Moving vs Still Photos

Currently really into shooting 60 FPS videos on RICOH GR III, then using Giphy Capture on the Mac to covert the images into GIF’s.


I am absolutely fascinated by the potentiality of animated GIF’s.

For myself as a photographer, there are some images which I prefer as static images, and other images I prefer as moving images.

For example, this video I shot of snowfall:

Snow @ 60FPS

Another version exported to a slower FPS:

Snow at LOW FPS

For comparison, here is the original 1080p 60fps video shot on RICOH GR III:

Open source video:

A new way to see the world

With moving photos (videos), you can take a quick ‘snapchat’ video image.

For example, boiling water:

Boiling water // 60fps

A slower FPS version:

Boiling water // low FPS

To me, to photograph boiling water (And other scientific phenomenon) is ABSOLUTELY fascinating. Shooting videos allows you to see a deeper insight into reality.

Original video footage:

The future is blogging

William Klein spacing composition lesson GIF
William Klein spacing composition lesson GIF

What I love about the freedom of a blog ( is this:

It is so easy to integrate auto-playing GIF images in your posts!

Don’t constrain yourself to (just) still photos.

Allow yourself to shoot photos, moving photos (snapchat like videos, 30 seconds), or even experiment shooting longer-films.

All photo is good photo!