November 2022


Eric Kim back muscle flex

The point isn’t to just get swole, but to become hyper swole. Insanely swole.


Eric Kim back muscle flex

If you want to become more “successful“, you must master marketing.

Eric Kim back muscle flex

Entrepreneurship by KIM

ERIC KIM eye red

Become the change which you desire to see manifested in the world!

Become you.

  1. NEWS: How to Think Like an Entrepreneur
  2. PVP (Player vs Player)
    How I became so influential
  11. Target Demographic
  12. Ambition Over Happiness
  13. Anti Collaboration
  14. The Will to Economy
  15. Why New?
  17. No Looking Back.
  18. 1000x Different
  22. Practicality is Boring
  26. Take Lots of Small Financial Risks
  27. Control Over Convenience
  28. Why Are Chinese Companies So Innovative?
  30. Why Doesn’t Anything Ever Satisfy Me?
  32. Perhaps Dissatisfaction is Good
  33. ONE REP MAX.
  42. JUST BUY IT.
  45. Boring or Not Boring?
  46. What if Your Past Self were Inferior to Your Present Self?
  49. Difficulty & Interest
  50. The Will to Expansion
  51. What is Work?
  54. Not Boring
  57. Speed is Paramount
  59. A Life With No Risk Taking is *NOT* a Life Worth Living
  60. Dissatisfaction is Good
  62. In Praise of the New
  63. Uncorrupted Desires
  64. You Cannot Fake Passion
  67. Personal Entrepreneurship
  70. A Life of Expansion
  73. Use Your Life as an Experiment to Self-Develop Yourself to Heights Never Seen Before
  74. Invest in New Developments
  75. Investing Towards What End?
  76. The 90%/10% Principle in Entrepreneurship
  77. Speed Wins
  78. The Philosophy of Happiness
  79. When to Over-Estimate, When to Under-Estimate?
  80. Never Stop Iterating
  81. Money as a Tool for Life and Artistic Experimentation
  82. Less But More Premium
  83. Mainstream vs Low-Key Success
  84. Why Dissatisfaction is Good
  86. Manifest Your Destiny
  87. Is it Best to *Not* Communicate Your Inner Thoughts or Ideas With Others?
  89. How to Do More Work
  90. CONTROL.
  91. Competition is for Losers
  92. Change.
  93. Your Competitive Advantage with Insanely Fast Wifi and High Speed Internet
  94. Pseudo Individualism
  95. Natural Internal Promoting vs External Promptings

Think for Yourself.

  1. Survival vs Thrivival
  2. Become Rich
  4. Why it is Better to Beg for Forgiveness than Ask for Permission
  5. Thinking About the Past Prevents You From Thinking About the Future
  6. How to Predict the Future
  7. Tools of Mass Distraction
  8. So What?


Never stop innovating.

Entrepreneurship Mindset

Put a Dent in the Universe.


All men desire to have at least one son. If you’ve already got the boy, consider yourself blessed.

NEWS: How to Think Like an Entrepreneur

What is entrepreneurship? A “divine dissatisfaction“ with the way things are, and the desire to change them (Jeff Bezos).

Entrepreneurship is a mindset


The first idea I propose is that entrepreneurship is a mindset, not a moneymaking thing or a business thing. For example, you can be entrepreneurial in any aspect of your life. In some ways we could consider Mother Teresa as entrepreneur, a courageous risk taker. Anybody who is willing to take an insane risk to further something they believe in is an entrepreneur.

What does it mean to think like an entrepreneur?

To think like an entrepreneur is knowing that physics aside, essentially almost anything is possible. What is more a matter is a matter of time, effort, and courage.

For example, I am quite confident that any able-bodied man could deadlift at least six plates. Certainly five, and certainly four. What is instead of necessary is time, courage and effort. If you attempt a one rep max deadlift once a week, for 10 years, And always attempt a higher weight, how can you not become stronger?

An entrepreneurial mindset can be taught

To me, the American mindset is a conceptual framework which can be exported. To innovate like an American.

Some of my practical thoughts include no shame for risk taking, and elimination of the notion of “failure“. Instead of failure, we should think of attempts and “assays” (essays, attempts).

