CERTAINLY there is good and bad in life. But, perhaps the best way to live is this:
When shit hits the fan, figure out how you can benefit, profit, and EXPLOIT it in a good way for yourself!
For example:
Beyond mere ‘adaptation’

In the past, an exploit was a heroic or extraordinary deed. When did it turn into this notion of robbing someone, or subjugating another human being for your own personal gain?
For myself personally, I don’t like exploiting other humans. Why? Too much work. To manage others and maintain them — it ain’t worth it to me.
I’m more interested in exploiting myself, and exploiting challenges in life and difficulties — to enhance, empower, and make me greater and more grand.
Exploit to unfold (Latin)
Exploit .. ‘explico‘ or ex+plico (fold). Thus to ‘exploit’ something simply means to unfold something. To disentangle something. To exhibit and explain.
My definition of exploiting reality

To exploit reality means:
Regardless of what happens to you, you transform it into your advantage.