The Philosophy of Time and Events


Not everything happens for a reason. But what do we have control over?

Having the guts and courage to think … perhaps 10 years from now looking back, I will learn to realize how this difficult time in my life was one of the best and formative experiences of my life … and in fact, were desirable!

No regrets.

This means,

As philosophers, we see regret as beneath us, and indecent.

As said before in LOOKING FORWARD— to simply regret the past (or even bemoan the present moment) is a sign of weakness, and also a “loser” mentality. Trust me, this is also advice for myself — I often complain (either outwardly or inwardly) about things about my life or certain regretful decisions I’ve made in the past.

How reality plays itself out

Why do we desire to control reality, and always have things turn out “favorably” for us? What if it were actually more desirable to *NOT* have control over our future, and how future events play out? Because I think if we all had full control over our lives, we would never undergo regret, sorrow, pain, or suffering. But all these things are which harden and strengthen us. As Nassim Taleb says (slight edit of Nietzsche’s famous quote):

That which tried to destroy me actually made me stronger (antifragile)

Everything happened as it *should* have happened (Nietzsche)

My version:

All the shitty past and present events, happenings, regrets and decisions might actually end up becoming the most fruitful events of your life.

The upside of COVID

COVID-19 has been fascinating to me, because it has revealed inner resiliency in many individuals, and has also challenged our social fabric and how we live, approach and think about our lives and lifestyles. In fact, living *through* COVID (and history) has been one of the most blessed and fortuitous events I’ve ever experienced in my life. Also in some ways, perhaps COVID-19 actually became an indirect opportunity for me and Cindy to hunker down, “settle down”, and give birth to Seneca— my first child and son.

Take it all in good stride and spirit.

In your life, learn to “endure suffering”, pain and remorse, and think to yourself:

Is it possible that one day, I will look back on this event or these events positively, and how can these horrible events and decisions *BENEFIT* me in the future?




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