As I contemplate my future and past, I think and reflect much on street photography. How much street photography has given and afforded me, how many new opportunities street photography opened up for me, and all the epic life journeys I’ve been able to experience through street photography.
As I start a very new exciting and brave new life in 2021, I wanted to use this chance to reflect on my past lessons, journeys and experiences and reflections in order to share them with you. My hope is that you gain some practical insight from what I’ve learned, and you can use these lessons to your own benefit and continue to pass them on to others!
Providence, 2021
1. For your eyes only
To me, the first logical step is to assume that your photography will be for your eyes only. To think to yourself:
If I were the only human being to enjoy my own photos, would I still do it?
If the answer is yes, this is a noble pursuit for you.
The danger lies in trying to make photos to impress others or even worse, to make photos for the “social media treadmill”— the Sisyphean pursuit of constantly uploading “better” and “better” photos in order to accrue more and more likes on social media.
Ultimately the lesson is simple:
Make photos to delight yourself, your eyes, and your own aesthetic tastes.
2. Why the streets?
To me, I love all forms of photography. But for me, street photography is still the one. Why street? For me, street photography is synonymous with social photography. Having studied sociology, street photography is embodied “visual sociology”. I’m the most engaged and turned on when I’m out in public, in the streets, and in the city. For me, paradise is paved (Walter Margerison).
There is no place I like better than the streets. From the bumbling streets of Hanoi, to the romantic streets of Roma Norte in Mexico City, and to the vibrant streets of Cuba or the fashion district (Sante Alley) in Downtown LA. The streets is where I’ve been able to hone my artistic vision, and the streets is where I’ve been able to pave my creative vision, and harden/steel my courage to shoot street photography.
3. The upside of chaos
I’ve never really liked studio photography or standard portrait photography. Why? Too much control. I don’t like to have too much control over lighting, over posing, hair styles, makeup, etc. I prefer the randomness, chaos and chance of being on the streets. With street photography I feel you surrender much to the chaos of the streets and this is great because with this surrender, you open your eyes and heart to so many new epic chances and experiences. When it comes to street photos and the art I’ve been able to make through street photography — much of what I’ve witnessed, seen, and created couldn’t have even come from my imagination. What I witness in the streets is far more fascinating than what I could have done with my own imagination. In other words, reality is more interesting than my own imagination.
4. Photographic education is highly overrated
One of my greatest blessings for photography and art is “via negativa”— my blessing to have not had a standard arts education. I’ve been far more blessed to not been suckered and indoctrinated with standard ways of doing things, approaching things, and thinking about things. In this sense, I was able to approach photography “carte blanche” (a blank slate, empty sheet of white paper) which provided me far more opportunities than closed doors.
Why this incessant need for us to feel we need a formal education? Most of it is a byproduct of our standardized educational system. We feel the need to externalize our self worth and legitimacy through advanced degrees, fancy institutions and other forms of social legitimacy. But our personal goal here is artistic and creative freedom. Artistic and creative daring. To pave new creative paths. To be more bold in our photography and approach, and to be more widely reckless in our creativity.
5. What kind of mentors or masters are useful?
He without a past has no future.
Well the question goes:
Is it possible for us to become great in photography without some sort of foundational knowledge and background?
I see learning from the past masters of photography like creative espressos or shots of adrenaline— they reawaken our own enthusiasm for photography, while still giving us some sort of oversight and guidance. But as every Zen practitioner knows — eventually we must “kill our masters”. I think there is even a Buddhist saying:
If you meet the Buddha on the road, you must kill him.
Certainly the “killing” here is metaphorical. One doesn’t need to forcibly “kill” anyone. The general concept and gist is this:
Our masters will help give us some structure and oversight, but like a good bonsai tree we just use them for initial supports. We must eventually outgrow them, and then follow our own growth pattern and chart.
6. Closer is typically better

“If your photos aren’t good enough, you’re not close enough.” – Robert Capa
Typically speaking, there is much wisdom to this Robert Capa quote. For me, I see it as both emotional proximity and physical proximity. The purpose isn’t to be close for close sake— the purpose is for us to be close in order to better feel the emotions of our subjects and have more “skin in the game” (Nassim Taleb) in street photography.
