Dear friend,
A thought inspired by Peter Thiel:
Let us avoid incremental gains (5-10% gains). Instead– let us seek to make 10x improvements (making something 10x better than the competition, or making something totally new).
10x thinking
I love innovation. I love the new, I love new technologies which make life more meaningful, productive, and easier for us (freeing up our cognitive/physical energy– in order to do and create what we truly desire).
Probably one of the biggest entrepreneurial concepts I learned from Peter Thiel is “10x thinking”. The basic idea is this:
To innovate and to succeed, it is best to create new things which are at least 10x better than things which already exist.
Generally, to make a 10x improvement means to do something that hasn’t ever done before. Or, having 10x more hustle and drive from anyone else, or by doing something 10x better than anyone. Or the thought like my buddy Stotycho introduced to me:
Make your thing 10x simpler than anyone else.
10x Simpler
I think the reason why Steve Jobs x Jony Ive was able to succeed so much with Apple is this:
Apple computers were 10x simpler to use than any other computers during the time.
Steve Jobs introduced the modern GUI on a mass-scale, which made a ‘desktop interface’ simple to use for non-nerdy computer users. I still remember when I was in the 2nd grade, having to learn how to “cd” (change directory) in MS-DOS in the green-black interface. Being able to use a mouse on a “desktop interface” totally changed everything.
Even with the iPhone camera– it has made photography 10x simpler than any other modern camera. Literally all you have to do is point and click.
Why are modern cameras so complicated?
I look at all the modern “stand-alone” digital cameras– and unfortunately, almost all of them are still too complicated and complex to use.
My ideal stand-alone camera:
A pure “point and shoot” camera — with no superfluous buttons, menu items, or dials.
I’m currently shooting with a Lumix G9 camera, and the best feature I’ve been using is the “iA” (intelligent auto) mode. I literally just point and click — with autofocus, auto-ISO, and the only thing I adjust is the exposure-compensation (to darken or lighten the photos). This is good because I think less about the technical settings, and I focus more on what is truly important: framing, composition, timing, shooting photos of what is meaningful to me.
Shooting in “iA” mode has simplified my life. But what do I dislike about the Lumix G9 camera? Too big and heavy. Difficult to carry with me everywhere I go.
The camera I really love is the Ricoh GR camera. Small, compact, pocketable– and I just shoot it in “P” (program) mode, with ISO 1600, JPEG Positive Film (for Color), or RAW + ERIC KIM Monochrome 1600 preset (for black and white). But unfortunately, the RICOH still has too many superfluous buttons, functions, levers– something that confuses and befuddles beginner photographers.
My ideal camera:
A mix between a RICOH GR camera, and an iPhone.
The ultimate simple “stand-alone” digital camera.
Why 10x?
Sorry — getting off-topic.
Let us go back to the topic at hand– why make 10x improvements?
To me, to be human is to innovate.
Innovation is doing more with less. Creating more, producing more, or doing things simpler– with less physical or brainpower.
We can innovate in so many ways (not just technology). We can innovate ideas (political, social, economic), we can innovate how we talk and interact with others, we can innovate how we live our everyday lives.
Personally, I love innovation because:
- It makes life more fun! It gives me a reason to wake up in the morning, knowing that today (or the future) is going to be brighter– more hopeful, and more optimistic!
- It empowers me to try new things– which gives me a direction or a purpose in life. I think there are still a trillion things we have not yet created, discovered, or made — which gives us (the individual entrepreneurs and innovators) unlimited upside. No downside in modern society– we will not starve to death, die or thirst, or die from the cold.
- Innovation drives the human race forward. I care more about humanity (as a whole) than my own individual life. This gives me purpose– knowing that I am contributing a small honey-drop to the hive of humanity. Obviously after I die, there is no way I can reap the benefits of my contributions to humanity. But while I am still alive– knowing that I am doing something magnanimous and great for the future generations of humanity gives me hope, optimism and deep joy.
Incremental gains are boring
The reason we loved Steve Jobs so much:
Whenever he unveiled a new Apple product– we were all excited– for something TOTALLY NEW, something TOTALLY REVOLUTIONARY, and something TOTALLY MAGICAL!
Whenever we see the new iPhone with incremental 5-10% gains– we are bored. We love massive revolutionary new ideas — because psychologically, we spurn small gains. I think ultimately this is a good thing, because it pushes us to create massive new innovations in the world.
10x gains in technology
I had the epiphany a few days ago:
Avoid buying new shit that only gives you incremental gains. Only buy new things which give you a 10x gain or improvement.
For example, upgrading your 1-2 year old iPhone or smartphone to the newest smartphone will probably only be a 5-20% gain. My suggestion:
Procrastinate on upgrading your devices as long as possible– until you perceive that the upgrade is at least “10x” (something totally brand-brand-new — a game-changer).
