ZEN OF ERIC EBOOK PDF: Now Available for Free!

ZEN OF ERIC is now available for FREE in HAPTIC SHOP. Pick it up to inspire and motivate you to discover more meaning in your personal (and photographic/artistic life).


Zen of ERIC on Mobile

ZEN OF ERIC was created by me (ERIC), Cindy, Annette Kim (illustrations) and Jennifer Nguyen (editing, formatting, digital layout).

Cindy had the idea that during these insane times, a breath of fresh air and motivation was necessary. Thus her impetus to make ZEN OF ERIC now open and free to all.

Share it with anyone and everyone.

ZEN OF ERIC was created to empower you. It is all of my personal life lessons distilled into a convenient e-book.

How to use ZEN OF ERIC

There ain’t a right or wrong way to use Zen of ERIC. Just flip around and if you find an idea you like, stick with it! If not, totally cool too!

If you found ZEN OF ERIC useful, share it with a friend. Email, text, Dropbox, Google Drive the PDF file to anyone.

And ultimately remember– your philosophical musings are yours.

Also another suggestion:

Good for you to philosophize and meditate on yourself and your own life. Then share your meditations with others!



Dictate your meaning and purpose in your life with ZEN OF ERIC:

Philosophical Essays

Masters of Philosophy »

Personal Philosophy »

Stoicism »

Zen Philosophy »

Life Lessons »

Learn more: Start Here >