Digital Sharecropping


What is the worst thing holding us back?

This obsession for views, likes, and followers.

To truly thrive as a photographer and visual artist, you must learn to DISDAIN views, likes, and followers.

Are you a slave to the algorithm?

Digital Sharecropping
Digital Sharecropping

The problem with social media:

It is controlled by an algorithm, which means– if you are striving to maximize your views, likes and followers, you’re gonna become controlled by the algorithm.

Avoid generic shit

numbers walking

The biggest problem with social media:

In order to maximize your views, likes, and followers — you will make generic “content”.

Things which are more interesting and unique won’t get as many views, likes, and followers. Why? Great art and ideas are often too above “basic” people or “basic” levels of thinking.

For example, McDonalds sells more burgers than Chez Panisse in Berkeley sells “Steak Frites”. However, are we to say that McDonalds is superior to Chez Panisse because they have higher numbers of consumption? Of course not! Chez Panisse is obviously superior. “Quality” is certainly more important than “quantity” here.

In praise of elitism

dream every day foot selfie

If we think about “elite” we infer there is a certain hierarchy to things, people, ideas, and art-works.

Now this is tricky — I am always on the fence about elitism. On one hand, I like notions of democracy and “open access”. On the other hand, I do think there are certain things which are actually SUPERIOR to other things. To me, the notion that “all humans are inherently equal” seems patently false to me. Perhaps all humans were born equal, but through their work, merit, industry, courage, and bravery do they transform themselves into something further and greater.

Our goal

Our goal is to become more foreign, more multifarious, more unknown, more enigmatic, and more interesting.

The way to live the best life?

Live the most interesting, un-generic, and most grand life!


Philosophy by KIM

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