7. Street photography is artwork with human beings
I’ve come to the realization that street photography is our artwork. Street photography is creating photographic artwork with people in it. Why street photography? Because we delight in people and humans. As a human being, we derive no greater joy besides our fellow joy in our fellow humans. In other words:
To a human being, other humans are king.
You could give someone all the money, bitcoins, Lamborghinis and garden estate villas in the world but without fellow human beings to enjoy these gifts with, these things are useless. Money is useless without having other human beings, toys are useless without having other human beings to play with, and games are boring when we don’t have other humans to play with.
We don’t need a reason to “justify” our street photography to anyone else. To simply say that street photography is our artwork — this is sufficient into itself.
8. Street photography gives us great delight, joy, hope and optimism in life

This is what I love most about street photography:
It gives us deep new hope and joy for the future!
Currently it is difficult to imagine a future. As Cindy says in her “NONFUTURE” film — the fear that everyone has is that a future will no longer exist. But contrary to popular to belief there will be a great(er) future! Thus the best thing we can do is use street photography as an optimistic tool.
Thus don’t think street photography for the sake of it. The great joy and delight of street photography is that it will give us renewed enthusiasm, love, and excitement for the future!
9. Street photography as most fun as a visual compositional game
For composition it ain’t about having great composition for the sake of it. The purpose is:
Street photography composition is play and fun! If we play while shooting street photography, we are more likely to innovate and create new and more epic compositions!
With composition there is no such thing as “good” or “bad” composition. There are dynamic compositions and static compositions. Typically dynamic compositions are superior to static compositions as they give us more faith and hope in life. Static compositions remind us of death.
How does one make more dynamic street photos? Simple:
- Integrate more diagonals in your composition
- Integrate more “off-kilter” (tilted, “Dutch Angle”) compositions. This means you don’t need a straight horizon to make a good composition. When you tilt your camera when shooting, your photos feel more off-balanced and thus alive!
- Shooting head-on: Giving your subject the impression and feeling that you’re about to collide with them. You can do this with the “cutoff technique” in street photography — cross directly in front of the walking path of your subject in order to make a more dynamic composition.
- Think about the ‘golden section’ (or also known as the ‘golden rectangle, golden triangle, golden mean): The general gist is that there is a lot of geometry and mathematics behind composition. Just because it fits a compositional grid doesn’t mean it is a good composition, but it does mean your photograph has more structure. I find studying geometry as one of the greatest benefits to my compositions, as it allows me to think more dynamically.
- Simpler is typically better: The more I think about it, simplicity is the summit. This means the simpler your compositions can be, the better. This notion can be applied to almost everything — typically speaking a simpler lifestyle is superior to a more complicated lifestyle, and to make something simple is insanely complex (Steve Jobs). Thus when you’re shooting a scene and trying to make the best composition, strive to distill it to the simplest possible parts.
10. Day by day
Let us treat this day by day. Difficult to ascertain the future, but easy to approach today.
Today is your day to maximize yourself as a visual artist and street photographer. So why delay?
Only in America
Downtown LA in COLOR

Master street photography with STREET PHOTOGRAPHY STARTER KIT.

If you’re new to street photography, start here:
- The Ultimate Street Photography Tutorial
- Street Photography 101 Tutorial
- 100 Lessons From the Masters of Street Photography
- How to Shoot Street Photography
Brave New Street Photography
The Beauty of Mundane Happenings - Humans and Environments
- Define Street Photography for Yourself
- Street Photography of People You Know
- Street Photography Composition Ideas
- How to Shoot Political Photography
- Social Photography
- Street Photography Lifestyle
- Why Street Photography is So Fun
- Street Photography for Mental Health
- How to Become a Street Photography Sharpshooter
- How to Shoot Kid Street Photography
- Street Photography is an Approach, a Technique, and an Ethos
Street Photographs
- How to Shoot Street Photography with Dads and Kids
- Use Quarantine as an Opportunity to Pick up Film Photography
- Hong Kong Street Photography by ERIC KIM
Street Photography Philosophy
- Brave New Street Photographer
- How to Talk to Strangers
- How to Shoot More Dynamic Street Photographs
- Why Street Photography Brings Me So Much Joy
- How to Shoot Street Photography Video
- How to Shoot Street Photography in the Brave New COVID World
- The Future for Street Photography
- Street Photography in a Non-Travel World?
