In this short game of life, why not grant yourself great exceptions? To disdain the popular prejudices and virtues of our time. To form ourselves, to select our own virtues for ourselves, and to cultivate ourselves into something new.
In praise of American exceptionalism
One of my greatest windfalls to have happened to me was to be born in America, and grown up in America. Too often I hear Europeans (or other nations) sneer at Americans and say:
You all think you are so exceptional (as if this were a bad thing, or a vice).
But let us consider all popular culture, music, fashions, devices (Apple, iPhone) and cars (Tesla). They are all the manifestation of American culture and ideology– notions of individualism, individuation (becoming an individual), and being exceptional.
You are exceptional.
Consider: there is nobody in the world out there like you. Nobody on planet earth which has the same DNA as you, or the same life experiences. You are the amalgamation of all the randomness, chaos and chance which has befallen upon you, and also a combination of your own interests, efforts, and self-determinations.
Why *not* be exceptional?
Much of Christian morality we are taught:
To outshine others is a vice.
One must be dim, and not stand out too much, for the fear of making others ‘feel bad’ about themselves.
Shallow exceptionalism
Critique of American individualism:
Much of the individualism is pseudo-individualism; based on consumerist practices and purchasing behaviors, rather than actual behavioral or mental/philosophical differences.
Even in more recent times, lifestyle just ends up becoming another purchasable consumer good.
Thus the goal here is:
Deep, true, individualism … in which you pride yourself on being different — not just in terms of what you buy, use, or how you live, but how you think, behave, and your (private) virtues you strive towards!
Entrepreneurship by KIM
Become the change which you desire to see manifested in the world!
Become you.
- Use Your Life as an Experiment to Self-Develop Yourself to Heights Never Seen Before
- Invest in New Developments
- Investing Towards What End?
- The 90%/10% Principle in Entrepreneurship
- Speed Wins
- The Philosophy of Happiness
- When to Over-Estimate, When to Under-Estimate?
- Never Stop Iterating
- Money as a Tool for Life and Artistic Experimentation
- Less But More Premium
- Mainstream vs Low-Key Success
- Why Dissatisfaction is Good
- Manifest Your Destiny
- Is it Best to *Not* Communicate Your Inner Thoughts or Ideas With Others?
- How to Do More Work
- Competition is for Losers
- Change.
- Your Competitive Advantage with Insanely Fast Wifi and High Speed Internet
- Pseudo Individualism
- Natural Internal Promoting vs External Promptings
Think for Yourself.
- Survival vs Thrivival
- Become Rich
- Why it is Better to Beg for Forgiveness than Ask for Permission
- Thinking About the Past Prevents You From Thinking About the Future
- How to Predict the Future
- Tools of Mass Distraction
- So What?
Never stop innovating: “Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Photography Entrepreneurship“.
Entrepreneurship Mindset
- What is Your Dream in Life?
- 8 Blogging Productivity Tips
- Why Be Normal?
- How Much Suffering Are You Willing to Endure to Achieve Your Dreams?