Is it Good to Have Dreams in Life?

What’s your life dream? Is it good to have life dreams?

I have accomplished many of my life dreams. Become self-employed (via my passion), travel the world, become famous, save up some coin, deadlift over 405+ pounds, become married to the most incredible soulmate, create photos and artwork I’m proud of, get published, get exhibited, etc.

Once you obtain and achieve all your life goals — then what?

New goals?

Once you achieve all your life goals, is it useful to create new life goals? Goals which are different, or perhaps more epic?

How does it feel once you achieve all your life goals (thus far)?

Once you’ve achieved all of your life goals, you get this sense of strong-calm confidence. You don’t gotta prove anything further to anybody else. You believe more in your personal capabilities, and you know that you can theoretically accomplish, achieve, create, or do anything — if you truly desire.

Then comes the question:

What do you truly care to do, achieve, create, and accomplish in your life?

I think it’s about curating your life goals — to only pursue anything you truly care for.

What do you truly care for?

Then this is the fun part — trying to determine what you truly care for in life.

“Know thyself”is the motto we should follow. Striving to know yourself deeper everyday is a noble goal.

This is my guiding principle for myself:

Would I still do it if I didn’t receive money for it, appreciation, fame, or influence-power?

Would I do something for the sake of it? Because I find it personally fun, enjoyable, challenging, interesting, and joyful?

The importance of sharing

First pursue what you truly care for, for your own perineal intrinsic motivations. THEN share your work with others.

Every philosopher and artist thus far (at least the ones we know) have shared their thoughts, art works, and ideas. To somehow decide not to share your artworks for the sake of “artistic integrity”seems stupid and foolish.

My personal belief:

If whatever you create can empower at least 1 other human being on planet earth, then it is worth sharing and pursuing.

What I advocate for is a hybrid of both extreme selfishness and extreme altruism. To be very selfish and focused as an artist-philosopher in order to empower mankind (present day, and also into the future).

Keep creating and keep sharing!