How to Increase Your Testosterone

rock toss air

The more testosterone, the better. Some philosophical and practical thoughts on testosterone and how to boost it:

My theory:

  • rock toss air

Testosterone (in both men and women) is good. The more we got of it, the better. The stronger we are physically. Better reproductive abilities and so forth.

I only encourage natural forms of boosting testosterone via food and lifestyle, and also abstinence.

Interesting idea:

Perhaps testosterone is related to creative productivity.

Man or woman; the more testosterone we got, the better. Some practical ideas:

How to increase your testosterone — some ideas:

1. Stop smoking weed

  • Park workout

Weed affects your testosterone. No good.

The abstract from this study:

The THC-induced block of GnRH release results in lowered LH and FSH which is responsible for reduced testosterone production by the Leydig cells of the testis. Other hormones that might have a synergistic or antagonistic effect upon reproduction in the male are the adrenal cortical hormones, prolactin, thyroid hormones, and growth hormones.

Also the downside of THC (active ingredient in weed). The gist is that THC depresses growth hormone (which is good to build muscle), and also elevates cortical steroids [stress hormone, like cortisol].

THC appears to depress prolactin, thyroid gland function, and growth hormone while elevating adrenal cortical steroids.

Also averse reproductive problems with weed:

Chronic exposure of laboratory animals, such as rats, mice, and monkeys to marijuana and to the various cannabinoids in marijuana has altered the function of several of the accessory reproductive organs. Reports of reduced prostate and seminal vesicle weights, as well as altered testicular function, have been partially explained by the effect of marijuana in lowering serum testosterone needed for proper function and support.

In other words, weed fucks with your balls.

  • Park workout

However, the nuance:

The question is still unanswered as to whether or not the effects observed on spermatozoa are due to a direct action of the cannabinoids on spermatogenesis, or whether some of the observed effects may be due to altered hormone levels which are necessary for the support of spermatogenesis. Reduced testosterone and FSH may be important in producing the observed changes in sperm production by the seminiferous tubules. Many of the effects on the endocrine system caused by chronic treatment of animals with THC are completely reversible with time and there is reason to believe that tolerance develops to these effects with acute exposure to THC.

But the gist is this:

Weed does something to your balls, testicles, and production of testosterone and human growth hormone.

Thus in other words:

If you want to augment your muscles to the maximum, don’t smoke or do weed.

I have no moralistic or ethical problems against smoking weed. But it seems the scientific truth is that it alters your testosterone (perhaps in a negative way), which is anti-gains.

And don’t we want to maximize our muscular gains?

2. Stop drinking alcohol

Figure 1 The hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. The hypothalamus produces luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH), which is released to the pituitary gland. In response to the LHRH signal, the pituitary gland produces luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). In males, LH stimulates testosterone production and FSH is important to sperm maturation. Testosterone circulates in the blood back to the hypothalamic-pituitary unit and regulates the further production and secretion of LHRH and LH.
NOTE: + = stimulatory effect; – = inhibitory effect. Source here.

From ‘Alcohol and the Male Reproductive System‘ by Mary Ann Emanuele, M.D., and Nicholas Emanuele, M.D. From their publication:

Research with animals has consistently demonstrated an association between both acute (i.e., one time, one occasion) and chronic (i.e., long-term) alcohol consumption and low testosterone. As testosterone levels decrease, levels of LH and FSH would be expected to increase to stimulate the production of more testosterone.

Not only that, but in acute and chronic alcohol exposure, there is often ‘profound testosterone suppression’.

However, studies with young (i.e., pubertal) male rats indicate that both acute and chronic alcohol exposure result in profound testosterone suppression accompanied by lower or normal LH and FSH levels, when elevated levels are expected (Hadley 1988; Yen and Jaffe 1991). This suggests that the hypothalamic cells which produce LHRH do not function correctly when the feedback normally provided by testosterone is removed (i.e., when testosterone levels decrease). Thus it appears that alcohol’s damaging effects on reproduction are mediated at all three levels of the male reproductive unit: the hypothalamus, pituitary, and testes

Once again to be clear … no problem with drinking alcohol from a moral-ethical reason. I personally abstain from alcohol (I drink no alcohol, zero), simply to maximize my testosterone and muscular gains.

3. Intermittent fasting + Consuming more fatty red meat

Red meat is a steroid (cholesterol is a steroid). There is a reason why creatine (the greek word is ‘flesh/blood’) is similar to the creatine in red meat and steak.

Moving from here … it ain’t based on science, but just my n=1 (my own personal self-experimentation) with myself.

