How to Maximize Your Flow State Everyday

Perhaps the optimal human state is maximizing your “flow state” everyday, all day, for the most of everyday. Some practical ideas:

  1. Don’t do anything you don’t care for, or what you’re not passionate about.
  2. Spend as little time on email, your phone, messaging, social media, communications, internet as possible.
  3. If you want to enter a flow state, turn off your phone for long periods of time.
  4. Drink lots of black coffee or 100% cocoa powder while fasting, to master and maximize your metabolism.
  5. In order to maximize your flow state, also maximize your physical activity during the day. For me this is lots of walking, standing, squatting, or powerlifting at the gym.
  6. Music to get into a flow state. Experiment with instrumentals (no lyric music) as well.
  7. Don’t consume any media that “fucks up your high” or “vibe”. Avoid toxic news, media, people, foods, drinks.

Maximize your flow!