Month: February 2020

  • Infinite Steady and Slow Gains

    Infinite Steady and Slow Gains

    A thought: Perhaps life is more interesting and enjoyable when we strive towards infinite gains, in a slow and steady manner. For example when it comes to powerlifting, I love the idea that as long as I keep eating, training, and giving it all of my courage, my “one rep max” will continue to grow…

  • Don’t Be a Sucker

    Don’t Be a Sucker

    A good way to live life: Simply avoid being a sucker (however you define this for yourself). For example, when it comes to economic matters or purchasing decisions– don’t get suckered. Don’t get suckered into buying things which are contrary to your own personal preferences. What does it mean to get suckered? It is all…

  • FACE


    I love faces:

  • I


    Share YOUR THOUGHTS, YOUR IDEAS, use the word “I” more often.

  • YOU


    Focus on you:

  • SEEK YOUR EQUALS (Inter Pares)

    SEEK YOUR EQUALS (Inter Pares)

    Who are the best people to surround yourself with? Your equals.



    Don’t let others lord over you; lord over yourself!

  • Media Which Motivates You or Pacifies You?

    Media Which Motivates You or Pacifies You?

    Media and entertainment is good when it empowers and motivates us to do stuff. Entertainment and media is bad when it pacifies us.

  • Why Create?

    Why Create?

    Creating is good for ourselves, our ego, and our sense of changing and altering the world. Creating as the ultimate joy!

  • Employment is Holding us Back: In Praise of Self-Employment

    Employment is Holding us Back: In Praise of Self-Employment

    If you want to achieve your most epic self, you MUST become self-employed.



    How strong can you become? Test your own strengths as a point of personal curiosity for yourself.

  • Attempt Your Own Epic Life Goals and Dreams!

    Attempt Your Own Epic Life Goals and Dreams!

    Don’t let anyone talk down on you, or discourage you from attempting your own epic life goals:

  • The Secret to the Happiest Life: Become the Most Productive Creator #productivity
  • Never Force Yourself to Do Anything: Wu Wei Taoist Philosophy

    Never Force Yourself to Do Anything: Wu Wei Taoist Philosophy

    This Taoist notion that I follow and love: Never do anything that your body, gut, or instinct doesn’t do intuitively.  This means, more faith in yourself, your instincts, and your own animal like predilections than to force yourself to do what is “responsible”, “necessary”, and “productive”.

  • Quantity over Quality

    Quantity over Quality

    Striving for perfection is paralyzing. Better to produce and make a lot (quantity) rather than aim for ‘quality’.

  • Why I’m So Motivated

    Why I’m So Motivated

    I’m so motivated because I’m in hyper-health, physiologically thriving, through powerlifting and sleeping a lot, through intermittent fasting, and eating lots of meat. Also, the child-like curiosity in creating new things!

  • A New Definition of Creativity: Propensity or Desire to Create

    A New Definition of Creativity: Propensity or Desire to Create

    Creativity isn’t this superpower you’re born with (or not). Creativity is having the DESIRE or the motivation to CREATE and make stuff! Also, creativity is something which can be trained (like our muscles)!



    To conquer photography, we must kill all prior notions of photography, and declare to ourselves: I shall become the most epic photographer of all-time, and build up all my creative/visual faculties to the maximum!

  • Photographers Shall Inherit the Earth

    Photographers Shall Inherit the Earth

    The future of art and philosophy: photography.

  • What is the Best Camera?

    What is the Best Camera?

    What is the best camera? Currently it is the RICOH GR III, then probably iPhone Pro. Let me explain:

  • Hidden Compositions in Everyday Life: Street Photography

    Hidden Compositions in Everyday Life: Street Photography

    “Unless you expect the unexpected, you will not find it, for it is hidden and thickly tangled.” – Heraclitus This is what makes street photography so fun — discovering compositions which are hidden — in plain sight, in everyday life. Your challenge as a street photographer is to find it! With sketches: Side by side:…

  • The Photographer as an Image Maker AND Idea Maker

    The Photographer as an Image Maker AND Idea Maker

    An image is something you see. An idea is also based on the notion “to see”. Thus as a photographer, you’re both an image maker AND an idea maker.

  • How I’ve Been Able to Stay Inspired to Shoot Street Photography

    How I’ve Been Able to Stay Inspired to Shoot Street Photography

    Sad thing — I’ve seen a lot of street photographers come and go. It seems they’ve run out of inspiration or motivated. Here is what has been my secret to keep going!

  • How to Become More Interesting

    How to Become More Interesting

    Better to be misunderstood than understood. People who aren’t easy to read are more interesting?

  • The attempt is more interesting than the final result

    The attempt is more interesting than the final result

    Epic attempts are more interesting than how much you can ultimately lift or do.

  • What is an ‘Idea’?