- How to Shoot Street Photography During COVID-19
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- Xenophilia: Love of Strangers
- My Street Photography Philosophy
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- Real Life People vs Abstract People
- Is it OK to Piss Off or Annoy People in Photography?
- Street Photography of People You Know
- Street Photography is Courage
- Street Photography Motivation from ERIC KIM
- Why Street Photography is Supreme
- How to Make Great Street Photos
- Street Photography Ideas by ERIC KIM
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- Street Photography Sociology
- Why There’s No Right or Wrong Way to Shoot Street Photography
- The Street Photographer as a Soldier-Artist
- Why Street Photography is the Best Photography
- Street Photography is a Way of Life
- How to Conquer Anxiety
- Street Photography is Art with People
Street Photography Articles
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Street Photography Techniques
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- Photography Technique: Take Photos While Walking!
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- How to Work the Scene in Street Photography
- How to Shoot Layers and the Bookend Technique in Street Photography
- Street Photography Techniques: The 3D Scan/360 Degree Technique (Shooting Head-on) and Holding Your Camera High in the Air and Point Downwards (and Use Your LCD Screen to Frame the Scene)
- The Walking Alongside Someone and Shooting Until They Notice You Street Photography Technique
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Street Photography Ideas
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Street Photography Composition Techniques
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Push yourself out of your comfort zone with STREET NOTES: Mobile Edition.
Timeless wisdom from the masters of street photography.
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- Street Photography Ideas
Street Photography Inspiration
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- How to Become a Fearless Photographer
- How to Make Better Street Photographs
- 12 ERIC KIM Street Photography Assignments
- Meaningful Street Photography
- 25 Street Photography Tips by ERIC KIM
Beginner Street Photography Articles
Get started in street photography:
Definitions in Street Photography
- Visual Sociology Street Photography
- Why Street Photography?
- What is Street Photography?
- Why Shoot Street Photography?
- The History of Street Photography
How to Shoot Street Photography
- How to Shoot Street Photography
- Street Portraits 101 by ERIC KIM
- The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Street Photography
- 70 Street Photography Tips for Beginners
- 15 Street Photography Techniques and Tips
- A Letter to My 18 Year Old Self: If I Started Street Photography All Over Again
Street Photography Equipment
- What is the Best Camera for Street Photography?
- What is the Best Lens for Street Photography?
- What to Consider When Buying a Camera
How to Conquer Your Fears in Street Photography
See all articles to conquer your fears >
Intermediate Street Photography Articles
Take your street photography to the next level:
- How to Become a Stoic Street Photographer
- The 10 Principles of Good Street Photography
- 7 Tips How to Capture “The Decisive Moment” in Street Photography
- The Importance of Social Skills in Street Photography
- The Street Photography Code of Ethics
- “Taking” vs “Making” Photos in Street Photography
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Advanced Street Photography Articles
Find deeper meaning in your street photography:
- How to Master Street Photography
- How to Be a Zen Street Photographer
- Personal Street Photography
- The “Bookend” Technique in Street Photography
- Street Photography is Self-Therapy
- Zen in the Art of Street Photography
- Taoism and Street Photography
- How to Find Your Style in Street Photography
- Follow Your Gut in Street Photography
Street Photography Tips & Technique
Learn how to shoot on the streets:
- 70 Street Photography Tips for Beginners
- 15 Street Photography Techniques and Tips
- Flash Street Photography Guide
- Take More Risks
- Don’t Think About Composition When You’re Shooting Street Photography
- 7 Tips How to Capture “The Decisive Moment” in Street Photography
- 7 Tips How to Make a Great Street Photograph
- Tokyo Street Photography Contact Sheets
- Video: Why it is Important to “Work the Scene” in Street Photography
- Shoot Less, Better
- Make Shitty Photos
- Shoot Effortlessly
- 10 Tips for Candid Street Photography
- 103 Lessons I’ve Learned From Street Photography
See all street photography tips and techniques >
Street Photography Guides
In-depth guides on street photography:
- How to Shoot Candid Street Photography
- How to Shoot Street Portraits with Permission
- How to Shoot Black and White Street Photography
- How to Shoot Color Street Photography
- How to Shoot Street Portraits with Permission
- How to Shoot Layers in Street Photography
- How to Shoot Urban Landscapes
Street Photography Equipment
The best equipment for street photography:
- What is the Best Camera for Street Photography?
