A simple entrepreneurial idea: to thrive in today’s modern society, create your own niche, create your own ideal lifestyle, and figure out how you can improve your life!
What’s a niche?
The word “niche” comes from “nicher”, which literally means to “build a nest”. It’s based on “nidus”, which means ‘nest’ in Latin.
So this is fascinating to me, because of these reasons:
- A niche (nest) is small. You can only fit so many baby birds into a nest.
- There’s this concept of an “ecological niche”, in which organisms create new environments which are favorable to their thriving in life! (Karl Popper describes this in his book, “In search of a better world).
- A nest is a good visual: A mother bird (aka, you) builds her own nest, stick by stick! And if you’ve ever seen a nest, it is often “scrappy”— made up of random bits and scrap material. And it takes a lot of work, dedication, and effort for a momma bird to build a nest.
1,000 true followers
The technologist Kevin Kelley came up with a good idea called “1,000 true fans”— that in order for you to make a living in your niche, all you need is (roughly) around 1,000 “true fans”— individuals willing to invest their time and money into you!
In today’s crazy social media world, we are obsessed for follower numbers for the sake of numbers. I think it’s a natural human bias to like seeing numbers go up for the sake of it (anchoring effect in psychology). Also our modern world is becoming more “quantified”— we measured progress and worth in life with numbers. And as humans, we are constantly comparing ourselves with others. Therefore you will look at your follower count and compare yourself with other photographers or people in your field.
Now this is dangerous, because what usually happens is the following:
We become the play-thing of algorithms which end up “nudging” our behavior.
For example, Facebook (who also owns Instagram) has a “news feed algorithm”— there are certain types of posts which get more likes, views, and comments. So eventually what happens is that you only post content to social media which you know will get a lot of likes, and slowly, over time, compromising your initial authentic vision and voice.
You don’t need thousands of followers. You don’t need tens of thousands of followers. You don’t need hundreds of thousands of followers. You don’t need millions of followers.
All you need is a small and dedicated niche and followers who truly believe in you, your message, and your artistry.
How to build your own niche
To build your own niche is quite simple:
Make your own blog, and keep writing and sharing content which has a strong and compelling message.
I advocate for a blog, because it will give you better long-term control and freedom of your own platform. Simply put, signup via bluehost.com and install WordPress.org.
Of course you can have a Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc — but only devote 10% of your focus on these social media platforms. Devote 90% of your focus on your own blog and website/platform. Only building a following on social media is digital sharecropping (do you remember how the owners used to trick poor folks into thinking they actually “owned” their land, whereas in reality, they were indentured servants?— just a step above slave). Don’t build your kingdom on quicksand.
Google SEO
The more specific your website or blog, the better.
For example, when I started this blog, I knew my niche was going to be “street photography” not “photography”. The ocean of “photography” is far too vast. I started to focus on my passionate niche, which is street photography (a puddle in comparison to the entire field of photography).
I blogged passionately about street photography from 2010-2018 (8 years), and over 4,000 blog posts. Now I’m #1 on Google for street photography. I’m glad I focused on “street photography” when starting off, instead of just doing general photography blogging.
The basic way SEO (search engine optimization) works is this:
Write lots of high quality content which gets linked to by other people on the Internet.
Google’s “page rank algorithm” works like academia. The more “prestigious” websites link to your website, the higher you will rank!
So a simple tip is when you’re starting off your own website, blog, or platform, do “guest blog posts” on more popular websites in your field, and link back to your website.
Also, I recommend focusing on writing passionately about whatever niche you’re interested in, and try to do it 100x better than anyone else you see doing it. For example when I started blogging on street photography, there was very little information on the Internet on how to shoot street photography. So I’m lucky I had the “first mover advantage”; and I persisted — 8 years of constant blogging. On average I write 1-2 blog posts everyday, and I have over 1,000 videos on my YouTube channel (which I link back to my blog).
If you’re building your platform, I recommend keeping your day job. Because if you’re trying to monetize too quickly, you’re not going to create good content or information— you’re going to chase the quick nickels. But more important than quick money is building trust. And we all know that building trust takes a long long time — how long does it take before you consider someone a “true friend” or your “best friend”?
Also recognize you might be the smartest, hardest working, and intelligent person in your niche and still not be able to make a living from your passion. Why? Sometimes the technology, the infrastructure, or society isn’t ready for it yet. For example in today’s world, Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin and others are taking off, because we finally have good enough technology and internet infrastructure to allow for it.
The same goes with photography — today’s the best time to be a photography entrepreneur because very good digital cameras are now super cheap and affordable, and everyone has a camera in their phone! And now we finally have fantastic internet connectivity which has totally changed the game for photography.