The upside of having a day job

Money, and monetization is overrated. What is more important is simply having enough physiological strength and bandwidth in order to pursue that which you care for.

For myself, one of the huge upsides of having a 9-5 job when I first graduated college was that it allowed me to do more radical experimentation with street photography. I was not stressed, because I knew that my bills would be paid for through my 9-5 job. And so this is why I do think, it is a good idea to start building your empire while you are still fully employed, and maybe for even some people, barbell your passion and your work might be a good idea. That means, maybe it is a good idea for you to just hold onto your boring programming job, and pursue your passion on the side, rather than trying to make your passion your living.

You don’t need to make a living from your passion

There is nothing wrong with trying to make your passion your living, but the danger is when we think that being able to make a living from your passion makes it more legitimate. That is not the case. For example, Albert Einstein came up with a lot of his theories of relativity while holding a boring 9-to-5 job at the Swiss post office. Also, Nassim Taleb was able to write his first book while still being employed at a very stressful Wall Street job.

Even myself, I was able to start up my blog while I had my 9-5 tech start up job. I would simply wake up a little bit more early in the mornings, blog and write a little bit in the morning, and then either bike or drive to work. And at work when I had some of time, I would build up my social media presence. Also during my lunch breaks, I would do funny random YouTube street photography GoPro POV videos.

Working from home is the ultimate life hack

I remember when I was 21 years old, a thought that arose in my mind, why do I need to show up to the office? It made absolutely no sense. Also, when I was done with my day’s duties, why do I have to still physically be there? I much rather desired instead to just work from home, something that was just seen more as a fantasy back then.

One of the the great upsides of COVID-19 is that it shifted the culture, and now, it is not considered strange to work at home anymore, either part-time or full-time. I still do think there are many benefits to go to the office, like socialization, ping-pong, stealing free amenities from the office, etc. However, showing up to the office should be a choice, rather than an imperative. Nobody should ever be forced to shop in real life to an office, only if they wish.

If you are in a lucky position that you could work from home, or work partly from home, leverage that to build up your own entrepreneurial empire. That means, do the minimum amount of work at your day job in order to not get fired, and dedicate the rest of your energy is towards building up your own empire.

Once again, do the minimum amount of work necessary in your day job, and no more. Don’t seek promotions, or good reviews. Just don’t get fired. And then milk your corporation and use your financial security to innovate radically.

Why stoicism is good for entrepreneurship

When you are no longer afraid of death, there is really no more scary risks in life. Certainly you do not want to do stupid things like texting and driving, or go bungee jumping, but in terms of financial concerns, or even social concerns, don’t worry about success or failure, simply focus on the attempt.

Also something that’s very useful for me is lifting very very heavy stuff at the gym. I no longer call it powerlifting, I call it “hypelifting.” What is the difference? Powerlifting is too focused on competition, and “proper form“. Instead what is more interesting is the amount of hype, courage, and chutzpah you are willing to exert when attempting a new very very heavy weight.

To attempt a new weight that you have never attempted before is very entrepreneurial in regards to the fact that you may succeed, or you may fail. But it doesn’t matter, what matters is your courage.

Ia it useful to read books on entrepreneurship?

It depends. It actually is very useful to read books on entrepreneurship if it revolves around the life, thoughts or the philosophy of one individual. Ideally, the entrepreneur him or herself writes the book. Not a commentator or digester of the information.

Also the problem is that you could read 1 trillion books on entrepreneurship, and 99.9% of them may never come in handy.

Oh the first simple thought is study entrepreneur is for a dead. Why? The life has come to a close, and typically, all of the skeletons are out of their own closet. For example, read the Walter Isaacson biography on Steve Jobs.

The second idea is study the hero of your heroes. For example, Steve Jobs was very inspired by the inventor of Polaroid, Edwin Land. Therefore it is very useful to study Edwin Land if you admire Steve Jobs.

Also, try to resist reading new books. Why? It is difficult to ascertain whether the new book will last for even another three or five years.

Another suggestion is read books on philosophy instead. Why? Reading Seneca‘s essay on the shortness of life was a better motivator for me to pursue my passions in photography, and conquer fear, more so than any motivational book out there.