    What is an ‘Idea’?

    An idea as image:

  • Prioritize Your Own Needs, Desires, and Wants Over Others

    Prioritize Your Own Needs, Desires, and Wants Over Others

    My thought: To maximize your impact and change in the world, embrace MAXIMUM SELFISHNESS, and barbell ‘maximum altruism’ on the other end.

  • The Goal is Individualism

    The Goal is Individualism

    What is the best life? The life of the maximal self-independence, and maximal self-augmentation.

  • Power Ascending or Power Descending?

    Power Ascending or Power Descending?

    My thought: In life, we always want to feel that our power, influence, and strength is ASCENDING. It brings us great dismay when we feel our power is descending. 

  • The Ethics and Morality of Street Photography

    The Ethics and Morality of Street Photography

    There are no ultimate morals or ethics in street photography:

  • How to 10X Yourself

    How to 10X Yourself

    In order to MAXIMIZE your productivity, you must SIMPLIFY your life to the maximum as well!

  • Why Simplify Your Life?

    Why Simplify Your Life?

    The point of simplifying your life isn’t in order to become a more ‘virtuous’ person. To simplify your life is a highly pragmatic matter: The more you simplify your life, the more you can maximize your personal creative productivity.

  • Physiology and Artistic Productivity Tips: Intermittent Fasting, Meat, Powerlifting, Coffee

    Physiology and Artistic Productivity Tips: Intermittent Fasting, Meat, Powerlifting, Coffee

    Practical tips on how to become a more productive artist and creator:

  • Why I Blog, Vlog, and Log

    Why I Blog, Vlog, and Log

    To blog, vlog, and log yourself on the internet — To share your stream of constantly becoming with others.

  • How to Photograph Yourself

    How to Photograph Yourself

    To photograph yourself means: Select a certain aesthetic to convey your personal aesthetic tastes, moods, or attitude towards life. Only photograph what you consider beautiful. Or if you want to photograph what you consider ugly, do it with intent. Don’t strive to make “good” photos. Strive to make HONEST photos that reveal part of yourself…



    There is the saying “You are what you eat” which means: If you consume nutritious foods, you shall become powerful. If you consume bad foods, you shall become weak and fat. Perhaps we can approach this attitude to photography — If you are what you photograph, by photographing what brings you joy will make you…



    What is the worst thing holding us back? This obsession for views, likes, and followers. To truly thrive as a photographer and visual artist, you must learn to DISDAIN views, likes, and followers.

  • What are the Perfect Conditions of Existence?

    What are the Perfect Conditions of Existence?

    My thought: The perfect conditions of existence is the optimal circumstances you need to maximize your artistic and philosophical output.

  • Anti Competition

    Anti Competition

    Notions of “cheating” or “unfairness” are only problems or issues if you’re competing with others. A thought — perhaps it is better to live a life that is ANTI competition? You are only competing against yourself. No competition with anyone else means you don’t need to feel jealous or envious towards others. Also, you don’t…

  • Pessimistic Optimism

    Pessimistic Optimism

    I am a pessimistic optimist— I love and accept all the cruelty, tragedy, and unfairness in the world, yet I am optimistic about our individual ability to change ourselves and change the world.

  • Photograph with Your Feet!

    Photograph with Your Feet!

    Apparently there is a saying in Chinese: Health begins from your feet upwards. Which made me think: The source of all photography begins in your feet!

  • Black and Red

    Black and Red

    A new aesthetic — black and red (beyond black and white):

  • Conquer Yourself

    Conquer Yourself

    The best person or group to conquer? Yourself.

  • Why Become Yourself?

    Why Become Yourself?

    The upside of becoming yourself: Increased joy, self confidence, and motivation to live!

  • Why Black and White?

    Why Black and White?

    I love black and white because: Black and white SIMPLIFIES your compositions Black and white is challenging: A ‘creative constraint’ of monochrome is interesting because it begs the question, “How can you make an interesting image without adding the interest of color?” Black and white is simpler, more minimal — which follows my personal aesthetics.…

  • Your Perspective is Irrefutable

    Your Perspective is Irrefutable

    The great thing about having a unique perspective: Nobody can refute your perspective as being ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. All perspectives are subjective — the great liberating thought!

  • I Wanna Be Me!

    I Wanna Be Me!

    Your goal in life, not to become anyone else, but become MORE YOU!

  • Life is a Stream of Constantly Becoming

    Life is a Stream of Constantly Becoming

    Anti-perfection in life:

  • What are Your Hidden Powers?

    What are Your Hidden Powers?

    What lies latent within you? What hidden powers do you have, that you haven’t discovered yet, or let out yet?

  • Productivity for Personal Freedom

    Productivity for Personal Freedom

    Why this cult of productivity? My theory– we want to become more productive (in order to make more money), in order to gain our personal freedom in life.