How to Quit Sugar

top off selfie flex

In praise of quitting sugar.

Why quit sugar?

A first step to becoming hyper-human:

Quit sugar, now, for the rest of your life.

What is the primary problem of society? Our softness and weakness. Also, I see sugar as possibly worse than crack-cocaine in some ways. Certainly from a physiological perspective, crack cocaine is 10000000x worse. But sugar … the ultimate drug of capitalists. Just put sugar in it, and it will sell.

I am highly suspicious of anyone I meet or know who drinks juice, smoothies, Coca Cola, or any sweet-sugary things (or even Coke Zero)

Why would you drink all these strange substances? For hedonistic pleasure? Hedonism is bad; it weakens us.

Fat is bad for us physiologically

Fat (adipose tissue) is not necessary for our physiology beyond 10% (for men) and 20% (for women). We need some body fat for basic hormonal and physiological purposes. Men who are sub-5% body fat are actually positively UNHEALTHY; they cannot reproduce well. Same goes with women with body fat lower than 10% — their reproductive organs work less effectively.

How fat is normalized in society

I have no moral or ethical qualms about being fat. Also, I don’t see fat people as any less industrious, smart, etc. In fact, there is nothing “wrong” about being fat. Any individual should be allowed to have whatever body fat percentage they desire, and consume whatever they desire. They have free will.

What is interesting to me is more of a sociological one:

How and WHY did being fat become normalized in modern society?

My thoughts:

Capitalism and consumerism is the problem

Let us consider — water is free. Why drink anything else? Well .. sugar hijacks our brains and body.

For example with sweet foods, this is what happens:

  1. You consume something sugary
  2. Your insulin spikes
  3. Your body stimulates the fat-accumulation process
  4. When your insulin is spiking, your body goes through an incredible myriad of hormonal rushes and changes

Now certainly if I was dying on a desert island, please give me 10,000 cans of Coca Cola. But if I live in a modern society where I can eat lots of fatty pork belly, why would I drink any sweet substances?

Sweetness is easier to market

Let us consider — what are ‘health foods’? My thought:

A ‘health food’ is eating “unhealthy” foods with a good conscience.

For example, you drink your kale, 100% natural apple juice, banana, almond milk, vegan protein powder smoothie for breakfast. That is just a sugar bomb with a good conscience.

Or let us consider the more strange “fruit-itarian” diet of Steve Jobs and other weird hippies. It is like consuming “natural” Coca Cola sugar with a good conscience.

Simple facts:

Do you want to be a ‘skinny fat’ person with low muscle mass and high body fat, or a person with high muscle mass and low body fat?

But I don’t wanna give up sugar!

I ain’t telling you to do nothing. I am just making some empirical observations:

If your goal is to maximize your muscle gain and minimize fat, then you must quit sugar.

No not a diet. Forever. Until you die.

How long do you want to live?

I want to live to be 133 years old, in hyper health. I never want to be put in a home, I never want to get into a position where I cannot walk to the grocery store by myself, nor in a position where I can no longer do a 1-handed pushup. I strive to become the next Art De Vany (I want to become a buff grandpa).

Sugar in disguise

This is also the problem:

Much of sugar is low-key sugar.

For example:

  1. Ketchup [high fructose corn syrup, or sugar extract]
  2. Honey [sugar with a good conscience, because it is “natural”. But so are poisonous mushrooms — and we don’t eat it]
  3. Zero-calorie sweeteners: Stevia, and all that weird stuff. My theory — even non-calorie sweeteners stimulate your hormonal responses [like real sugar]. Thus to consume a sweet fake sugar thing is like consuming normal sugar (your body knows sweet; it has no ideas what ‘calories’ are).

The simple thing:

All sugar is bad (if your goal ain’t to accumulate body fat, or if your goal is to subtract or get rid of body fat to get down to around 10% [men] – 20% [female] range.


The big thing:

To quit is forever.

No moderation. I don’t believe in moderation — this is a sucker’s game. If you are kosher, you cannot eat ‘just a little bit’ of bacon. If you’re married, you cannot “just have a little bit of extra-martial sex” with your non-spouse.

Quitting sugar is more about social courage

Don’t tell nobody you’re quitting sugar. Just now (right now) decide in your mind:

I will never consume sugar again until I die.

Don’t tell folks. Why? They will try to convince you otherwise. Why? Everyone is addicted to sugar! Certainly everyone will consciously (or subconsciously) try to convince you to only consume sugar ‘in moderation’. But certainly one should never do heroin ‘in moderation’. Thus the “everything in moderation” notion is false.

In praise of personal vanity

Why don’t I consume sugar? Very simple:

I love the way I look.


I desire to become apex.


I don’t like the hormonal rush associated with sugar, which makes me feel weird, drowsy, and not good.

To me, sugar feels like bad poison for my body. Sugar makes me sleepy after my insulin crash. Thus if my personal goal is hyper-health and hyper-energy, sugar is bad.


I quit sugar because:

  1. I desire to keep my body fat percentage around 10%
  2. I want hyper energy and health
  3. I like how I look and my aesthetics.
  4. I want my body to look like a Lambo.


My Muscle Philosophy:

Treat your body as sculpture.

This is not my body

The first thing:

I don’t see my body as belonging to me. I look at my body like it belongs to someone else.

