Month: October 2019

  • How to Conquer Existential Dread

    How to Conquer Existential Dread

    Once you’re retired, financially independent, “location independent”, a “digital nomad”, and have achieved all the external measures of success, how do you prevent or conquer existential dread? (Danger of nihilism — that there’s no “purpose”to life) My simple suggestion and solution: Become part beast (powerlifter), part philosopher, and part artist. What works for me: Strive…

  • Why I Don’t Like the Apple Watch

    Why I Don’t Like the Apple Watch

    Tested the Apple Watch (new Series 5), and I really don’t like it. Some of my candid thoughts:

  • The Best Technology

    The Best Technology

    Technology which adds complexity to your life, or technology which REMOVES complexity from your life? The best technology REMOVES complexity from your life and simplifies it. For example, Uber instead of owning a car, or having to find parking when driving. iPhone Pro with simplifying and streamlining the shooting, selecting, processing, and sharing workflow. Don’t…

  • Conquer and Claim Today!

    Conquer and Claim Today!

    Don’t worry too much about the “purpose of your life”. Instead, simply strive to maximally exploit today!

  • It doesn’t matter if it’s already been photographed before! Photograph it again, and again, and again!
  • Why Instagram is Bad for Humanity

    Why Instagram is Bad for Humanity

    Why Instagram is bad for your self-esteem, your creativity, your mental well-being-being, your focus, and generally — bad for humanity. My thoughts:

  • How to Differentiate Yourself as a Photographer

    How to Differentiate Yourself as a Photographer

    A thought: Now that all cameras are good, and that the iPhone Pro (the ultimate equalizer in photography) has arrived — what is the best way to differentiate yourself as a photographer? Some ideas:

  • iPhone Pro is Good Enough for Photography

    iPhone Pro is Good Enough for Photography

    “In art, the best is good enough.” Voltaire We are finally at the point in which iPhone Pro is truly good enough for photography: good enough to be your solo camera, your solo photo selector, your sole photo processor, and your creative “all in one”solution.

  • More Strength!

    More Strength!

    What we desire for in life which drives our will to power, riches, fame, and influence — the desire for more strength. Physical and physiological strength-health, strength to pursue great aims, strength to create great and powerful art, and the strength to control other people, spaces, and ourselves.

  • iPhone Pro x RICOH GR III

    iPhone Pro x RICOH GR III

    I consider the iPhone Pro x RICOH GR III as the best camera setup. iPhone Pro for everyday photography, and RICOH GR III if you need more power. iPhone Pro like a quick-draw pistol, RICOH GR III as the heavy artillery (thinking John Wick).

  • Obey your body

    There’s 1000x more wisdom in your body than your mind.

  • Why I Don’t Like the new AirPods Pro

    Why I Don’t Like the new AirPods Pro

    Just tested the new AirPods Pro, and I really don’t like them. Why? Not because the technology isn’t good (the technology is great), but more of the philosophical, psychological, and practical implications of them. Let me explain:

  • Traveling as a way to Discover Yourself or Run Away from Yourself?

    Traveling as a way to Discover Yourself or Run Away from Yourself?

    TRAVEL NOTES thought: Do you employ traveling as a means to spend MORE time with yourself, or to distract yourself from yourself?

  • In Praise of a Streamlined Life

    In Praise of a Streamlined Life

    Anything you can do to streamline and simplify your life is good!

  • Photography is the Ultimate Visual Art

    Photography is the Ultimate Visual Art

    Let us consider that photography is the ultimate democratic form of art-creation. Then this means that photography is the ultimate visual art.

  • Why I Love Living in a Tiny Apartment

    Why I Love Living in a Tiny Apartment

    Currently living in a ‘tiny apartment’ (less than 350 square feet), and I love it. Why? Let me share:

  • Artistic Meritocracy

    Artistic Meritocracy

    What are the practical and philosophical implications once photography and art-creation has been democratized for the masses? It means that art-creation becomes a meritocracy, which means — your rank as a photographer-artist is based on your skill, effort, and merit, not how rich you are, or your access to tools and privilege.

  • Photography as Artistic Disruption

    Photography as Artistic Disruption

    What I just realized: The reason why many individuals and individuals in the art world don’t like photography is because it disrupts art: art production, art publishing, and art in general!

  • iPhone Pro Image Quality and Aesthetics is Great

    iPhone Pro Image Quality and Aesthetics is Great

    I’m still amazed by the new iPhone Pro image quality (with the new beta OS). It has arrived — it’s truly “good enough”for photography, and can become your sole camera!

  • How to Become Undistractable

    How to Become Undistractable

    Today’s modern gold: the ability to NOT get distracted. Some practical ideas to help you never get distracted (by crap you don’t care for):

  • Why iPhone Pro is Better than Google Pixel 4

    Why iPhone Pro is Better than Google Pixel 4

    My thought: Google Pixel will never be as good as iPhone, here’s why:

  • A Billion Photos?

    A Billion Photos?

    A fun and random idea: Could you shoot a billion photos before you die? How to do this:

  • Creative Metabolism

    Creative Metabolism

    What if creativity (propensity to create) and motivation were more physiological than mental?

  • Do we like it for what it is or what it symbolizes?

    Do we like it for what it is or what it symbolizes?

