How to Achieve Tranquility

I am currently in a state of deep and profound tranquility. Unperturbed, strong, calm, and zen.

Many seek tranquility yet never get it. Why not? And how can we gain tranquility? Some thoughts:

Why desire tranquility?

Why tranquility? Do you seek tranquility because you are wearied of the world, or do you seek a strong tranquil calm in order to pursue deeper truths, more philosophy and more art?

What has worked for me

Studying stoicism, zen, and Taoism for around 5+ years was a huge first step. Read all the masters, several times. Let their ideas, thoughts and philosophies dye and soak into your mind. For example I’ve probably read the complete works of Seneca at least 15 times. Seneca has influenced me so much, and has made me so “antifragile” in life that I named my first child after him.

Physiological strength, power, rest, recovery.

A huge thing:

You cannot achieve tranquility without great and profound rest and recovery, deep sleep, great nutrition (very meaty), and without physical strength and strong muscles.

Also ironically, I believe high testosterone levels are associated with *more* calm, peace, and tranquility. Some recent studies suggest that men (and women) with high testosterone are *less* sensitive to emotional ups and downs — they are more tranquil and baseline. On the contrary if you have low testosterone, then you’re more sensitive to fright, unpredictable things, and things outside of your control.

For example after a one rep max deadlift, or any powerlift, I feel this deep zen stoic sense of calm, peace, and quiet strength. Powerlifting is zen.

Or in other words:

The more muscle, and physical strength you got, the more zen you will become.

Money and tranquility

Money and tranquility — what is the mix?

For example, if you become a crypto billionaire, will that give you calm and tranquility? No. In some ways, you got more to lose than to gain. Also, if you’re checking prices every other minute, there will be zero calm and tranquility in your life.

My crypto investing and speculation strategy has been simple and effective:

Take a while before committing to a certain crypto investment, but once you buy it, *don’t* check the prices for at least 2+ years to see them fully mature.

For example when I bought Bitcoin in 2018 (for ~$7,000 a Bitcoin), I didn’t look at Bitcoin prices for at least 2 years (until end of 2020), and I’m glad I didn’t. It plunged to under $5,000 a Bitcoin during around 2018-2019. Also, when I bought Digibyte (DGB) for around .2 cents a coin, I waited for around 2 years before checking the price. I’m glad, because it plunged to nearly zero during 2018-2020, but now has seemed to climb up above .8 cents a DGB. In some ways, I’m investing and speculating for at least 2-3 years in terms of timeline, and further until 2035 (when Seneca will be 15 years old, the year that the last Bitcoin and DGB will be mined).

Being broke is bad for tranquility

Back to the money thing:

Having a lot of money doesn’t afford you tranquility, but neither does being broke.

Then it seems the simple goal:

  1. Don’t have any debt
  2. Live faaaaar below your means
  3. Never owe money
  4. Cash is king
  5. Save money like you’re going to live forever

Also a thought from Nassim Taleb (aphorism from the Bed of Procrustes book):

Don’t think about “wealth” but “unwealth”— at any moment of time which you *lack* something.

Tranquility is a means to an end.

Would I rather be a tranquil cow, or a highly untranquil person like Kanye West or Steve Jobs? The latter.

Tranquility as a *means* for your creative, artistic, philosophical creation and ends.

For example, when I’m in a state of profound tranquility, I’m the most creatively productive. It ain’t tranquility for the sake of it, but towards the sake of artistic productivity.



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