When I look at the Lamborghini of someone else, I admire it. When I see the muscles and physiques of anyone else, I admire it. Then I had the epiphany:

Why not transform my own body into a Lambo, and admire my own body instead?

The logic

The great logic:

  1. It is far cheaper to get buff than to buy a Lambo.
  2. The human body is the apex beauty. This means your personal goal in life should be to beautify your own personal body to the maximum (without plastic surgery, steroids, etc).
  3. Ultimate democratic approach: Genetics doesn’t matter. Sex doesn’t matter. Racial ethnicity doesn’t matter. Anyone can both add muscle mass and subtract fat.
  4. It doesn’t cost much to get ripped. Just intermittent fast [no breakfast, no lunch], one big ass meal a day, and mostly a ‘ketogenic’ diet.
  5. Your body is always with you. Why not beautify your body to inspire yourself?

The joy of sculpting your own body

To sculpt your own body is insanely fun. Why? You can see the change over time!

Once again, the goal is simple:

Never stop adding muscle mass, and never stop reducing body fat, or keeping it low (around 10%).

Muscle and your body is highly practical.

The more muscle you have, the more energy you got. The more power you got to make art-work, and live with gratitude, joy, and hyper-vigor.

Strengthen on, and flex on!



My Muscle Philosophy:

Treat your body as sculpture.

This is not my body

The first thing:

I don’t see my body as belonging to me. I look at my body like it belongs to someone else.

When I look at the Lamborghini of someone else, I admire it. When I see the muscles and physiques of anyone else, I admire it. Then I had the epiphany:

Why not transform my own body into a Lambo, and admire my own body instead?

The logic

The great logic:

  1. It is far cheaper to get buff than to buy a Lambo.
  2. The human body is the apex beauty. This means your personal goal in life should be to beautify your own personal body to the maximum (without plastic surgery, steroids, etc).
  3. Ultimate democratic approach: Genetics doesn’t matter. Sex doesn’t matter. Racial ethnicity doesn’t matter. Anyone can both add muscle mass and subtract fat.
  4. It doesn’t cost much to get ripped. Just intermittent fast [no breakfast, no lunch], one big ass meal a day, and mostly a ‘ketogenic’ diet.
  5. Your body is always with you. Why not beautify your body to inspire yourself?

The joy of sculpting your own body

To sculpt your own body is insanely fun. Why? You can see the change over time!

Once again, the goal is simple:

Never stop adding muscle mass, and never stop reducing body fat, or keeping it low (around 10%).

Muscle and your body is highly practical.

The more muscle you have, the more energy you got. The more power you got to make art-work, and live with gratitude, joy, and hyper-vigor.

Strengthen on, and flex on!



My Muscle Philosophy:

Treat your body as sculpture.

This is not my body

The first thing:

I don’t see my body as belonging to me. I look at my body like it belongs to someone else.

When I look at the Lamborghini of someone else, I admire it. When I see the muscles and physiques of anyone else, I admire it. Then I had the epiphany:

Why not transform my own body into a Lambo, and admire my own body instead?

The logic

The great logic:

  1. It is far cheaper to get buff than to buy a Lambo.
  2. The human body is the apex beauty. This means your personal goal in life should be to beautify your own personal body to the maximum (without plastic surgery, steroids, etc).
  3. Ultimate democratic approach: Genetics doesn’t matter. Sex doesn’t matter. Racial ethnicity doesn’t matter. Anyone can both add muscle mass and subtract fat.
  4. It doesn’t cost much to get ripped. Just intermittent fast [no breakfast, no lunch], one big ass meal a day, and mostly a ‘ketogenic’ diet.
  5. Your body is always with you. Why not beautify your body to inspire yourself?

The joy of sculpting your own body

To sculpt your own body is insanely fun. Why? You can see the change over time!

Once again, the goal is simple:

Never stop adding muscle mass, and never stop reducing body fat, or keeping it low (around 10%).

Muscle and your body is highly practical.

The more muscle you have, the more energy you got. The more power you got to make art-work, and live with gratitude, joy, and hyper-vigor.

Strengthen on, and flex on!



  1. How to Workout in the Streets and Park
  2. How Much Meat Can You Eat in a Day?
  4. How to Lose Fat
  5. How I Became Stronger and Buffer and More Swole During and After Quarantine
  6. What is Skinny-Fat?
  7. In Praise of Working Out at the Park
  8. Why Meat is Good
  9. Flesh over Metal
  10. Why Lower Your Bodyfat?
  11. How to Augment Your Recovery
  12. Increase Intensity, not Reps
  13. My Park Workout
  14. How to Fast
  16. How I Got So Swole
  17. Pure Power or Sculpture?
  18. How to Workout in the Streets
  19. How to Workout At Home With No Equipment
  20. Super Saiyan is the Goal
  23. What if Mood Originates in the Stomach and Gut? Digestion Health
  24. Why I Don’t Consume Protein Powder or Supplements
  25. Real vs Fake // Natural vs Unnatural
  26. You Can’t Fake Strength
  27. How to Grow Your Muscles
  28. How to Add Muscle and Subtract Fat at the Same Time
  30. Don’t Build Muscle, Build Strength.
  31. Visual Kinesthesia: Muscles and Art
  32. How to Maximize Muscle Growth and Fat Loss