What do you desire to achieve?

Once again, I don’t think it is necessary to make money from your passion in photography. Instead, what matters is for you to simply pursue the thing you are passionate about, and have the courage to pursue it.

A simple goal can be to just create something and just put it out there. You can make it open and free, open source.

Certainly you could try to create it, and sell it for money. But that is optional.

Promoting yourself and your creations

Let us assume that you are already retired, already made your millions, etc. Then what? Then it might be a more fun pursuit to simply focus on your artistic and creative work, and focus on just putting your stuff out there. To me this is a fun pursuit, as you are no longer incentivized by money. Instead, you just want to share your love.

For myself as a blogger, there are so many things I blog about simply because I wish people had access to that same information or ideas or knowledge. It is some thing intrinsic within my soul and DNA, I cannot explain it. If I cannot share the thing I wanted to share, it feels like I am choking.

How to put yourself out there

I believe the most critical one is start blogging. What is the difference between a blog and website? I think a blog is just a website that you update frequently, ideally several times a day.

A simple way to pursue it is think to yourself, how many times do I post something to Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter every single day? And instead of posting it on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc., just post it to your own website and blog instead.

However, the reason why a lot of people seem reticent to put on their own website or blog is that they desire more exposure, and more eyeballs looking at their stuff. However, the truth of the matter is that nowadays with social media, the organic news feeds are becoming very antagonistic towards creators, For example, if I have 80,000 Facebook fans on my fan page, and I post something, only 100 people might see it organically. In order to get more people to see it, I need to “boost“ it, throwing in more money. If I give Facebook $25, maybe 1000 people will see it. Currently the statistics are grim.

Why is it this way? Simple, Facebook/Instagram/meta-is not doing too well financially, and they need to maximize their earnings, in order to keep their stock price high, and to also avoid layoffs. Truth be told, I do not see Mark Zuckerberg as an evil villain. He is a nerd with good intentions. When Facebook recently had to lay off a bunch of people, I could generally see the remorse in his face.

Email newsletter is the way

The most old-school yet the most effective marketing tool is an email newsletter. How do you get people to subscribe to your email newsletter? Simple, offer free information or free ideas that will actually help them.

I call these “turbo thoughts“, thoughts that could motivate you, and super charge and turbo charge you. A combination of a little bit of motivation, encouragement, and some ideas.

It seems nowadays, nobody likes email. Email is the bane of our modern existence. Yet, if you could use this underappreciated channel in a meaningful way, it is a good strategy.

The simplest way you can start an email newsletter is to just collect email addresses in Google forms, and then send out emails from your Gmail account using BCC. A more sophisticated way to setting it up the (what I use) and integrating it with Amazon email services. I now prefer this approach over, as it is 1000 times cheaper, simpler and more effective.

Forward thinking

How do we advance? To think forward. Not to think about the present, or the past, but forward, the next day, and into the future.

The difficult thing with this approach is that there are lots of great things to draw from the past. Much great inspiration innovation and motivation from the past. Well, I am very grateful for the stoics, and the past philosophers and thinkers and entrepreneurs, to help inspire and motivate me. Yet the danger happens when you start to simply kowtow to them, and only do as they do, and never disobey them.

For example, rather than thinking what you should do, you think to the past and you ask yourself, but what would person XYZ say?

As a rule of thumb, never trust anybody who quotes any German or French thinker or philosopher from the past 300 years. Even Nietzsche.

Thinking on your own two feet

Currently, what does the world lack? Free independent thinkers.

After my experiences in the bay area, truth be told, I don’t think I have ever met a free thinker in the bay area in the flesh. Also in Silicon Valley, the only freethinker I have ever met was Ryan from backyard brew in Palo Alto. Everyone else is just a lemming.

How about the East Coast or New York? What I have discovered is that nobody who lives in New York or Brooklyn is actually from New York or Brooklyn. Everyone is either transplants from the West Coast, or grew up in some New York suburb. No independent thinkers in New York.

How about San Francisco? Once again, nobody who lives in San Francisco is actually from San Francisco, let alone the bay area. It looks like most people who live in San Francisco now are either from San Jose, or got some tech job.