For example, when my RICOH GR II broke when I was abroad in Japan, I didn’t buy another RICOH. Why? I wanted something 10x better. I ended up buying a Lumix G9, because I perceived that the 4k (24fps) video functionality was at least a “10x upgrade”.
Cindy and I currently share an older Samsung Galaxy smartphone. I was thinking about buying a new iPhone– yet, I hesitated. Why? Even though the newest iPhone is awesome, I perceived the upgrade to only be around 10-20% “better”. Not good enough for me to drop $1,000+ on a new iPhone.
Even with any digital cameras today– I only see incremental upgrades. The only truly innovative camera I think I see is the new Fujifilm digital-medium-format camera, but everything else in the market seems to only be incremental gains. I quite like the new Ricoh GR III camera that will come out in the near future (they simplified the camera more, with fewer buttons and functions)– but still — I am craving for that 10x improvement.
10x thinking is very hard.
It is difficult to think 10x. Even nowadays, I probably spend 90% of my day just thinking. Trying to think of new innovative ideas, trying to think of deeper philosophical truths, and trying to also simplify my thinking 10x.
I still love trying to solve difficult problems. To me, hard is fun. The more difficult a problem, the more fun and challenging it is to trying to figure out how to solve it.
To conclude:
Avoid incremental thinking– aim big– very big: 10x!
Photography Entrepreneurship 101
Entrepreneurship Mindset
- What is Your Dream in Life?
- 8 Blogging Productivity Tips
- Why Be Normal?
- How Much Suffering Are You Willing to Endure to Achieve Your Dreams?
Photography Entrepreneurship 101
- Don’t Sit Still!
- Bitcoin for Photographers
- Don’t Be Timid
- Why Start Your Own Photography Blog?
- Fill a Void
- 1,000 True Followers: How to Build Your Own Niche in Photography
- Photography Entrepreneurship 101: Why You Must Start Your Own Email Newsletter
- TURBO CREATION: Why a Maxed-Out MacBook Laptop is the Best Investment You Can Make for Photography Entrepreneurship
Life and Productivity Hacks
- My Ultimate Productivity and Life Hacks
- Life/Productivity Hack: Write (Type on a phone) While Walking on a Dynamic Treadmill
- ERIC KIM Life, Creativity, and Productivity Hacks
How to Make a Living from Your Passion
- Digital Nomad Photographer
- Build Your Own Instagram!
- How to Be More Ambitious
- Do It Your Way
- How to Measure Your Progress as a Photography Entrepreneur + Come Up With New Ideas
- How to Make a Living From Your Passion in Photography
Put a Dent in the Universe.
- Fear Disguised as Reason
- Distraction is the Enemy
- Innovate for the Sake of Innovating!
- Reality is Malleable!
- Stoic Entrepreneurship
- Against Self-Preservation
- The Purpose of Life is to Make New Stuff!
How to Succeed as an Entrepreneur
- You Have No Limits.
- Calculated Risk-Taking
- Invest in Yourself
- The Secret of Happiness: Shoot for the Moon!
- Moonshot Thinking
- Why We Should all Be Photography Entrepreneurs
- Memento Mori Entrepreneurship
- Why it is Better to Beg For Forgiveness than Ask For Permission
- How to Become a Digital Nomad
- Why You Must Own Your Own Platform
- First Principle Thinking for Photography Entrepreneurs
- How I Became a Digital Nomad
- Better to Beg For Forgiveness than Ask For Permission!
- Spurn Pleasing Others!
- Create Your Own Niche
- How to Gain More Exposure For Your Photography
- Intense Focus
- How to Conquer Your Fears as an Entrepreneur
- Define Yourself
- Let Dissatisfaction Drive You Forward!
- It Doesn’t Matter if Someone Else Has Done it Before!
- How to Succeed as a Photography Entrepreneur: Be Extremely Resourceful
- Open Source Business Model in Photography Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship 101: Growth and Innovation Over Self-Preservation
- How to Create Value as a Photography Entrepreneur
- Why Become a Photography Entrepreneur?
- Why You Must Ignore Nay-Sayers to Succeed in Entrepreneurship, Business, and Life
The Modern Photographer: Tips, Strategies, and Tactics to Thrive as a Visual Artist in the Digital Age
Marketing, Branding, Entrepreneurship Principles For Success
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHER is your new philosophical and practical primer to succeed as a modern photographer in today’s digital world.
Business Mental Models

- How to Succeed as a Photography Entrepreneur: Be Extremely Resourceful
- Open Source Business Model in Photography Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship 101: Growth and Innovation Over Self-Preservation
How to Monetize Your Photography
- Photography Entrepreneurship 101: INFLUENCE
- Should I Monetize My Passion for Photography?
