Month: November 2019

  • In Praise of Fujifilm

    In Praise of Fujifilm

    Fujifilm makes great cameras— probably some of the best “bang for the buck”cameras. Imagine Fujifilm cameras being like a Lexus— truly nothing wrong with it! Great performance, good aesthetics, and a solid price point.

  • You’re the End Product. You’re the End!

    You’re the End Product. You’re the End!

    A thought inspired by Cindy: What if we should direct all of our powers to elevate ourselves?

  • Share Your Perspective

    Share Your Perspective

    A realization about photography: It doesn’t matter how “good” or “bad” you are in photography. The point is to share YOUR personal perspective!

  • How to Maximize Your Flow State Everyday

    How to Maximize Your Flow State Everyday

    Perhaps the optimal human state is maximizing your “flow state” everyday, all day, for the most of everyday. Some practical ideas: Don’t do anything you don’t care for, or what you’re not passionate about. Spend as little time on email, your phone, messaging, social media, communications, internet as possible. If you want to enter a…

  • Happiness for What?

    Happiness for What?

    Happiness isn’t the end goal (contra Aristotle):

  • Success is Survival

    Success is Survival

    First basic idea: The best way to measure ‘success’ as an entrepreneur is on pure survival.

  • Is Frugality Overrated?

    Is Frugality Overrated?

    Is frugality a virtue? Is frugality something to be desired? What is frugality for? For whom? Why be frugal? These are some questions I will attempt to answer:

  • Why Follow Your Passion?

    Why Follow Your Passion?

    Whenever I have followed my passion in life, I have succeeded in life. And so can you.

  • Now What?

    Now What?

    A thought: I am hyper-healthy I am hyper-strong I have much wealth I have succeeded in all of my life goals The question is: Now what?

  • How NOT to Die

    How NOT to Die

    Don’t live life like Russian roulette. Texting and driving 99% safe… 1% death.

  • Photographic Nihilism

    Photographic Nihilism

    Photographic nihilism means: What is the point of making photos? They are insignificant anyways. Nihilism: the (loser) philosophy that ‘nothing has meaning, thus I shall do nothing’ (Arthur Schopenhauer’s philosophy). Unfortunately this type of nihilistic thinking victimizes intelligent (atheist) individuals. If we live in a world without god, or a cosmic “reason” to life —…

  • My Thoughts on Success in Photography

    My Thoughts on Success in Photography

    Success as a photographer means to never stop shooting new photos! If we use this as our definition for photography and art, then perhaps Henri Cartier-Bresson wasn’t a successful photographer (he gave up photography), and we can consider Richard AVEDON (died while on assignment) and Josef Koudelka (in his 80s and still traveling and making…

  • Blogging as an Adventure!

    Blogging as an Adventure!

    When I start blogging, I have no idea how it will end Similar thinking: treat blogging as “live-streaming”your mind! With all your “flaws”and “bad” grammar. More important for it to be your own personal and genuine thoughts. To not simply rehash what others have said. To express YOUR OWN opinion on a matter!

  • Imitate Compositions You Admire!

    Imitate Compositions You Admire!

    Andre Lhote— the teacher of Henri Cartier-Bresson:

  • Never Stop Practicing

    Never Stop Practicing

    The eternal return — what would you want to practice forever, for fun?

  • What is Failure?

    What is Failure?

    My only definition of failure: Being a coward in [x]. What is success? Courage. Acting courageously, and not obtaining your desired consequences isn’t “failure”. It is just practical information you can use to tinker, improve, and trial-and-error yourself forward and upwards!

  • What is Financial Independence?

    What is Financial Independence?

    My definition of financial independence: To no longer be a slave to money as a way to self-value yourself, your worth, or your progress in life.

  • When is being selfless selfish, and when is being selfish selfless?

    When is being selfless selfish, and when is being selfish selfless?

    An ethical thought: When it comes to interacting with others — there are times in which your “selfless” actions are actually very self-interested. And other times when your “selfish” actions are actually quite selfless in benefitting others. But when is one which, and when is it the other?

  • Why I Love Street Photography so Much!

    Why I Love Street Photography so Much!

    Street photography gives me a reason to live! To thrive! To explore, to make art, and to share.

  • PDF: ERIC KIM Photography Composition Studies

    PDF: ERIC KIM Photography Composition Studies

    Some composition studies of my own photos: PDF (208MB): PDF Download (Dropbox) > PDF Download (Google Drive) >

  • How to Become a GREAT Blogger

    How to Become a GREAT Blogger

    I consider myself one of the greatest bloggers of all-time. Why? I grew up with blogging (started blogging since age 16, in high school, with Xanga). I can type 150+ words per minute I am fearless when it comes to writing I can ‘stream’ a stream-of-consciousness style of writing, which is friendly, conversational, and practical.…

  • RICOH is the new LEICA

    RICOH is the new LEICA

    If Henri Cartier-Bresson started photography today, would he have shot with a digital Leica M10? Or a RICOH GR III? I think he would have chosen the RICOH. Some thoughts:

  • Street Photography Composition Lesson #17: Spacing

    Street Photography Composition Lesson #17: Spacing

    A new street photography lesson: When shooting multiple subjects or even single subjects, put space between your subjects (or space between the subject and the background).