What about Los Angeles? Los Angeles is interesting, as here in LA, you actually do have a little bit more independent thinkers. However the focus tends to be more around culture, music, art and fashion. My critique of LA is that they are all chasing money and fame, yet nobody knows why?

Critical thinking

If there is one thing I desire to help nurture in Seneca, and others is critical thinking. To brutally keep asking yourself the question why?
This is where philosophy is the way.

Never stop thinking

What is the best way to think? I think as you blog something, write something out, or Vlog something, you begin to get a better sense of things.

A simple thing you could do is just use the voice recorder app on your iPhone, and use that as a way to start your own audio podcast. Download the app on your phone, and you could start immediately publishing your podcast.

Also, YouTube. If you have the YouTube app on your phone or your iPad, just open it, and press the little plus button on the bottom of the app, and start immediately uploading your videos.

The most titanic way you could share your thoughts is your own blog. Register your own website and domain on, install, and start publishing blog posts. As a simple suggestion, I recommend turning off all statistics, comments, etc., as it is a dismotivator. The days where you have more page views you’re happy, but the days where you have none or less, you get depressed. This is not good. Also, the reason why I am very suspicious of is that I am not certain if there is a way you could actually disable your site statistics. Statistics are bad.

More resources

  1. Entrepreneurship by Kim
  2. Photography entrepreneurship 101

My favorite books

  1. Zero to one by Peter Thiel
  2. Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isaacson

Books by KIM

Christmas thoughts

What should you ask for, or buy yourself this Christmas season? My thoughts:

  1. iPad Pro M2 chip
  2. merino wool shirt in black
  3. A website domain. If you haven’t already, go to and register your own website and domain.
  4. Muji down vest for men
  5. Vibram five finger shoes, the EL-X model
  6. A faster internet connection.
  8. Kinesis ergonomic keyboard. This is how Cindy was able to turn out her dissertation in record time, and also cure her carpal tunnel.
  10. Gym membership

Forward the thoughts

If any of the thoughts here interested you, feel free to forward it to a friend!



Still churning out more details for my first ever Hadong South Korea Zen photography retreat 2023.

Pertinent details:

  • Dates: June 19-23rd, 2023 (Monday to Friday).

People seem to already be planning out their summer. I suggest take a good look at June of next year, 2023, and figure out if you could take time off of work, travel, etc. Ideally you would try to takeoff at least two weeks from work, or you could just takeoff one week from work and attend the workshop. The fortunate thing is that flights to Incheon ICN international airport South Korea are very frequent and cheap.

Pro tip: this new airline called Air Premia is very good if you plan to directly fly from LAX to ICN international airport South Korea.

Otherwise, check out or just use Google flights.

In the interim, if you have any questions about the workshop, feel free to email my workshop coordinator, a.k.a. my mom, Lea Chung

If you’re slightly interested and want to keep in the loop, feel free to fill out this register intent form.

What now?

I suggest going to the gym, and get a quick pump. Attempt a very very heavy micro squat, in which you just unrack the weight, and squat down half a centimeter. And then put back the weight. My new theory is that the squat is more of a weight bearing exercise, something to strengthen your spine.

Another fun thought is check out the Porsche experience center, and drive a new 9/11 really fast. Shout out to my friend Jose and Eric.

Also, a thought from my friend Stan Hudecki, take your photos and remix them in the Procreate app either on your iPad or iPhone. This is a very good creative exercise.

Now go forth and make art!

And if you’re not sure what to do with your photos, just upload them to

Open source

This is open source, which means you could feel free to repost it to your own website or blog, translate it, no attribution necessary.

If you are new, Start Here.



If you’re both a blogger and a Vlogger, what are you? A Logger.

The Internet and your website simply a place to log your thoughts, artwork, stuff, etc.

No attribution necessary

It seems that people who either require or desire attribution lack some sort of self-confidence.

Trends are bad

For example, avoid people who wear fanny packs, or crocs.

Southern California is better for productivity?

For example, winter is currently upon us, yet, I can still go outside, and enjoy the sun. The more time I spend outdoors, and the more time I spend in the sun, the more energy and power I have.

