
stomach fat

No, the point of life isn’t to maximize your pleasure (hedonism). ‘Hedon‘– pleasure, sweet [hedus].


Loving sweet (sugary) things in life. A life of diabetes, over-fatness, and physiological illness.

How to transform the bitter into sweet

I quit sugar maybe 5 years ago. Why? Mostly aesthetic reasons. I want to be ripped, swole, jacked, and highly muscular, with a low body fat.

And this is the funny thing:

I have noticed once I quit sugar … foods which I once considered ‘bitter’ are actually very sweet.

For example, 100% dark chocolate [no sugar added] becomes very sweet. 100% cocoa powder becomes very sweet. 100% cocoa nibs become very sweet. Even broccoli becomes sweet. Carrots become too sweet.

Focus on consuming bitter foods

  • Making kimchi at home with collard greens
  • Making kimchi at home with collard greens
  • Making kimchi at home with collard greens
  • Making kimchi at home with collard greens

Kale, collard greens, mustard greens. Taste it — if it is bitter, it is good for you.

Typically, sweet foods are almost universally bad for you

Simple idea:

If you had the option of eating a very delicious 2-pound T-bone steak, or eating a muffin … which would you choose?

I would choose the steak.

Harder is better.

Consider … when is hardness better than softness?

If you’re a man, and you cannot get an erection (you cannot get hard, this is a big problem).

Or when it comes to society, do you prefer a soft society? Soft kids? Or hard and muscular individuals?




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