December 2019

Existential Photography

Eric Kim Ricoh selfie

My buddy Jeffrey Lam is currently working on this notion of ‘existential health’, which is basically this:

Wondering the philosophical underpinnings of health.

For example when a doctor sees a patient, the doctor will ask the patient about their existential life goals, not just to “lose fat”.

I often do this at my workshops: I will ask my students:

Why do you make photos?

To piggyback off my friend Jeff, I want to start exploring more of this notion of ‘existential photography’:

Don’t Force Innovation

Tree pick snow

Necessity is the mother and the source of all innovation. When we need to innovate, we will discover new innovations. We don’t need to force innovations — seeking to innovate for the sake of making money, etc.

Perhaps this means:

Don’t seek innovation for the sake of innovation. Perhaps it is better to innovate for the sake of dealing with problems or issues which actually affect our real lives.

What I’m Thankful For


Thanksgiving passed, but this is what I am grateful for:

  1. Health
  2. Cindy
  3. Friends and family
  5. Powerlifting and gym
  6. Philosophy, photography and art
  7. Zen focus and strength
  8. Minimal and simple living
  9. My tiny apartment
  10. Ability to walk, think, and communicate with others
  11. Being born in America
  12. Excitement towards the future— new things to see, discover, witness, document, analyze, and essay about.

And the great idea:

Life is all upside, no downside.

Choice Minimal Lifestyle

Cindy kyoto

Fewer choices .. more happiness, focus, and productivity?

  1. Minimal clothing choices: Less stress how to dress yourself everyday. Easier to get out of the house.
  2. Minimal photo choices (one camera, one lens): More focus on shooting. Less “paralysis by analysis”.
  3. Fewer choices for work, play, or eating/drinking: The joy of getting to know a few places very well, than to know lots of places superficially.
  4. For travel: Better to travel to a few places you really really like (and going back multiple times), than to see all the cities in the world only once.
  5. Better to have a library of a few books you truly treasure, and read them all over and over again, than to read many books only once or so.
  6. The fewer apps on your phone or computer, the better.
  7. The smaller your apartment or home, the less stress, the better.

Why Be Unique?

It seems one of the American dreams is to cultivate uniqueness. This is what fuels a lot of our consumerism:

The desire to purchase something which exhibits our personal vanity of our own personal uniqueness.

But the philosophical question:

Why be unique?

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