Flower sky

In Praise of Shooting Intelligent Auto JPEG

I really enjoy shooting intelligent auto (iA mode on lumix cameras) and JPEG on my Lumix G9.

The photos just look good.

Without thinking about it too much, when I shoot intelligent auto on my Lumix G9, the photos just look good! Accurate and soft skin tones, vibrant and bright colors for plant life, and good dynamic range in the streets and for all forms of photography:

  • Selfie ERIC KIM
  • selfie low angle
  • Selfie
  • Selfie
  • selfie electric
  • street photography covid ERIC KIM lumix photography providence covid - 40
  • Flower
  • Flower
  • flower Lumix
  • amazon delivery man
  • hugging wall abstract ERIC KIM photography COVID lumix
  • front selfie ERIC KIM lumix covid 00008
  • selfie walking

Good for video and vlogging

I shot NONFUTURE in 4K, intelligent auto on the Lumix G9. Looks beautiful! Also for my street vlogs, I shoot intelligent auto, 4K, 60 FPS, and the footage just looks good!

Good for my skin tones, and no post processing necessary.

Why post process if it ain’t necessary?

In the digital past, post processing was only necessary because the raw footage (jpeg) looked ugly. Now, all footage looks very good straight out of camera with default JPEG and intelligent auto settings.

Why shoot manual or RAW?

If you shoot RAW for the sake of RAW; you’s a sucka! Don’t let others bully you into shooting RAW or manual. Why do people encourage you to do so? My theory; they got something to sell. To sell you presets, their methodology on post processing, etc.

Also if you’re a photography teacher, your students often pay you money to teach them how to shoot fully manual. Conflict of interest.

Self Hate


Dear friend,

If you’re new to photography, start here:

  1. The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Mastering Photography
  2. Free Photography Bootcamp
  3. 100 Photography Tips for Beginners

Photography is Everything!

Photography Tips

Photography Articles

Mad men. NYC, 2017. Pentax 645Z

Photography Techniques

Everyday Photography

RICOH GR II selfie in mirror, double eye surreal. Prague, 2017
RICOH GR II selfie in mirror, double eye surreal. Prague, 2017

Color Photography 101

Photography Philosophy

Cindy white face. Saigon, 2017

Photography Inspiration

The Fundamentals of Photography

Photography Equipment »

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laughing lady contact sheet NYC eric kim

Editing (Image Selection) »

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Creativity »

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Motivation »

eric kim portrait by Cindy nguyen


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How to Create a Body of Work

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Technical Photography Settings

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Learn From the Masters of Photography


“He without a past has no future.”

Start here:

  1. Why Study the Masters of Photography?
  2. Great Female Master Photographers
  3. Cheat Sheet of the Masters of Photography
  4. 100 Lessons From the Masters of Street Photography
  5. Beginner’s Guide to the Masters of Street Photography
  6. Download All Articles >

The Masters of Photography

Prague, 1968. Josef Koudelka / Magnum Photos
Prague, 1968. Josef Koudelka / Magnum Photos

Classics never die:

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