In the past, I did the whole low fat thing, and couldn’t bulk up and get more muscular gains. However once throwing all that no-fat and low-fat stuff out the window, I started to consume more fatty red meats, more fatty steaks, more fatty pork, more fatty chicken, etc. I kept working out intense, and a huge shock:

My muscles became so much bigger, and became far larger.

Taking this a step further … I wondered:

How can I concurrently increase muscular mass while decreasing body fat?

My theory:

Complete abstinence from carbs, sugars, and starches + intermittent fasting (no breakfast or lunch, just one massive dinner) + eating tons of fatty red meats with collard greens/kale/kimchi, sauerkraut, etc.

Thus my theory:

The more saturated fat you consume, the more testosterone you will boost.

Also I have no scientific proof on this, but I am quite convinced that intermittent fasting is boosting my muscular growth (there are studies that suggest a link between intermittent fasting and boosting IGF-1 [the human growth hormone]).

I never eat breakfast or lunch (only lots of black coffee, matcha green tea, water) during the day, and I strive to break my fast when the sun goes down (like Ramadan every day). Nowadays in the summer that is around 8-9pm when I break my fast.

4. Intense working out

The more you attempt heavy weight lifting and body weight exercises, etc … the more testosterone you will stimulate. This seems quite obvious. This study (Effects of Progressive Resistance Training on Growth Hormone and Testosterone Levels in Young and Elderly Subjects) says:

We observed the response of serum growth hormone (GH) and testosterone (T) to a progressive resistance strength training program

Simply put, a resistance strength training program will boost your growth hormone (GH( and also your testosterone (T).

5. Working out and building muscles and increasing testosterone for both men and women

  • peace
  • back flex
  • Back muscle flex
  • stomach fat
  • legs selfie
  • flex ERIC KIM muscle
  • Selfie ERIC KIM abs fat
  • Ack
  • front flex muscle
  • Front selfie flex
  • Arm selfie
  • Arm selfie

My friend Jenny at the gym (32 year old Caucasian-Asian woman) who is around 5 foot 2 can deadlift 350 pounds (easy). She is a G. In the powerlifting community, I routinely see women who can deadlift over 350 pounds. Some elite female powerlifters can deadlift over 500 pounds (sure they probably are on steroids or artificial human growth hormone, but still … it is very impressive. Apparently testosterone and all these weird human growth hormone stuff will only give you around a 10% boost in performance and musculature according to the ‘Icarus’ steroid documentary).

I know personally when I go for these ‘one rep max’ styled powerlifting, my testosterone and all my hormones are insanely elevated after my lift. Then tons of meat afterwards … how can I not get the gains?

6. Why I am anti steroids, injecting yourself with human growth hormone and testosterone, supplements, protein powder, creatine, etc.

It just seems like a sucker’s trade. Once again, no moralistic or ethical things against steroids and all that jazz. It is more like:

Do you want your balls to shrink and become raisins? [just watch the movie Pain and Gain]


Even though Ronnie Coleman was one of the greatest in terms of his physique … the man can barely walk without a cane now — so sad.

Personally I want to be a buff grandpa, and be physiologically thriving my whole life.

Also protein powder, creatine all that stuff is fine … it is just a waste of money. Better to invest that money on more (delicious) red meats. If you can use all the money in protein powder in real red meat (steak), isn’t that superior for muscular gains, and also more tasty and cheaper?

7. When men do artificial testosterone or inject themselves with weird stuff… what do they really want?

Do these guys just want to live forever? Or desire to be young forever? Or continue to augment their muscular gains forever, until they are 500 years old?

My deep skepticism towards pills, supplements, injections, and all that weird singularity stuff. The topic of a future essay.


My Muscle Philosophy:

Treat your body as sculpture.

This is not my body

The first thing:

I don’t see my body as belonging to me. I look at my body like it belongs to someone else.

When I look at the Lamborghini of someone else, I admire it. When I see the muscles and physiques of anyone else, I admire it. Then I had the epiphany:

Why not transform my own body into a Lambo, and admire my own body instead?

The logic

The great logic:

  1. It is far cheaper to get buff than to buy a Lambo.
  2. The human body is the apex beauty. This means your personal goal in life should be to beautify your own personal body to the maximum (without plastic surgery, steroids, etc).
  3. Ultimate democratic approach: Genetics doesn’t matter. Sex doesn’t matter. Racial ethnicity doesn’t matter. Anyone can both add muscle mass and subtract fat.
  4. It doesn’t cost much to get ripped. Just intermittent fast [no breakfast, no lunch], one big ass meal a day, and mostly a ‘ketogenic’ diet.
  5. Your body is always with you. Why not beautify your body to inspire yourself?