How to increase your probability of success
To be successful in your niche, these are things you want to increase:
- Hustle harder (the harder you work, obviously the more likely you are to build loyal followers, who might one day purchase your products or services)
- Avoid ineffective work: 90% of “work” doesn’t make a meaningful impact. For example sometimes we waste time with emails, whereas it might be fake work that really distracts us from work that makes an impact. For example for myself, I create the most value when I blog; I try to avoid doing other “busy work”.
- Experiment: Try taking unusual risks in your field. For example, I “open sourced” all my photos, free full resolution on my Flickr which was a huge innovation. The same goes with keeping all my photos, videos, pictures, ebooks, available open source. Much of what we are interested in doing (yet seems crazy in our head) is worth experimenting with! Just try it out, to see what happens! Nobody can predict the future – just experiment, see what happens, then modify your future behavior.
How to increase your luck
To me, luck is having favorable opportunities.
To increase your opportunities you can:
- Go to the right conferences to network with people in your niche you’re interested in contacting with.
- The more you blog (interesting and meaningful stuff), more people will discover you on Google, or via word of mouth.
- Upload interesting videos to your own YouTube channel — YouTube has been great for me as a trust-building and discovery tool. Consider that youtube is the second most used search engine after google (and google owns YouTube).
- “Cold call” or “cold email/message” people you want to contact in your field. Don’t take it personally if people don’t respond. If you send 100 emails and get 1 response, you’re probably doing well. Also use LinkedIn to contact certain people in your field you want to connect with, or Twitter.
- The more niche, specific, and uncommon your field, the better. Easier to be #1 as the world’s most famous “color flash film street style photographer” than the world’s most famous “fashion photographer”.
You must build your own niche (nest) stick by stick — just like a good momma bird flying to and fro from the nest.
Every stick is like every photo, blog post, video you share. Every day is like a new stick.
Be persistent, hustle hard, and know that you have the power of your own destiny in your own hands! So disregard a business plan; build your own niche today and don’t delay– you’re racing against hourglass sand!
Photography Entrepreneurship 101
Never stop innovating: “Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Photography Entrepreneurship“.
Photography Entrepreneurship 101
- Photography Entrepreneurship 101: Why You Must Start Your Own Email Newsletter
- TURBO CREATION: Why a Maxed-Out MacBook Laptop is the Best Investment You Can Make for Photography Entrepreneurship
Life and Productivity Hacks
- My Ultimate Productivity and Life Hacks
- Life/Productivity Hack: Write (Type on a phone) While Walking on a Dynamic Treadmill
- ERIC KIM Life, Creativity, and Productivity Hacks
How to Make a Living from Your Passion
- Digital Nomad Photographer
- Build Your Own Instagram!
- How to Be More Ambitious
- Do It Your Way
- How to Measure Your Progress as a Photography Entrepreneur + Come Up With New Ideas
- How to Make a Living From Your Passion in Photography
Put a Dent in the Universe.
- Fear Disguised as Reason
- Distraction is the Enemy
- Innovate for the Sake of Innovating!
- Reality is Malleable!
- Stoic Entrepreneurship
- Against Self-Preservation
- The Purpose of Life is to Make New Stuff!
How to Succeed as an Entrepreneur
- You Have No Limits.
- Calculated Risk-Taking
- Invest in Yourself
- The Secret of Happiness: Shoot for the Moon!
- Moonshot Thinking
- Why We Should all Be Photography Entrepreneurs
- Memento Mori Entrepreneurship
- Why it is Better to Beg For Forgiveness than Ask For Permission
- How to Become a Digital Nomad
- Why You Must Own Your Own Platform
- First Principle Thinking for Photography Entrepreneurs
- How I Became a Digital Nomad
- Better to Beg For Forgiveness than Ask For Permission!
- Spurn Pleasing Others!
- Create Your Own Niche
- How to Gain More Exposure For Your Photography
- Intense Focus
- How to Conquer Your Fears as an Entrepreneur
- Define Yourself
- Let Dissatisfaction Drive You Forward!
- It Doesn’t Matter if Someone Else Has Done it Before!
- How to Succeed as a Photography Entrepreneur: Be Extremely Resourceful
- Open Source Business Model in Photography Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship 101: Growth and Innovation Over Self-Preservation
- How to Create Value as a Photography Entrepreneur
- Why Become a Photography Entrepreneur?
- Why You Must Ignore Nay-Sayers to Succeed in Entrepreneurship, Business, and Life
The Modern Photographer: Tips, Strategies, and Tactics to Thrive as a Visual Artist in the Digital Age
Marketing, Branding, Entrepreneurship Principles For Success
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHER is your new philosophical and practical primer to succeed as a modern photographer in today’s digital world.
Business Mental Models

- How to Succeed as a Photography Entrepreneur: Be Extremely Resourceful
- Open Source Business Model in Photography Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship 101: Growth and Innovation Over Self-Preservation
How to Monetize Your Photography
- Photography Entrepreneurship 101: INFLUENCE
- Should I Monetize My Passion for Photography?
