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Why Koudelka?
Josef Koudelka as one of the greats.
Personally I love him because:
- His longevity (shooting well into his 80’s, whereas Henri Cartier-Bresson gave up after around 30 years of photographing).
- Koudelka’s extreme passion, focus, and refusal to compromise his life or photography. The ultimate artist.
- Koudelka’s personal evolution. From 25mm [Gypsies] to 35mm to 50mm [Exiles], to shooting panoramic landscapes [Chaos]. Even now, shooting digital medium format panoramic landscapes (Koudelka not being romantic about film vs digital).
Josef Koudelka photos:
CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Prague. August 1968. Protesting the Warsaw Pact troops Invasion at St. Wenceslas monument. SPAIN. 1977. CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Straznice. 1966. Festival of gypsy music. IRELAND. 1976. FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA. Serbia. Belgrade. 1994. Women demonstrating for peace in Sarajevo. PORTUGAL. 1976. FRANCE. Brittany. 1973. Gipsies. IRELAND. Croagh Patrick Pilgrimage. 1972. FRANCE. Paris. 1986. FRANCE. 1987. CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Prague. 1964. Theatre On the Balustrade. “King Ubu”, a play written by the French playwright Alfred JARRY. CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Prague. 1969. Theatre Divadlo Za Branou (Beyond the Gate). “Lorenzaccio”, a play written by Alfred de MUSSET and directed by Otomar KREJCA. CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Prague. Play: Nightingale for Dinner (Rossignol ‡ dÓner/Nachtigall zum Abendessen) Play written and directed by Josef TOPOL. Theatre Beyond the Gate (Divadlo Za Branou/ThÈ‚tre derriËre la Porte/Theater vor dem Tor). 1967. SPAIN. Villanueva de los Castilleros. 1978. IRELAND. Connacht. Aran Islands. 1977.