Perhaps Peter Thiel was very intelligent in moving to LA, and out of the bay area. Also one of the biggest benefits of being in LA, or Southern California is that the women, and the men, are much more beautiful. And ultimately when it comes down to it, beautiful humans are far more interesting than all of the technology and billions of dollars in the world.

Note, San Jose is a difficult place to find a life partner. Also the Bay Area. Especially San Francisco. All of the pretty girls are in LA.

Why Don’t the Germans Know How to Design Electric Cars?

Perhaps they’re really good at iterative thinking (take the Porsche 911 and make it indefinitely better), but not good at “carte Blanche” thinking — thinking from scratch, first principles.

Germans are really good at order, obeying orders, efficiency, etc. Much less good at radical new innovation.

Americans, our status quo is to disobey. We always question everything, everyone, standards, etc. It is difficult to imagine a Steve Jobs in Germany.

How to Become a Bodybuilder

Eric Kim back muscle flex

First of all, ignore all the information on the internet. Why? All of the dudes are on steroids, human growth hormones, testosterone injections or other strange supplements.

Second, lift very very heavy things, as often as you can. a very pragmatic suggestion I have is lower the range of motion, increase the weight. For example, instead of doing deadlifts, better to do rack pulls instead. Also with squat, you don’t need to go that low. Just do a micro squat.

Third, no carbs, alcohol or sugar. No marijuana. Only lots of black coffee, green tea, and eat a shit load of meat. Also intermittent fasting— no breakfast or lunch or “pre-workout” stuff. No protein powder. Only beef ribs, beef liver, heart, brisket.

Bodybuilders are much more friendly than powerlifters

Bodybuilders tend to be fun open and friendly. Powerlifters seem to be reclusive, strange, and weirdly low-key competitive.

Why is this? Powerlifters want to feel superior to bodybuilders, on account of the fact that they can lift heavier weights. Yet I think secretly, powerlifters are jealous of the physique of bodybuilders.

How to Think Like an Entrepreneur

What is entrepreneurship? A “divine dissatisfaction“ with the way things are, and the desire to change them (Jeff Bezos).

Entrepreneurship is a mindset

The first idea I propose is that entrepreneurship is a mindset, not a moneymaking thing or a business thing. For example, you can be entrepreneurial in any aspect of your life. In some ways we could consider Mother Teresa as entrepreneur, a courageous risk taker. Anybody who is willing to take an insane risk to further something they believe in is an entrepreneur.

What does it mean to think like an entrepreneur?

To think like an entrepreneur is knowing that physics aside, essentially almost anything is possible. What is more a matter is a matter of time, effort, and courage.

For example, I am quite confident that any able-bodied man could deadlift at least six plates. Certainly five, and certainly four. What is instead of necessary is time, courage and effort. If you attempt a one rep max deadlift once a week, for 10 years, And always attempt a higher weight, how can you not become stronger?

An entrepreneurial mindset can be taught

To me, the American mindset is a conceptual framework which can be exported. To innovate like an American.

Some of my practical thoughts include no shame for risk taking, and elimination of the notion of “failure“. Instead of failure, we should think of attempts and “assays” (essays, attempts).

The upside of having a day job

Money, and monetization is overrated. What is more important is simply having enough physiological strength and bandwidth in order to pursue that which you care for.

For myself, one of the huge upsides of having a 9-5 job when I first graduated college was that it allowed me to do more radical experimentation with street photography. I was not stressed, because I knew that my bills would be paid for through my 9-5 job. And so this is why I do think, it is a good idea to start building your empire while you are still fully employed, and maybe for even some people, barbell your passion and your work might be a good idea. That means, maybe it is a good idea for you to just hold onto your boring programming job, and pursue your passion on the side, rather than trying to make your passion your living.

You don’t need to make a living from your passion

There is nothing wrong with trying to make your passion your living, but the danger is when we think that being able to make a living from your passion makes it more legitimate. That is not the case. For example, Albert Einstein came up with a lot of his theories of relativity while holding a boring 9-to-5 job at the Swiss post office. Also, Nassim Taleb was able to write his first book while still being employed at a very stressful Wall Street job.

