Deepen understanding, wisdom, knowledge, art, aesthetics and philosophy and share this knowledge and wisdom with others.
Focusing on self-development
An idea from my buddy Jeffrey Lam:
Focusing on self-development.
We cannot force others to develop themselves. However we can control to develop ourselves.
Sharing ideas with others
As Seneca has once said:
Having all the great knowledge in the world would be useless if you didn’t have it to share with anyone else.
I think the purpose of philosophy is to discover deeper truths, knowledge, and wisdom– and sharing this idea with others, to drive human evolution forward.
You cannot enjoy wealth, fame, and power after you die.
I personally do not believe in a conscious afterlife. Therefore the question is this:
How can we best effectively utilize our lives before we die?
If we strive to accumulate wealth, power, and influence during our lives (then we die) — we cannot enjoy this wealth after our death. The question is:
- What can we enjoy during our lives?
- What kind of legacy do we desire to leave behind after we die?
There is no ultimate purpose to life
What I believe:
There is no ultimate purpose to life. You must self-direct your own life towards what you consider noble and worthy of yourself.
For myself, this is a combination of: