Life is All Upside, No Downside

The stoic motto—

There is no greater joy than being alive. All the “downsides” of existence are petty concerns.

Hat tip to Taleb


Nassim Taleb’s notion of “upside”. Life is unlimited optionality and upside, no downside.

No downsides in life

Abstract armor

What are fake downsides in life?

  1. Stress
  2. Pain
  3. Suffering
  4. Guilt
  5. Anger

Best way to address these issues:

“It’s all good”.

Things which attack you strengthen you. Anything which strengthens you is good.

Armor sketch

Art is the ultimate upside

Prague Cindy project

As long as you got art in life, you got every reason to live. To keep making, creating, exploring, challenging, and daring!