Month: July 2019

  • Like Yourself

    Like Yourself

    A pre-requisite in life: Like yourself. If you don’t like yourself, how do you expect others to like you?

  • Why Do You Do Photography?

    Why Do You Do Photography?

    Why do you do photography? Why do you make images? Why do you engage with the visual world? What do you want your viewers to get from your images? This is the start of visual philosophy/photography philosophy (I call it ‘photolosophy‘).

  • Visual Poetry

    Visual Poetry

    What makes great artistic photos? Visual poetry.

  • Why I Love Composition

    Why I Love Composition

    Composition is endlessly fascinating, has a trillion permutations, and has no right or wrong.

  • Photography Composition Lessons from WONDERLAND by Jason Eskenazi

    Photography Composition Lessons from WONDERLAND by Jason Eskenazi

    One of my favorite photo books — part of our ongoing HAPTIC PHOTO BOOK CLUB (Summer):



    Hey streettogs, super pumped to share that me and Cindy will start a summer book club around photography books. Check the HAPTIC shop for special summer discounts, as well as the blog for more articles and insights about photo books and publishing! To celebrate our love of books and printing, all print and mobile books…

  • Visual Philosophy

    Visual Philosophy

    The primary question of visual philosophy: What is the worth of an image. And why are visual art works important?



    The bitter in life is better than the sweet. Bitter coffee as superior to sweet coffee. Bitter experiences toughen you. Of course, we should still strive towards the “bitter-sweet”— we need BOTH the bitter and the sweet in life in order to thrive, discover more gratitude in life, and have more power.

  • Photography tips for beginners

    If I started photography all over again, this is advice I’d give myself:

  • Photography Types

    Photography Types

    There are many types of photography out there. And honestly, there isn’t a “superior” genre out there. Better yet — perhaps we shouldn’t separate photography into different types? However at the same time, studying different photography genres is a good way to discover NEW forms or types of photography you might not yet know you’re…

  • Discover Your Own Truths in Photography

    Do Photos tell the Truth? Of course not! This is what makes photography so fun.

  • My Favorite Photography Quotes

    My Favorite Photography Quotes

    These are the photography quotes I believe to be the most true, based on my personal life experiences:

  • How to read a photograph

    How to read a photograph

    To read a photo means to interpret the photo, analyze it, dissect it, strive to understand it, and to derive meaning from it.

  • Ambition


    Ambition — your life purpose risen. Break out of your mental cell and prison.  Are your thoughts stuck or risen? Follow your strength and charisma Laud yourself and like you through and through. Being true is understated, confused, and underrated. Being true is to just follow your own gut— to disregard fame, wealth, and avoid…

  • Photography for Beginners

    Photography for Beginners

    If you’re new to photography (or you want a refresh), this article is for you:

  • How to be Creative Everyday

    How to be Creative Everyday

    You are a creator, innovator, and artist. Now we got that out of the way, what are some practical tactics and tips to empower you to be creative everyday?

  • Why be Creative Everyday?

    Why be Creative Everyday?

    If you’re creative everyday (meaning, you create things everyday), you’re happier, more empowered, optimistic, and enthusiastic about life! 

  • How to Blog

    How to Blog

    I’ve written much on why blog, how to start and setup your own blog, but not much on how to blog. This will be a distillation of everything I’ve learned thus far from blogging (from age 15 to age 31)— 16+ years!

  • Why Become an Entrepreneur?

    Why Become an Entrepreneur?

    Entrepreneurship: the art of taking “calculated risks” in order to create what you desire to see manifested in the world. Why become an entrepreneur? Because you hate the way that the world currently looks, and you desire to change it!

  • Always Carry

    Always Carry

    Only own what you’d always carry or use.  A thought: What if you always carried all of your possessions with you? Would this make us more selective on what to buy? Would this be more effective for us in terms of maximizing the possessions we already own?

  • Follow Your Artistic Vision

    Follow Your Artistic Vision

    In art, there is no right or wrong. There is simply ‘authentic’ and ‘inauthentic’. What you are striving towards as an artist is this: For you to pursue your own artistic vision, and being steadfast/strong enough to prevent others from watering down your artistic vision.