- 10 Practical Photography Monetization Strategies: Pricing, Google SEO, & Entrepreneurship
- How to Make Money From Street Photography
Why Become a Photography Entrepreneur?
Take control of your own photographic destiny:
- How to Monetize Your Photography
- 5 Practical Photography Career Tips and Advice
- 10x Thinking
- How to Hustle as a Photographer
- How to Become Your Own Master Marketer
- The ‘T’ Technique of Success
- Go Ahead and Sell Out
- What is Your Unique Voice?
- Why You Must Self-Promote Yourself
- What is Your Unique Angle as a Photographer?
- Photography Content Marketing 101
- Why You Must Become Your Own Publisher
- The Art of Cross-Pollination in Photography
Photography Entrepreneurship Articles
- Why You Shouldn’t Trust Your Pictures to Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Flickr
- How to Make Money From Your Photography
- Photography SEO and Blogging: How to Become Number One on Google
- Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Motivation
- Now is the Best Time to Be a Photographer
- What Is The Value of a Picture?
- Your Photographic Labor is Not Free
- Chapter 1. How to Make a Photography Blog
- Chapter 2. How to Price Yourself
- Chapter 3. How to Find Your Market
- Chapter 4. Why Teach Workshops?
- Chapter 5. How to Build Trust
- Chapter 6. How to Market Yourself
- Chapter 7: Why Should Someone Attend Your Workshop?
- Why You Must Be a “Personality” in Order to Succeed
- Impatience is a Virtue
- Create Your Own Category
- Will Not or Cannot?
- Why Not?
- How to Think BIG
- How to Stay Ahead of the Curve
- How to Invest in Yourself
- The Two Camera Rule
- Advice For College Students
- How to Thrive in Uncertain Times
- Does Fear of Punishment Hold You Back?
- How to Innovate
- How to Build Your Own Empire
Table of Contents
Learn how to make a living from your passion:
- Chapter 1. How to Create Value
- Chapter 3. Scarcity
- Chapter 4. How to Brand Yourself
- Chapter 5. How to Build a True Following
- Chapter 6. The Blueprint to Success in Photography
- Chapter 7. HOW TO BE BOLD
- Chapter 8. How to Sell Out
- Chapter 11. Photography Experience Economy
- Chapter 12. Why You Should Make Money for Your Photography
- Chapter 13. How to Become a Famous Photographer
Photography Business 101
How to Make Money with Photography

- How to Charge More Money in Your Photography
- Why You Should Not Pursue Photography as Career
- Can Photography Make You Rich?
- How I Earn $200,000+ a Year From Photography
- How to earn $10,000 a month as a photographer
- Why you must be an expensive photographer
Photography Marketing 101
- Why Have More Followers?
- Why You Should Do Photography Work For Free
- How I Became an Internet Famous Photographer
- Photography Blogging Ideas
- Why You Should Promote Your Own Name
- How to Build a Following
- How to Stand Out as a Photographer.
- How to Master Marketing
- How to Sell Yourself

How to Hustle.
- Entrepreneurial Advice to My 18 Year Old Self
- How to Become Insanely Productive.
- 5 Lessons From Hesiod on Hustling
Entrepreneurial Principles
- It is Better to Beg For Forgiveness Than Ask For Permission
- The Free Way to Become Rich
- 7 Steps: How to Make a Living From Your Passion
- How to Do What You Love for a Living
- How to Create an MVP (Minimum Viable Product)
- How to Fail Big
- How to Invest in Yourself
- How to Be Bold in Photography and Life
- Mission: Cover Your Rent and Food
- 1,000 True Fans
- The “10x Principle”: The Only Difference Between “Success” and “Failure”
- Make More Value Not Money
- We Live in a Photo Utopia
How to be a Full-time Photographer
- How to Make a Living From Photography
- The 3 Principles of Making Money With Photography
- Advice for Aspiring Full-Time Photographers
- Don’t Go Into Debt For Your Photography
- How to Brand Yourself as a Photographer
- Trust: The Most Important Thing You Need to Succeed as a Photographer
Photography Blogging
- How to become rich from photography blogging
- How to Make a Living with Blogging
- 50 Blogging Tips For Beginners
- How to Start Your Own Photography Blog
- A Photographer’s Guide to SEO, Blogging, and Social Media
How to Teach Photography
- How to Become a Photography Teacher
- How to Teach a Street Photography Class
- Why I Teach Street Photography Workshops
Social Media
- Why I Deleted My Instagram
- The Social Media Blackbook for Photographers
- Why Do You Need More Likes or Followers?
- Instagram is Going to Be the Next Facebook
- Don’t Trust “Free” Photography Social Networks