Even myself, I was able to start up my blog while I had my 9-5 tech start up job. I would simply wake up a little bit more early in the mornings, blog and write a little bit in the morning, and then either bike or drive to work. And at work when I had some of time, I would build up my social media presence. Also during my lunch breaks, I would do funny random YouTube street photography GoPro POV videos.

Working from home is the ultimate life hack

I remember when I was 21 years old, a thought that arose in my mind, why do I need to show up to the office? It made absolutely no sense. Also, when I was done with my day’s duties, why do I have to still physically be there? I much rather desired instead to just work from home, something that was just seen more as a fantasy back then.

One of the the great upsides of COVID-19 is that it shifted the culture, and now, it is not considered strange to work at home anymore, either part-time or full-time. I still do think there are many benefits to go to the office, like socialization, ping-pong, stealing free amenities from the office, etc. However, showing up to the office should be a choice, rather than an imperative. Nobody should ever be forced to shop in real life to an office, only if they wish.

If you are in a lucky position that you could work from home, or work partly from home, leverage that to build up your own entrepreneurial empire. That means, do the minimum amount of work at your day job in order to not get fired, and dedicate the rest of your energy is towards building up your own empire.

Once again, do the minimum amount of work necessary in your day job, and no more. Don’t seek promotions, or good reviews. Just don’t get fired. And then milk your corporation and use your financial security to innovate radically.

Why stoicism is good for entrepreneurship

When you are no longer afraid of death, there is really no more scary risks in life. Certainly you do not want to do stupid things like texting and driving, or go bungee jumping, but in terms of financial concerns, or even social concerns, don’t worry about success or failure, simply focus on the attempt.

Also something that’s very useful for me is lifting very very heavy stuff at the gym. I no longer call it powerlifting, I call it “hypelifting.” What is the difference? Powerlifting is too focused on competition, and “proper form“. Instead what is more interesting is the amount of hype, courage, and chutzpah you are willing to exert when attempting a new very very heavy weight.

To attempt a new weight that you have never attempted before is very entrepreneurial in regards to the fact that you may succeed, or you may fail. But it doesn’t matter, what matters is your courage.

Ia it useful to read books on entrepreneurship?

It depends. It actually is very useful to read books on entrepreneurship if it revolves around the life, thoughts or the philosophy of one individual. Ideally, the entrepreneur him or herself writes the book. Not a commentator or digester of the information.

Also the problem is that you could read 1 trillion books on entrepreneurship, and 99.9% of them may never come in handy.

Oh the first simple thought is study entrepreneur is for a dead. Why? The life has come to a close, and typically, all of the skeletons are out of their own closet. For example, read the Walter Isaacson biography on Steve Jobs.

The second idea is study the hero of your heroes. For example, Steve Jobs was very inspired by the inventor of Polaroid, Edwin Land. Therefore it is very useful to study Edwin Land if you admire Steve Jobs.

Also, try to resist reading new books. Why? It is difficult to ascertain whether the new book will last for even another three or five years.

Another suggestion is read books on philosophy instead. Why? Reading Seneca‘s essay on the shortness of life was a better motivator for me to pursue my passions in photography, and conquer fear, more so than any motivational book out there.

What do you desire to achieve?

Once again, I don’t think it is necessary to make money from your passion in photography. Instead, what matters is for you to simply pursue the thing you are passionate about, and have the courage to pursue it.

A simple goal can be to just create something and just put it out there. You can make it open and free, open source.

Certainly you could try to create it, and sell it for money. But that is optional.

Promoting yourself and your creations

Let us assume that you are already retired, already made your millions, etc. Then what? Then it might be a more fun pursuit to simply focus on your artistic and creative work, and focus on just putting your stuff out there. To me this is a fun pursuit, as you are no longer incentivized by money. Instead, you just want to share your love.

For myself as a blogger, there are so many things I blog about simply because I wish people had access to that same information or ideas or knowledge. It is some thing intrinsic within my soul and DNA, I cannot explain it. If I cannot share the thing I wanted to share, it feels like I am choking.

How to put yourself out there

I believe the most critical one is start blogging. What is the difference between a blog and website? I think a blog is just a website that you update frequently, ideally several times a day.