  • In Praise of Unconventional Wisdom

    Is All Conventional Wisdom Bad? Have I ever learned anything from anyone else (in real life) or from books which had practical utility in my life, without me following my gut and self-experimenting? Conventional wisdom has never helped me. However on the other hand, listening to and acting upon/experimenting on unconventional wisdom has seemed to…

  • Become the Change Which You Wish to See in the World

    There is obviously much to critique in the world. But rather than complaining what we hate in the world (the ‘commentator’ mentality, which actually doesn’t take much personal courage), perhaps we should strive to actually BECOME the change which we wish to see in the world!



    To become the most powerful digital entrepreneur, you must own the means of production!

  • For What End?

    For What End?

    When contemplating anything in life, always ask to yourself: For what end do I desire to do [x, y, z]?

  • Function becomes Fashion

    Function becomes Fashion

    I was reading an interesting interview with JAY Z, and discovered something super fascinating to me. The basic idea is that the reason why a lot of people in the hood wore baggy pants and puffy jackets were to conceal drugs and weapons. And Timberland work boots because they would be hustling on the streets…

  • What Happens When You’re No Longer Interested in any New Cameras?

    I’ve pretty much shot all the cameras out there, and currently– there is really no new cameras out there which interest me. Now what?

  • Minimalist Photography

    Minimalist Photography

    Minimalist photography: Embracing simple and minimal equipment, minimal compositions, in order to maximize your enjoyment and fun in photography!

  • Know your photo opportunities!

    Know your photo opportunities!

    It is difficult to predict when you’re going to make a good photo. But it is easy to determine photo opportunities (when you see them in front of your face!)

  • 7 Tips How to Make More Interesting Street Photography

    7 Tips How to Make More Interesting Street Photography

    Simple tips on making more dynamic street photographs:

  • How to Never Run Out of Inspiration and Motivation for Photography

    How to Never Run Out of Inspiration and Motivation for Photography

    The secret: child’s mind (beginner’s mind) in photography.

  • Zen Entrepreneurship

    Zen Entrepreneurship

    A new way of seeing and approaching entrepreneurship: Strive to simplify and improve the lives of others, instead of complicating and creating “false desires” the lives of others.

  • Closer is Better

    Closer is Better

    When in doubt, get closer.

  • How to Publish Yourself

    How to Publish Yourself

    Publish yourself via your own blog, website, PDF ebooks, prints, zines (magazine), or your own self-published print book.

  • How to Simplify Your Photography Compositions

    How to Simplify Your Photography Compositions

    To improve your photography compositions, SIMPLIFY them!

  • The future of photography publishing is photography blogging.

    The future of photography publishing is photography blogging.

    A thought while using the new Gutenberg “blocks”interface for The future of photography publishing is photography blogging.



    A straightforward quick start guide to get started in photography:

  • Don’t buy anything you wouldn’t want to use or own forever.

    Don’t buy anything you wouldn’t want to use or own forever.

    An idea when buying anything: Only buy something if you can imagine using it forever.

  • Why Photography is Integral to Being Human

    Why Photography is Integral to Being Human

    A thought while lying in bed: Perhaps there is something integral about photography and being human. Some thoughts:

  • Create Your Own Culture

    Create Your Own Culture

    Better to be a leader than a follower.


    Life is more fun, enjoyable, and interesting when you GO BOLD!

  • The Photographer Work Ethic

    What are one of the only variables we can control in order to succeed more in life? It seems the answer is hard work.

  • How to Become More Ambitious

    How to Become More Ambitious

    Ambition as the greatest virtue.

  • Why iPhone is the Best Camera

    Why iPhone is the Best Camera

    iPhone is the best camera. Why? It’s the ultimate “full stack”solution for photographers — shooting, image-selection, processing, and publishing.

  • Photography Philosophy: How to Make Authentic Photos

    The first step in photography philosophy: make authentic photos (for yourself), not in order to please/impress others.

  • Photography Activities and Assignments

    Simple ideas to get you going:

  • Why I Love to Make Photos

    Why I Love to Make Photos

    Instant art works — isn’t this what makes photography so great?

  • Street Photography as Fun Visual Gymnastics

    Street Photography as Fun Visual Gymnastics

    Perhaps we should approach street photography from a fun visual gymnastics perspective. This means, we shoot street photography for fun — and we have the most fun in street photography when we compose scenes that are visually challenging, interesting, and complex.