- What is the Best Lens for Street Photography?
- Why I Love Cameras with Non-Interchangeable Lenses
- The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide for Cameras in Street Photography
- What to Consider When Buying a Camera for Street Photography
- In Street Photography, The Smaller the Camera, the Better
- Why Sharpness is Overrated in Street Photography
- How to Shoot Street Photography on a DSLR
Street Photography Editing and Workflow
- Video: Introduction to Editing, Processing, and Workflow in Lightroom
- How to Edit (Choose Your Best Photos) in Street Photography
- How Studying Contact Sheets Can Make You a Better Street Photographer
- Debunking the “Myth of the Decisive Moment”
How to Start a Street Photography Project
- Free E-Book: The Street Photography Project Manual
- How to Start Your Own Street Photography Project
- How to Come Up With a Personal Photography Project Idea
Learn From the Masters of Street Photography
“He without a past has no future.”
Start here:
- Why Study the Masters of Photography?
- Great Female Master Photographers
- Cheat Sheet of the Masters of Photography
- 100 Lessons From the Masters of Street Photography
- Beginner’s Guide to the Masters of Street Photography
- Download All Articles >
The Masters of Photography
Classics never die:
- Alfred Stieglitz
- Alec Soth
- Alex Webb
- Alexey Brodovitch
- Anders Petersen
- Andre Kertesz
- Ansel Adams
- Araki
- Blake Andrews
- Bruce Davidson
- Bruce Gilden
- Constantine Manos
- Daido Moriyama
- Dan Winters
- David Alan Harvey
- David Hurn
- Diane Arbus
- Dorothea Lange
- Elliott Erwitt
- Eugene Atget
- Eugene Smith
- Fan Ho
- Garry Winogrand
- Gordon Parks
- Helen Levitt
- Henri Cartier-Bresson
- Irving Penn
- Jacob Aue Sobol
- Jeff Mermelstein
- Joel Meyerowitz
- Joel Sternfeld
- Josef Koudelka / Part 2
- Josh White
- Lee Friedlander
- Lisette Model
- Magnum Contact Sheets
- Magnum Photographers
- Mark Cohen
- Martin Parr
- Martine Franck
- Mary Ellen Mark
- Rene Burri
- Richard Avedon
- Richard Kalvar
- Robert Capa
- Robert Frank
- Saul Leiter
- Sergio Larrain
- Sebastião Salgado
- Shomei Tomatsu
- Stephen Shore
- The History of Street Photography
- Todd Hido
- Tony Ray-Jones
- Trent Parke
- Vivian Maier
- Walker Evans
- Weegee
- William Eggleston
- William Klein
- Zoe Strauss
Free Downloads
Free Street Photography Books
Distilled information on street photography:
- The Art of Street Photography
- 100 Lessons From the Masters of Street Photography
- Street Photography Contact Sheets
- Street Photography 101
- Street Photography 102
- Film Street Photography Manual
- The Street Photography Composition Manual
- The Street Portrait Manual
- 31 Days to Overcome Your Fear in Street Photography
- Zen in the Art of Street Photography
For more resources on photography, Start Here >