  • Video: Josef Koudelka Photography Composition Studies

    Note: Multiple subjects Layers Getting close Stark monochrome Unique panoramic vision Simplicity of images and compositions Low angle + wide-angle (to exaggerate height and grandeur of subjects) Extreme abstraction Some photos which are out-of-focus are very effective. Spacing between subjects Arabesque (curve) composition Purity of artistic vision PDF: Also you can download at: Dropbox (61MB)…

  • Why Photography Makes Me So Happy

    Why Photography Makes Me So Happy

    Belief in travel, new experiences, new sights, freedom, art, joy, and love:

  • Cultivate Your Own Taste

    Cultivate Your Own Taste

    With art, aesthetics and life: Cultivate your own taste. Don’t let others superimpose their tastes upon you!

  • How to Make Great Photos of People

    How to Make Great Photos of People

    The best photography is of human beings:

  • How to Live to Be 140 Years Old (in Hyper Health)

    How to Live to Be 140 Years Old (in Hyper Health)

    One of my current life goals: Live to be 140 years old, in hyper-health. How can we do this? Let me share some ideas:

  • KYOTO by KIM

    KYOTO by KIM

    PDF Downloads (300mb): Dropbox Download > Google Drive Download >

  • Happiness is Metabolism Health and Strength

    Happiness is Metabolism Health and Strength

    A thought: I am happiest when my metabolism is strong!

  • PDF: Josef Koudelka Photography Composition Studies

    PDF: Josef Koudelka Photography Composition Studies

    Also you can download at: Dropbox (61MB) > Google Drive >

  • PDF: Richard Avedon Photography Composition Studies

    PDF: Richard Avedon Photography Composition Studies

    Richard Avedon— one of the masters of photography, and one of my personal favorites. Free PDF downloads below: Dropbox (390MB) PDF Download > Google Drive (390MB) PDF Download > See all the photos below:

  • How to Start a Photography Project

    How to Start a Photography Project

    Pursue a photography project of something you actually care about. There’s no right or wrong approaches or techniques in photo projects; only authentic or inauthentic. Authentic: you actually care for the project. Inauthentic: you don’t care for the project, you’re just doing it to look like a good artist, or to seem “legitimate”

  • Monochrome vs Color

    Monochrome vs Color

    Color makes people more real; monochrome makes people more abstract.

  • Photography Composition Lessons from Richard Avedon

    Photography Composition Lessons from Richard Avedon

    AVEDON as one of the geniuses of composition:

  • What is Your True Tastes or Preferences in Life?

    What is Your True Tastes or Preferences in Life?

    Ignore what society or “experts” tell you “what is good for you”. Instead, focus on spending much time with yourself, your own thoughts, and to meditate to yourself: What do I really want for myself? And what are my true tastes and preferences in life? Do this for, Lifestyle choices (do you really prefer a…

  • Anti Shame

    Let us not shame others, nor should we live in a way in which we feel ashamed of ourselves.

  • Why Do We Desire Perpetual Productivity?

    Why Do We Desire Perpetual Productivity?

    On the cult of productivity:

  • Why I Hate Heavy Cameras

    Why I Hate Heavy Cameras

    Heavy cameras are the WORST thing for your artistic thriving as a photographer.

  • Futurism in Photography

    Futurism in Photography

    Futurism— belief in movement, dynamism, evolution, dynamic energy— that the future is bright, exciting, and epic! Futurism in photography means EXTREME OPTIMISM.

  • Image Quality and Great Photos

    Image Quality and Great Photos

    How important is ‘image quality’ (aesthetics) of a photograph to make it a great photo?

  • Why Did Henri Cartier-Bresson Give Up Photography?

    Why Did Henri Cartier-Bresson Give Up Photography?

    Something very curious to me: Why did HCB give up photography? Some of my theories:

  • Why Interact with Strangers?

    Why Interact with Strangers?

    Why photograph, interact, or talk with strangers? Some ideas:

  • Why Photographers Should Study Painting

    Why Photographers Should Study Painting

    Classic compositions reverberate throughout time:

  • Richard Avedon Photography Composition Studies

    Richard Avedon Photography Composition Studies

    Avedon as more of a genius than people realize:

  • Why I Prefer Richard Avedon over Henri Cartier-Bresson

    Why I Prefer Richard Avedon over Henri Cartier-Bresson

    Why I might like Richard Avedon over Henri Cartier-Bresson: Avedon as more confident, humanistic. Avedon as realizing the ultimate beauty is the human and human form. HCB thought it was geometry, surrealism. Avedon as more prolific. HCB gave up after around 30 years. Avedon went well into his 80s, towards his death. Avedon as being…

  • Have the Courage to Share Bad Photos

    Have the Courage to Share Bad Photos

    A realization: My only regret in my photo life is this — not having the courage to share photos which I thought others wouldn’t like. Photos which I liked, but photos which I was afraid others wouldn’t like.

  • If you can’t code, blog instead!

    If you can’t code, blog instead!

    If you cannot write code, build value by writing (blogging). Share information, knowledge, and your personal life journey. Idea from Naval Ravikant (founder of anglelist).

  • How to Shoot Surreal Photos
  • iPad as a Magical Device for Photographers

    iPad as a Magical Device for Photographers

    Steve Jobs’ vision has been realized: The iPad is truly a magical device for photographers, visual artists, creative types, readers, writers — essentially everyone.