    A thought: When we desire x, y, z, do we want it for what it is, or what it symbolizes? For example: Do we want that car for what it is, or what it symbolizes? For instance I want the Lamborghini for what it symbolizes: audacity, sexiness, and power. I don’t think I actually want…

  • iPhone Pro has Arrived

    iPhone Pro has Arrived

    I’ve never bought an iPhone in my life, and I never thought the iPhone was “good enough”in my eyes to become my primary computer, or even my primary camera. But after a week of testing, I can say: the iPhone has arrived.

  • Why You Must Follow your Passion in Life

    Why You Must Follow your Passion in Life

    My thought: Life is far too long to be bored. Why live your life being bored, enslaved, or chained down — even for a minute?

  • Via Negativa Health, Strength, and Happiness

    Via Negativa Health, Strength, and Happiness

    Inspired by Nassim Taleb: the basic idea is this: Instead of trying to figure out what drugs, supplements, and things to ADD to your life, experiment by subtracting and pruning away toxic things, in order to become healthier, happier, and stronger. For example for me: No lactose, cheese, dairy, butter: These all taste phenomenal to…

  • How to recuperate and recover from exhaustion in life

    How to recuperate and recover from exhaustion in life

    Pragmatic and practical strategies in order to recover from modern life: Eat much meat Detox from coffee and caffeine Lift weights Walk 5+ miles a day Sleep 8-12 hours a night No social media, no news, no Netflix, no email, no phone Intense massage Acupuncture Long hikes in the woods, total panoramic immersion in nature…



    MAKE yourself GREAT State your worth, steer your course, do it first. Proclaim your greatness far and wide, stateless, you’re a different case. Never stay still, keep rolling your stone of life. Prometheus unbound, keep your liver hungry for more! ERIC

  • Extreme Living is Better Living

    Extreme Living is Better Living

    Living life on the edge, pushing your limits, living extreme as far more interesting, fun, enjoyable and rewarding in life.

  • Only You can Destroy Yourself

    Only You can Destroy Yourself

    You are never destroyed by anyone else but yourself: the great optimistic and empowering thought in life and existence.

  • How to Become a Perpetual Photographer

    How to Become a Perpetual Photographer

    I’m a mean, keen, perpetual photographic machine!



    In praise of Vegas:

  • How to Import Your Photos to iPhone and Editing Workflow

    How to Import Your Photos to iPhone and Editing Workflow

    Something fun I’m experimenting with: Importing photos I shoot on my RICOH GR III to iPhone via the SD card lightning adapter, selecting my favorite photos, and uploading them directly to my blog from iPhone. It’s essentially the same as iPad, except iPhone has the benefit of being even smaller and more compact.

  • iPhone Pro Camera Review for Photography

    iPhone Pro Camera Review for Photography

    iPhone Pro as the most interesting camera right now:

  • Experiences Never Die

    Experiences Never Die

    Investing in experiences in life as the best “bang for the buck”— not things, possessions, and ephemeral objects.

  • iPhone Pro more exciting than Leica

    iPhone Pro more exciting than Leica

    Why I believe Apple is leading the way in photography, arts creation, culture, and society:

  • Artistic or photographic hormones?

    Artistic or photographic hormones?

    A thought: What if much of our impulse to make art, photographs, etc is related to our hormones?

  • Why Safari is Superior to Chrome

    Why Safari is Superior to Chrome

    What is one of the best computer hacks you can integrate? Uninstall Chrome and start using Safari instead. Why? Some reasons:

  • How to Increase Your Self-Esteem

    How to Increase Your Self-Esteem

    “The people highest up have the lowest self-esteem.” Kanye West “Checking Instagram comments to crowd-source my self-esteem.” Kanye West I am an unusually high amount of self-esteem. Where did I get it? How can I increase my self-esteem, and why is this essential?

  • Direct Your Own Self-Evolution

    Direct Your Own Self-Evolution

    You can evolve into a higher form (in your own lifetime)!

  • Democratic Luxury

    Democratic Luxury

    An interesting shift we are undergoing in society: With meritocracy, American capitalist/socialist values— this notion of “democratic luxury” is being made. Let me explain:

  • Test your limits as a point of curiosity.

    Test your limits as a point of curiosity.

    Don’t let fear hold you back. Aren’t you curious what your limits are?

  • How I Make Presets in Lightroom CC

    A quick video outlining and showing how I make presets for new Lightroom CC (Creative Cloud version, not the classic version): Free download: ERIC KIM Lightroom CC PRESETS – Contrast 2019 >

  • Move First, Motivation Later

    Move First, Motivation Later

    A realization about motivation: When we feel “motivated”, it is an after-the-fact sensation. We must first MOVE and ACT, then consequently we will feel motivated.

  • Become a legislator, not just a commentator.

    Become a legislator, not just a commentator.

    The worst type of scholar is to become a commentator. To comment on something takes no real “skin in the game”. Your opinion of your comment is subjective, and based on the knowledge of others, therefore you are protected from being critiqued on your own commentary. Perhaps a more noble and bold pursuit is this:…



    Simplifying or cutting or destroying is also a creative act.

  • iPhone Pro UI/UX Critique and Suggestions

    iPhone Pro UI/UX Critique and Suggestions

    How to design a better UI/UX for iPhone Pro:

  • Secrets and Keys to Happiness

    Secrets and Keys to Happiness

    I’m insanely happy right now. Let me share how and why:

  • iPhone Pro the Ultimate Productivity Device?

    iPhone Pro the Ultimate Productivity Device?

    Listen on ERIC KIM PODCAST Thoughts on the desire for a “perfect” and “ultimate” productivity device: