Embark On Your Own Photography Adventure Flowchart

$ 20

– Beautiful hand illustrated photography flowchart to reinspire your photography – 50+ motivational photography assignments to respark your joy for photography – Find the inspiration to shoot everyday! – Support HAPTIC artist Annette Kim through your purchase


Adventure awaits! EMBARK ON YOUR OWN PHOTOGRAPHY ADVENTURE is your unique opportunity to find inspiration through helpful photography assignments catered to you.

Have you ever lacked inspiration, motivation, or direction in your photography? Use EMBARK ON YOUR OWN PHOTOGRAPHY ADVENTURE as your personal guide and tool to find inspiration in your everyday life.

EMBARK ON YOUR OWN PHOTOGRAPHY ADVENTURE is unique because it is a beautifully illustrated flowchart which will give you tons of new photography assignments, ideas, and motivation.

Motivation on the go

EMBARK ON YOUR OWN PHOTOGRAPHY ADVENTURE is optimized as a full-resolution PDF file which is DRM-free (meaning, you can copy it to as many of your own personal devices you desire). You can store EMBARK ON YOUR OWN PHOTOGRAPHY ADVENTURE on your own phone, tablet, laptop, or even print it out for your own use. And of course, it is OPEN SOURCE, which means you can also share it with your friends, and use all of the ideas that is contained inside for free.

Daily Inspiration

We hope you will use EMBARK ON YOUR OWN PHOTOGRAPHY ADVENTURE as your shot of photography inspiration (pun intended).

Open up EMBARK ON YOUR OWN PHOTOGRAPHY ADVENTURE and start here at the top. Then follow the prompts and the flow chart, and stumble upon a new creative photography assignment to push you outside of your comfort zone. Click on the final assignment for more detailed lessons, resources, and advice.

Hand illustrated

All of the illustrations are hand crafted by ANNETTE KIM, in-house HAPTIC Artist. Each illustration is fun, engaging, and dynamic, and the playful colors will reinspire your inner child in photography.

Cheaper than a cup of coffee

EMBARK ON YOUR OWN PHOTOGRAPHY ADVENTURE is only 1 dollar, cheaper than a shot of espresso at a coffee shop.

Even if EMBARK ON YOUR OWN PHOTOGRAPHY ADVENTURE gives you one new idea, or inspiration or motivation, it will be a phenomenal โ€œreturn of investmentโ€ for only .99 cents.

What are you waiting for?

Download EMBARK ON YOUR OWN PHOTOGRAPHY ADVENTURE and find inspiration for yourself, right now, today.

Adventure awaits!
Eric, Annette, and Cindy



EMBARK ON YOUR OWN PHOTOGRAPHY ADVENTURE is an original artwork hand sketched by Annette Kim. Support your HAPTIC artists by purchasing the flowchart.

Video Interviews with Annette Kim

The Complete Works of Annette Kim

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