A simple way to pursue it is think to yourself, how many times do I post something to Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter every single day? And instead of posting it on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc., just post it to your own website and blog instead.

However, the reason why a lot of people seem reticent to put on their own website or blog is that they desire more exposure, and more eyeballs looking at their stuff. However, the truth of the matter is that nowadays with social media, the organic news feeds are becoming very antagonistic towards creators, For example, if I have 80,000 Facebook fans on my fan page, and I post something, only 100 people might see it organically. In order to get more people to see it, I need to “boost“ it, throwing in more money. If I give Facebook $25, maybe 1000 people will see it. Currently the statistics are grim.

Why is it this way? Simple, Facebook/Instagram/meta-is not doing too well financially, and they need to maximize their earnings, in order to keep their stock price high, and to also avoid layoffs. Truth be told, I do not see Mark Zuckerberg as an evil villain. He is a nerd with good intentions. When Facebook recently had to lay off a bunch of people, I could generally see the remorse in his face.

Email newsletter is the way

The most old-school yet the most effective marketing tool is an email newsletter. How do you get people to subscribe to your email newsletter? Simple, offer free information or free ideas that will actually help them.

I called them “turbo thoughts“, thought that could you go in, and super charge and turbo charge you. A combination of a little bit of motivation, encouragement, and some ideas.

It seems nowadays, nobody likes email. Email is the bane of our modern existence. Yet, if you could use this underappreciated channel in a meaningful way, it is a good strategy.

The simplest way you can start an email newsletter is to just collect email addresses in Google forms, and then send out emails from your Gmail account using BCC. A more sophisticated way to setting it up the (what I use) and integrating it with Amazon email services. I now prefer this approach over mail chimp, as it is 1000 times cheaper, simpler and more effective.

Always day one.


What is the best way to approach life? To have insanely lofty and massive goals, and attempt them. Ultimately it doesn’t even matter whether you succeed or fail, but at least you had the monster ambition.

For example, my new quest to rack pull seven plates, or maybe even eight plates.

What does it mean to be an entrepreneur anyways?


Anyone can build and craft a beautiful and strong body. Irregardless of race, ethnicity, age, height, genetics, sex etc.

Intolerance in Society

A sociological and philosophical thought on my mind is in regards to tolerance, and health. For example, smoking. In the past, society was very open and even favored towards smoking. Now, smoking is seen as intrinsically bad and evil, and is dealt with heavy dollops of shame. It almost seems that all smokers know that they “need to quit“, and now in public places, and most restaurants, and certainly airplanes, smoking is prohibited and illegal.

Why do I hate smoking so much? For me as a kid growing up, my dad was a heavy smoker. Even though he smoked outside, he would still reek of it, and sometimes the secondhand smoke would creep into the house. It is probably one of the most hated smells that I have, and whenever I see anybody who smokes, I almost see them as subhuman.

However in America, we live in a free society. I believe that any individuals should have the right to smoke indoors, in their own home, if they desire. However, the issue is when it comes to the public; should people be allowed to smoke outdoors? It depends. If you live in a crowded apartment complex, should you allowed be allowed to smoke on your own patio, given that the tail winds will probably push some of that smoke into your neighbors house? I would say no. Maybe apartment complexes should have strict rules prohibiting smoking on their patio, or even near the entrance. That their smoking is only permitted indoors.

Or better yet, perhaps there should only be apartment complexes which only allow smokers. Similar to what they have as “pet friendly“ complexes. Maybe it is best to just group the degenerates together.

What changes once you’re a parent

One of my most distasteful experiences was when I was in this really nice hotel, at the outdoors pool, and I saw this one lady smoking by the pool. The thought of having my son be exposed to secondhand smoke, or inhale it, was beyond tolerable. Instead of asking the lady to stop smoking, I simply took Seneca and walked away and did something else instead. And then I told the hotel staff to make it a policy that smoking is not allowed anywhere on the hotel complex, and also submitted one of my very rare one star reviews on Google Maps.

When you’re a parent and you have a kid, it is beyond your own preferences. It becomes your duty and role to protect your kids, to be their avenger and defender. Why? They don’t know any better. Also, they lack the linguistic and social power that we adults have.

