The future of photography publishing is photography blogging.

A thought while using the new Gutenberg “blocks”interface for

The future of photography publishing is photography blogging.

In praise of tiled galleries

My favorite new function is the WordPress jetpack “tiled gallery” function. This takes the notion of layout in a fresh, simple, and fun new way.

This makes creating layouts super simple, fast, and fun! At this point in my photography I’m not so interested in single images. I’m more interested in how I can combine many different photos to make different image collages.

Furthermore, you can adjust the width of these tiled galleries. Below is a “wide” gallery.

Or maximum width:

Digital Marxism

Until you own the means of production and distribution (without a middle man or censorship), you don’t own yourself.

To own yourself is to own your platform. This means make your own website-blog with a provider like or, then install the open source platform.

The simple way to know whether you own whatever you create with:

Do you pay for it?

If you’re using a “free”social media platform like Facebook, Instagram (or even YouTube)— you’re being suckered somewhere.

Get started.

Start your own website-blog now. Not tomorrow. Right now. We spend thousands of dollars on camera equipment — why are we so averse to spending money on our own website or platform, which is probably 1000x more important than our gear?