Extreme Living is Better Living

Living life on the edge, pushing your limits, living extreme as far more interesting, fun, enjoyable and rewarding in life.

For example:

  1. Extremely rigorous and strict diet: No sugars, no desserts, no carbs, no drugs, no alcohol. The only vice is coffee (which is also taken in extreme quantities).
  2. Extreme physical health and strength: Much meat, powerlifting “one rep max”style, walking many miles everyday, never sitting. Always moving or standing.
  3. Extreme opinions: Don’t have a “balanced”opinion. Speak your own personal truth loudly, without any censorship. Taking extreme courage into your actions, words, and how you live your life.

Anti fear

Much of the ways we act and interact in society is due to fear. We are afraid of upsetting others, therefore we interact in “safe”ways. This breeds boring people. We need more interesting, extreme, opinionated, and intense people in society.

Direct your own self-evolution

Where have all the great individuals gone?

Instead of critiquing others and society, best for us to direct our own self-evolution and become our own personal ideal. For myself:

  1. Greek God physique and strength
  2. Picasso-level artistry
  3. Kanye-level audacity
  4. Elon-level humanity
  5. Steve Jobs-level simplicity
  6. Eric Kim-level authenticity

Live raw, uncensored and unfiltered. The best way to live.