- 10 Practical Photography Monetization Strategies: Pricing, Google SEO, & Entrepreneurship
- How to Make Money From Street Photography
Why Become a Photography Entrepreneur?
Take control of your own photographic destiny:
- How to Monetize Your Photography
- 5 Practical Photography Career Tips and Advice
- 10x Thinking
- How to Hustle as a Photographer
- How to Become Your Own Master Marketer
- The ‘T’ Technique of Success
- Go Ahead and Sell Out
- What is Your Unique Voice?
- Why You Must Self-Promote Yourself
- What is Your Unique Angle as a Photographer?
- Photography Content Marketing 101
- Why You Must Become Your Own Publisher
- The Art of Cross-Pollination in Photography
Photography Entrepreneurship Articles
- Why You Shouldn’t Trust Your Pictures to Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Flickr
- How to Make Money From Your Photography
- Photography SEO and Blogging: How to Become Number One on Google
- Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Motivation
- Now is the Best Time to Be a Photographer
- What Is The Value of a Picture?
- Your Photographic Labor is Not Free
- Chapter 1. How to Make a Photography Blog
- Chapter 2. How to Price Yourself
- Chapter 3. How to Find Your Market
- Chapter 4. Why Teach Workshops?
- Chapter 5. How to Build Trust
- Chapter 6. How to Market Yourself
- Chapter 7: Why Should Someone Attend Your Workshop?
- Why You Must Be a “Personality” in Order to Succeed
- Impatience is a Virtue
- Create Your Own Category
- Will Not or Cannot?
- Why Not?
- How to Think BIG
- How to Stay Ahead of the Curve
- How to Invest in Yourself
- The Two Camera Rule
- Advice For College Students
- How to Thrive in Uncertain Times
- Does Fear of Punishment Hold You Back?
- How to Innovate
- How to Build Your Own Empire
Table of Contents
Learn how to make a living from your passion:
- Chapter 1. How to Create Value
- Chapter 3. Scarcity
- Chapter 4. How to Brand Yourself
- Chapter 5. How to Build a True Following
- Chapter 6. The Blueprint to Success in Photography
- Chapter 7. HOW TO BE BOLD
- Chapter 8. How to Sell Out
- Chapter 11. Photography Experience Economy
- Chapter 12. Why You Should Make Money for Your Photography
- Chapter 13. How to Become a Famous Photographer
Photography Business 101
How to Make Money with Photography

- How to Charge More Money in Your Photography
- Why You Should Not Pursue Photography as Career
- Can Photography Make You Rich?
- How I Earn $200,000+ a Year From Photography
- How to earn $10,000 a month as a photographer
- Why you must be an expensive photographer
Photography Marketing 101
- Why Have More Followers?
- Why You Should Do Photography Work For Free
- How I Became an Internet Famous Photographer
- Photography Blogging Ideas
- Why You Should Promote Your Own Name
- How to Build a Following
- How to Stand Out as a Photographer.
- How to Master Marketing
- How to Sell Yourself

How to Hustle.
- Entrepreneurial Advice to My 18 Year Old Self
- How to Become Insanely Productive.
- 5 Lessons From Hesiod on Hustling
Entrepreneurial Principles
- It is Better to Beg For Forgiveness Than Ask For Permission
- The Free Way to Become Rich
- 7 Steps: How to Make a Living From Your Passion
- How to Do What You Love for a Living
- How to Create an MVP (Minimum Viable Product)
- How to Fail Big
- How to Invest in Yourself
- How to Be Bold in Photography and Life
- Mission: Cover Your Rent and Food
- 1,000 True Fans
- The “10x Principle”: The Only Difference Between “Success” and “Failure”
- Make More Value Not Money
- We Live in a Photo Utopia
How to be a Full-time Photographer
- How to Make a Living From Photography
- The 3 Principles of Making Money With Photography
- Advice for Aspiring Full-Time Photographers
- Don’t Go Into Debt For Your Photography
- How to Brand Yourself as a Photographer
- Trust: The Most Important Thing You Need to Succeed as a Photographer
Photography Blogging
- How to become rich from photography blogging
- How to Make a Living with Blogging
- 50 Blogging Tips For Beginners
- How to Start Your Own Photography Blog
- A Photographer’s Guide to SEO, Blogging, and Social Media
How to Teach Photography
- How to Become a Photography Teacher
- How to Teach a Street Photography Class
- Why I Teach Street Photography Workshops
Social Media
- Why I Deleted My Instagram
- The Social Media Blackbook for Photographers
- Why Do You Need More Likes or Followers?
- Instagram is Going to Be the Next Facebook
- Don’t Trust “Free” Photography Social Networks