The joy of sculpting your own body

To sculpt your own body is insanely fun. Why? You can see the change over time!

Once again, the goal is simple:

Never stop adding muscle mass, and never stop reducing body fat, or keeping it low (around 10%).

Muscle and your body is highly practical.

The more muscle you have, the more energy you got. The more power you got to make art-work, and live with gratitude, joy, and hyper-vigor.

Strengthen on, and flex on!



My Muscle Philosophy:

Treat your body as sculpture.

This is not my body

The first thing:

I don’t see my body as belonging to me. I look at my body like it belongs to someone else.

When I look at the Lamborghini of someone else, I admire it. When I see the muscles and physiques of anyone else, I admire it. Then I had the epiphany:

Why not transform my own body into a Lambo, and admire my own body instead?

The logic

The great logic:

  1. It is far cheaper to get buff than to buy a Lambo.
  2. The human body is the apex beauty. This means your personal goal in life should be to beautify your own personal body to the maximum (without plastic surgery, steroids, etc).
  3. Ultimate democratic approach: Genetics doesn’t matter. Sex doesn’t matter. Racial ethnicity doesn’t matter. Anyone can both add muscle mass and subtract fat.
  4. It doesn’t cost much to get ripped. Just intermittent fast [no breakfast, no lunch], one big ass meal a day, and mostly a ‘ketogenic’ diet.
  5. Your body is always with you. Why not beautify your body to inspire yourself?

The joy of sculpting your own body

To sculpt your own body is insanely fun. Why? You can see the change over time!

Once again, the goal is simple:

Never stop adding muscle mass, and never stop reducing body fat, or keeping it low (around 10%).

Muscle and your body is highly practical.

The more muscle you have, the more energy you got. The more power you got to make art-work, and live with gratitude, joy, and hyper-vigor.

Strengthen on, and flex on!



My Muscle Philosophy:

Treat your body as sculpture.

This is not my body

The first thing:

I don’t see my body as belonging to me. I look at my body like it belongs to someone else.

When I look at the Lamborghini of someone else, I admire it. When I see the muscles and physiques of anyone else, I admire it. Then I had the epiphany:

Why not transform my own body into a Lambo, and admire my own body instead?

The logic

The great logic:

  1. It is far cheaper to get buff than to buy a Lambo.
  2. The human body is the apex beauty. This means your personal goal in life should be to beautify your own personal body to the maximum (without plastic surgery, steroids, etc).
  3. Ultimate democratic approach: Genetics doesn’t matter. Sex doesn’t matter. Racial ethnicity doesn’t matter. Anyone can both add muscle mass and subtract fat.
  4. It doesn’t cost much to get ripped. Just intermittent fast [no breakfast, no lunch], one big ass meal a day, and mostly a ‘ketogenic’ diet.
  5. Your body is always with you. Why not beautify your body to inspire yourself?

The joy of sculpting your own body

To sculpt your own body is insanely fun. Why? You can see the change over time!

Once again, the goal is simple:

Never stop adding muscle mass, and never stop reducing body fat, or keeping it low (around 10%).

Muscle and your body is highly practical.

The more muscle you have, the more energy you got. The more power you got to make art-work, and live with gratitude, joy, and hyper-vigor.

Strengthen on, and flex on!



  1. My Workout Philosophy
  2. How Appearance Matters
  3. How I Workout at Home
  4. My Philosophy of Food
  5. The Best Park Workouts
  6. How to Quit Sugar
  7. How to Workout in the Streets and Park
  8. How Much Meat Can You Eat in a Day?
  10. How to Lose Fat
  11. How I Became Stronger and Buffer and More Swole During and After Quarantine
  12. What is Skinny-Fat?
  13. In Praise of Working Out at the Park
  14. Why Meat is Good
  15. Flesh over Metal
  16. Why Lower Your Bodyfat?
  17. How to Augment Your Recovery
  18. Increase Intensity, not Reps
  19. My Park Workout
  20. How to Fast
  22. How I Got So Swole
  23. Pure Power or Sculpture?
  24. How to Workout in the Streets
  25. How to Workout At Home With No Equipment
  26. Super Saiyan is the Goal
  29. What if Mood Originates in the Stomach and Gut? Digestion Health
  30. Why I Don’t Consume Protein Powder or Supplements
  31. Real vs Fake // Natural vs Unnatural
  32. You Can’t Fake Strength
  33. How to Grow Your Muscles
  34. How to Add Muscle and Subtract Fat at the Same Time
  36. Don’t Build Muscle, Build Strength.
  37. Visual Kinesthesia: Muscles and Art
  38. How to Maximize Muscle Growth and Fat Loss