What if in order to maximize your altruism and impact on humankind, being extremely selfish were a pre-requisite?
For example, Andrew Carnegie and his libraries still exist. Many governmental grant agencies exist because of extremely wealthy individuals and entrepreneurs in America. The impact of Bill-Melinda gates foundation (two good friends I met in college both got a full ride to UCLA via BM gates scholarship).
Perhaps if we desire to make a greater impact on society, focusing on getting rich (in order to share your wealth with others) may be the more effective option.
“I can’t help the poor if I’m one of them. Get rich then give back, that’s the win-win.”
First prioritize yourself
If you really want to help others, you must prioritize yourself, your own needs, and your own demands. No middle-road. Embrace extreme selfishness and self-centeredness in order to maximize your impact to help the world and society.