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Why Live a Life Without Regrets?

We want to live a life without regrets. Why?

Thinking about regrets on your death bed

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If you accomplished much in your life and die with regret,,, but objectively you did live a great life ,,, why does your regret at the end of your life matter?

Does the way you recount your life at the end of your life matter? I believe it was Solon who once said:

Count no man happy unless he dies without regrets.

Essentially the vibe is:

How you recount your life at the end is what matters.

But should this matter?

Can a person with Alzheimer’s correctly state (at the end of their life) whether they lived a meaningful life?

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What if at the end of your life you are incapacitated, or your mental faculties have waned. Then certainly you cannot accurately depict or recollect your life.

Also, why does it matter or not whether you die with regret? After you are dead, you will not be able to feel regret.

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My thought

Then comes my thought:

Perhaps the way you recount your life at your death doesn’t matter. What matters is whether you can live day-to-day with no regrets.



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