How to Be a Spartan Photographer

Selfie with Olympus Pen-F (has EVF/LCD screen)

Dear friend,

I’ve been really into Spartan culture as of late.

I’m impressed with their physical fortitude, their obedience and duty to the state and their frugal lifestyle.

I was wondering, what kind of Spartan attributes could we add to our photography, as a way to increase our happiness, and lessen our dependence on fortune?

1. Only one camera and lens a year

Spartans (according to the history of Plutarch), were given only one cloak to wear a year (no underwear). When they went out in public, they didn’t wear a shirt.

Which made me wonder, what if we were only allowed to use one camera a year? The problem that many of us face is the stress of abundance; most phographers I know suffer the stress of owning too many cameras and lenses.

So a Spartan photographer would gladly accept one camera a year, one lens, and don’t demand anything else.

2. Bearing the cold

I’m pretty weak when it comes to the cold. I’m always afraid of being cold, so I often over pack and over dress.

The Spartans were known for being able to brave the cold. I also read some ancient advice that said something like: dress a bit colder in the winter than you’re used to.

For me, the benefit of being able to withstand the cold is many.

First of all, you can travel with less stuff. Fewer thick jackets, less bulk, less weight.

Not only that, but winter clothing is expensive. If we’re accustomed to the cold, we can save money.

I recently traveled in Tokyo and Seoul this winter, and I made it a practice to take ice cold showers in the evenings. Even though it was a bit painful, I found myself being able to withstand the cold more when I was outside.

So the next time you travel or go out shooting street photography during the winter, build strength and resistance to the cold. This will allow you to shoot longer outdoors, and not fear the cold to prevent you from going out to take photos.

3. Frugal diet

Apparently Spartan men were fed enough to satisfy their basic hunger pangs, but little enough that they were still a little hungry afterwards.

By having the Spartans always a little hungry, they were sharper, more fit, less sluggish, more muscular, and stronger.

I’m a child that needs to always be fed. I’m fearful of hunger, and I hate going to sleep still hungry.

But now that I’ve been traveling a lot, I can’t always have access to food. Sometimes late at night, all restaurants and stores are closed and there is nothing to eat.

I’m trying to build my body to be more resistant to hunger. I do this by usually skipping breakfast, and sometimes skipping lunch, and only eating in the evening.

By being a little hungry throughout the day, I actually find myself sharper, more keen, and more aware. This helps me be more productive mentally, to write more, be more creative, and read more. When I’m shooting on the streets, I’m less tired, less sluggish, and more agile.

The main meal of the Spartans were in the evenings, and all of them ate communal food (no matter how rich or poor). They all ate this brown-black soup broth. Apparently it tasted horrible to foreigners, but the locals loved it. Even the Kings ate the same meal.

So the way I’ve applied this is to try to eat the cheapest, most frugal food just to keep me from starving. I eat a lot of eggs (super cheap) and drink a lot of coffee to sustain me. I still love the taste of good food, but I’m trying to make it a practice to be able to withstand hunger, and be okay not always eating good food.

As Socrates said, he ate to live; whereas other men lived to eat.

4. Avoid winning or losing

Spartan youth weren’t allowed to play any games which had “winners or losses.” No games were allowed which they could “keep score.”

The reason is that they wanted to prevent their youth from feeling the loss of “losing.” Even the 300 Spartans (yes, like the movie) were said to be “slaughtered”, instead of them “losing” the battle.

In photography, we often “keep score” and have “winners and losers” in social media, photography contests and competitions, and anything that requires comparing your photography to others.

If you want to become immune to the feeling of “losing” in your photography, just refuse to play the game. Spend less time on social media, and don’t enter photo contests with “winners”; because if you don’t win, you will be implied a “loser”.

5. Physical fitness

To be a good photographer, you want to be strong physically. You want to have strong legs to walk all day and shoot photos. You want to be able to be agile and quick on your feet. You don’t want to get tired easily. You don’t want extra fat or weight to be a burden to you.

The Spartans valued physical fitness, and glorified strength.

Let us seek more physical strength as well through bodyweight exercises, lifting weights, doing Yoga, or working out at the park. Or by walking more, using a standing desk, and being less sedentary and reliant on our cars.

6. Courage

Lastly, the Spartans were known to be some of the most brave people in antiquity.

When they were about to go into battle, instead of asking, “How many enemies are there?” they asked, “Where is the enemy?”

If you want to be a better photographer, seek to be a braver phographer. Go for shots that scare you. Especially in street photography. Build a steel spine by being able to predict and deal with negative confrontations. Be able to take photos without hesitating. Take photos without regret. Get closer to your subjects, and learn how to “work the scene” by taking many photos.

If you’re a commercial photographer, have the courage to charge what you’re worth. Don’t be afraid of taking chances and risks. Without taking any risks, you will never succeed or become great.


I praise ancient values more than modern ones. Modern values have made us weak, flabby, and ungrateful. Instead of being grateful for the cameras we already own, we are constantly dissatisfied and want more.

We don’t have enough courage in our photography. Lack of courage is often our weak point.

I’m the biggest sucker for gear. I’m always dissatisfied with my photography, and think (wrongly) that a new camera will unlock some inner hidden potential. But I’m my own stumbling block.

I always lack courage when I need it. So each day, I strive to be less timid in my photography. I don’t want to have any regrets.

Lastly, I’m seeking to make fewer excuses about my photography and make more photos.

Photography and life isn’t a dainty affair. It is war. It is tough.

So suit up, put on your shield, build your inner courage, and get ready to continue to press forward.

Be strong,