and history.


Something people don’t understand about ChatGPT … AI whatever is this:

Whatever you search is a reflection of you.


We don’t want “thin” and elegant … we want low body fat percentage, high muscle mass, “jacked”— “swole”.


How is *true* wealth created and generated? War, enslavement of other people… just think of King Agamemnon in the Iliad … his lust for more gold, his greed, his hunger for more kingdoms, wars, conquests, sailing off to different places to subjugate different places.

What did Achilles want? He was tired of war, fighting, battle, and killing. He just wanted to take his prize (Breisis)— and retire to his land and just chill out?

Back in the day wealth was slaves, taking the enemy as slaves (the original slaves were the Slavic people— “Eastern Europeans”)— to do their dirty work, while the victors and kings would just chill and hang out.

Describe breisis Iliad

“Brisēís” in Homer’s “Iliad” is a character who plays a pivotal, yet passive role in the epic. She’s a symbol of honor and conflict among the Greek leaders during the Trojan War. Captured from a Trojan-allied city and given to Achilles as a war prize, Brisēís becomes the center of a dispute between Achilles and Agamemnon, sparking Achilles’ withdrawal from battle.

Her character is interesting in the way she embodies the values and social norms of ancient Greek society. As a captive woman, her fate is entirely in the hands of the men around her, highlighting the lack of agency women had in this period. Yet, despite her limited role, her presence triggers a significant part of the plot, influencing the actions of key characters and the course of the war.

Philosophically, Brisēís can be seen as a representation of the concept of ‘arete’ (excellence) and ‘timē’ (honor) in Greek culture. The dispute over her reflects the importance of honor and reputation in the Greek heroic code. Her situation also raises questions about the nature of power, possession, and the human cost of war, themes that resonate in discussions about ethics and morality.

In terms of innovation, Brisēís’s role in the “Iliad” can be seen as a narrative device that catalyzes character development and plot progression, a technique that has influenced storytelling across centuries. Her character invites readers to reflect on the human aspects of war and leadership, an exploration that remains relevant in modern discussions about conflict and authority.

How she described

Brisēís is described in Homer’s “Iliad” primarily through the eyes of the Greek warriors, reflecting the perspectives and values of the time. While there are no extensive physical descriptions of her in the text, she is often referred to with terms that emphasize her beauty and desirability, typical of how women were portrayed in ancient Greek literature.

She is depicted as a figure of great beauty and charm, which is a significant reason for the conflict between Achilles and Agamemnon. Her beauty and status as a war prize make her a symbol of honor and prestige for the warriors. However, Homer does not delve deeply into her personal characteristics or thoughts, which is consistent with the treatment of female characters in many ancient epics.

Her emotional state is briefly touched upon, particularly in the context of her lament for Patroclus, which suggests a depth of feeling and perhaps a bond formed during her time in the Greek camp. This moment offers a rare glimpse into her perspective, showing her as more than just a passive object of desire and conflict.

Overall, Brisēís in the “Iliad” is more of a symbolic figure than a fully fleshed-out character. She represents the spoils of war and the personal pride of the Greek heroes, rather than being portrayed as an individual with her own agency and narrative.


Short Apple?

In a last ditch attempt … Apple is doing something weird; getting into TV, film movies cinema.. instead of focusing on her cash cow, which means perhaps close to 90% of their profits, revenue and value is just from the iPhone?

It seems at this point Apple is just *begging* people to buy their new mediocre iPhone;; all these billboards in LA are pretty pathetic?

“Newphoria??” I say “lamephoria”.

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