Why I Love to Make Photos

Instant art works — isn’t this what makes photography so great?

Good for impatient artists

I don’t have the patience nor the personal interest in sitting in front of a painting easel for hours on end. I like things fast, with instant response/feedback, and I love images. The more images I make, the happier I am.

What makes photography unique?

The greatest part of photography is that you’re dealing with reality. In order to make photos, you must move, go outside, explore, and go on visual adventures!

For example today I went on a simple hike with my mom and an iPhone 6s with HUJI CAM — and shot all these wonderful photos of my experiences. I had such a great time talking with my mom, thinking, and enjoying the beauty of nature. Furthermore, shooting with just an iPhone made my life as a photographer 1000x easier (I think I’m pretty much done with DSLRs or bigger, heavier cameras).

Photography is a tool to ENHANCE and AUGMENT your life, to see and experience more beauty around you, with as little hassle as possible.

It makes life more interesting for you — at the park, grocery store, mall— anywhere!

No hierarchy in art

Photography is an art form. It ain’t any better nor worse than any other art form.

And the fun thing — you don’t gotta limit yourself to just photography. Do any form of artistic expression! It is all good!

Soul photography

Art is whatever you create which speaks to your soul. To me, there isn’t such a thing as “good” or “bad” art. There is only authentic or inauthentic art. 

And what makes authentic artwork, or authentic photos? Photos that you shoot for yourself. Photos you shoot which reveal a bit of your soul.

How is your soul revealed through your photos?

  1. Photographing what speaks to your soul
  2. Photographing those who you love
  3. Photos of yourself
  4. Photos of what you consider beautiful in the world

All of these will lead to you shooting more authentic art works and images.

Remix reality

There are a trillion ways to express yourself as an artist. Why photography?

Photography is a very interesting visual artwork medium. On one hand, it is very technological. On the other hand, it captures “reality” more “accurately” than a pencil, pen, or paintbrush.

Henri Cartier-Bresson once called photographs as “instant sketches”. To take this concept further, I like to think of photographs as “instant emotions”. Because the emotional is what sticks out to us, which gives us the initial impulse to photograph. Or another way to think of photos is “instant art”.


Photography is fun. The more fun you can make it for yourself, the better!