How do things in society become untolerated?

One example, rap music and hip-hop. As a kid growing up, in the 90s and 2000s, it was very very common for rappers to be openly anti-gay and homophobic. To call someone “gay“, or “a fag“, or a “faggot” was very common. However now, this is not the case. There are lots of now openly gay or LGBTQ rappers, like Frank Ocean. Because they are so respected in the community, not even Eminem is allowed to throw out anti-gay slurs, without having to be forced to put out an apology letter.

First theory; one must have the courage to be the prime mover, the first person to be courageous, and make a stand.

Or another words, a single person can spark a movement, and spark a change. Then society catches up.

Sustainability is boring

Whenever I hear people talk about sustainability, or a company talking about sustainability, it seems very disingenuous. For example, I think most businesses only talk about sustainability to prevent bad PR.

When it comes to individuals talking about sustainability, it seems that they either lack a source of religion, and therefore, their new religion becomes “the planet”, or, people simply are trying to virtue signal, or follow the trend.

Also philosophically if you think about “sustainability”, what do we mean? Do we mean to say that we want planet earth to last indefinitely, or another 100 trillion years? Or just 1 billion more years? Or just 1 million more years? Or 100,000 more years? Or 10,000 more years?

Also, the big philosophical question:

Is it better to have a short yet insanely great life, or a long and very boring one?

For example, is it better to be an Alexander the Great and die at the age of 34, or is it better to just be a new modern consultant, and die slowly at the age of 92?

For myself, I certainly want to continue to thrive until I am 120 years old. Therefore, “sustainability” is a concept for me. Yet, in someways, we must be a little bit foolish. For example, my new great joy in discovering and experimenting with doing very very heavy rack pulls at the gym, with six or more plates on each side.


Play, guts taste.

Big trends?

High velocity decision making — make high quality decisions slowly.

Disagree and commit.

Look, i know we disagree on this, but will you disagree and commit with me on this and gamble with me on this?

True misalignment issues?

Accelerate the pace of innovation


Insanely Bold Over Timid

Cash flow

Lean culture — cost conscious culture

Real rich people drive cheap cars

Is scale really important for you or your business model?

Cash favored, capital efficient

Do you admire the person?

How can this person be a superstar?

Long term value creation?

Epic scale?

Capital efficient.

Lower costs for experiments and experimentation?

Digital real estate ?

Eliminate errors ?

Do both.

More selection?

Lower prices?

True ownership?

Insanely long term tenacity **

The long run!

“Free cash flow”?

Creation or destruction of value?

Slowly grow, but indefinitely over the long term?

Don’t build physical stores

Technology which disappears **

Technology that gets out of the way

Don’t duplicate the physical, approach if differently .

“Start a fire”— Kindle

Muda — waste.

Eliminate the source of the dirt

Invent on behalf of your customers

Invention is in our dna **

Blow through the traditional gatekeepers

Help others pursue their dreams

Internally vs externally driven


Invent before you have to!

Do things proactively!

Surprise, delight, add trust.

In the long term, you will be weighed more accurately.

“Change for the better”

Reduce waste **

Bold bets.



“Original content”

Speed and agility

How to upgrade my website and blog?

It’s still day 1.

Failure and invention are inseparable twins.

Swing for the fences even if you might strike out!

Don’t stick to your knitting

Invention Machine **

Day 2 is stasis. Avoid stasis !!

Avoid irrelevance , and slow and painful decline and death

Just focus on yourself and your own life



Your photography assignment is “zen”. However you interpret it. Whether it be simple, minimalist, etc.

Some thoughts include just one shape, only include one color, or just one subject, and just one concept.

Upload your photos to


My personal thought is LA is like its own race. All people from LA love In-N-Out Burger, Mexican food, arts culture and music.

Also, the good thing about people from LA is that they are very open minded, friendly, and for the most part, not that political. What they are more interested in is focusing on themselves, and building themselves.

Also the interesting thing is that for the most part, they don’t really care about tech too much. I think they care more about investments and money instead.

Also, people from LA are superficial. In a good way. This means, they are not pseudo woke or pseudo enlightened.

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