ZEN OF ERIC: Empower Yourself with Philosophy and Photography

If you want to discover more fulfillment, meaning, and purpose in your photography and life, I invite you to pick up a copy of my new book, “ZEN OF ERIC”. – Mobile Edition to always have on you: PDF file designed for all devices (phone, computer, tablet) and Printable file to print out, write on, and fill out film worksheets – Written by Eric Kim, Edited by Cindy Nguyen and Jennifer Nguyen, Original Cover Art by Annette Kim




What is ‘ZEN OF ERIC’?

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ZEN OF ERIC is a distillation of the last 10 years of my personal quest to discover more purpose, meaning, focus, and direction in my life. I’ve scoured hundreds of ancient texts in Stoicism, Zen, Taoism, Cynicism, Nihilism, and contemporary philosophy to discover more ‘truth’ in life; yet to distill these ideas and concepts into a practical and ‘actionable’ manual.

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Consider ZEN OF ERIC as your personal companion — a book of powerful ideas and concepts which will empower you, spark new ideas within you, and to give you the motivation and inspiration to take control of your life, to create more things which give you purpose and meaning, to stop procrastinating on what is important in your life, and to live everyday to your fullest potential!

Just one idea

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Chapters in ZEN OF ERIC

What works for me won’t necessarily work for you. But if ZEN OF ERIC gives you at least 1 new and empowering idea that changes your life for the better, it is worth every penny.

DISTILLED by Jennifer and Cindy Nguyen

JENNIFER NGUYEN is the chief editor for HAPTICPRESS. Jennifer worked closely in-line with CINDY (you already know her) to make ZEN OF ERIC as distilled, powerful, and potent as possible. In the ZEN philosophy of minimalism; we subtracted all of the superfluous text, and only left you with the best of the best.

How is ZEN OF ERIC organized?

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Each chapter will introduce a new idea which will challenge you and push you outside of the box to think more critically of your self-appointed purpose in life. Not only that, but every chapter will also include prompts and exercises for you to fill out your own personal answers. We also encourage you to post your reflections to ERIC KIM FORUM to join a community of like-minded individuals to motivate, pump up, and empower one another.

ZEN OF ERIC doesn’t need to be read linearly — you can skip around, read a few pages and here during your commute, or whenever you need inspiration.

Always With You

ZEN OF ERIC is published beautifully in Adobe InDesign, and exported in an elegant PDF (DRM-FREE) which means you can copy it to as many devices and computers you desire. Once you purchase ZEN OF ERIC; it is yours, and you can share it with anyone else — feel free to email it to your friends, family, or share it on your website. ZEN OF ERIC is OPEN SOURCE.

The proceeds from every copy of ZEN OF ERIC will go directly to support ANNETTE KIM and JENNIFER NGUYEN — our collaborators and partners in HAPTIC INDUSTRIES. Thank you so much for your support– you are the ones who are directly allowing our creative enterprise to keep running at full steam!


Your life is short and uncertain. I challenge you to use ZEN OF ERIC to question your beliefs in life, in order to give you more focus, purpose, and direction in your life.

BE BOLD, BE STRONG, and fly high– then fly higher!

Download Instructions

ZEN OF ERIC comes in PDF MOBILE format to use with all devices (phone, tablet, computer).

Note that the files are very large file downloads and will take some time and faster wifi connection to download. If you have problems with the download link, try opening the link in a different browser.

To import the PDF file into your iPad for iBooks, see this screencast here.

If you have any questions or issues, please contact Cindy at hapticindustries@gmail.com 


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Zen and Photography

25 Zen Street Photography Tips

The Zen of Street Photography

The Kaizen Process of Gradual Self-Improvement in Photography

The Zen of Shooting Film


Kyoto old school car.

Less is better:

Philosophy >

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