  • Composition Studies

    Composition Studies

    1. Three subjects Edward Hopper: 2. Proportions of elements 3. Depth 4. Curve 5. Elegant curve and gesture of woman’s body 6. Side profile 7. Extreme right subject 8. Two opposed subjects, with foliage in-between

  • Distractions Aid Focus

    Distractions Aid Focus

    A thought — What if distractions were actually a necessary component of focusing? In terms of an “opponent”theory — distractions and focusing are enemies. But if you desire to increase your focus, you must also increase your dose of distractions.

  • Extreme Selfishness x Extreme Altruism

    Extreme Selfishness x Extreme Altruism

    What if in order to maximize your altruism and impact on humankind, being extremely selfish were a pre-requisite? 

  • Is it Good to Have Dreams in Life?

    Is it Good to Have Dreams in Life?

    What’s your life dream? Is it good to have life dreams?



    Waves never die —

  • Snapshots are the Best Shots

    Snapshots are the Best Shots

    I desire to make a change to the culture of photography. I propose the following: The best shots are snapshots. The word “snapshot” not to be used as a pejorative (insult). Instead, it being used as a term to communicate a notion of shooting something instinctively, intuitively, directly, and authentically.

  • Full Stack Artist

    Full Stack Artist

    To become a full stack artist means to control all means of production, creation, distribution, and publishing. To control all the platform, to not get censored, and to also have the technical prowess to do and create anything you desire!

  • How to Improve Your Photography Composition
  • Art should be an adventure!

    Art should be an adventure!

    Before you create an artwork, you shouldn’t know what it will ultimately look like, or be. Isn’t this much more fun, interesting, and enjoyable?

  • 5 Tips How to Embed Your Soul into Your Artwork

    5 Tips How to Embed Your Soul into Your Artwork

    Recognize the fact that the artworks you create are a reflection of your soul.

  • What is Artwork?

    What is Artwork?

    Artworks as a manifestation of the energy, soul, “chi” of the artist.  The soul and life-energy of the artist is revealed through their art works. Thus what is our goal as photographers and visual artists? Impute and embed your soul into your artworks!

  • VHS Rarevision Camcorder iPhone App Video Review

    VHS Rarevision Camcorder iPhone App Video Review

    Really a huge fan of the VHS Camcorder (Rarevision) for iPhone.

  • You’re a Photographer AND Visual Artist

    You’re a Photographer AND Visual Artist

    Think beyond photography — embrace all forms of visual artwork and creation!

  • Live Every Moment Maximally Alive!

    Live Every Moment Maximally Alive!

    A thought in life: Perhaps the best mode of being and being alive is to feel maximally alive, with the maximum feeling of power.

  • Creative Attitude

    Creative Attitude

    What does it mean to have a creative attitude? To have a creative attitude means desiring to direct all your energies to CREATE! The ultimate apotheosis as becoming the ultimate hybrid of artist, philosopher, and creator.

  • Highest Quality, Lowest Price.

    Highest Quality, Lowest Price.

    A thought when perusing some luxury stores at the mall — Wow, the dynamic range between high-end luxury goods and “fast fashion” is so much in terms of build quality, materials, and innovation in fashion. Which got me thinking — Why are luxury goods so much better (and so much more expensive) than basic goods?

  • Becky Project v2 by Takashi Nakagawa

    Becky Project v2 by Takashi Nakagawa

    Takashi Nakagawa — one of the most talented visual artists I know.

  • Your Vices are Your Virtues

    Your Vices are Your Virtues

    What if all your vices were indeed, your supreme virtues?

  • Do You Find Things or People as More Beautiful?

    Do You Find Things or People as More Beautiful?

    A strange thing I’ve noticed: Many people are more interested in things, objects, fashion-totems, cars, clothes, etc than being interested in other people. For example– if you’re a (heterosexual) man, what do you find more attractive– a Porsche car or a beautiful woman? Are you more impressed by Rolex watches or human muscles? Are you…

  • Low Brightness

    Low Brightness

    An experiment — Try using your phone and devices at the lowest brightness setting for the entire day — and use this as an opportunity to experiment with UI-UX usability, to better judge images and compositions, to improve battery life, and also to spend less mindless time on the phone.

  • The Artist-Philosopher-Powerlifter

    The Artist-Philosopher-Powerlifter

    It is evident that to be stronger is better to be weaker, that having more muscles is better than having less muscles. Strength is desirable, and the stronger you are, the better. A question on my mind: From a physiological perspective, how does one in-fact become stronger? How does one grow stronger muscles? Let me…

  • Zen Tools

    Zen Tools

    Creating a body-mind-hand connection between ourselves and our technological tools.