Why I Don’t Like the new AirPods Pro

Just tested the new AirPods Pro, and I really don’t like them. Why? Not because the technology isn’t good (the technology is great), but more of the philosophical, psychological, and practical implications of them.

Let me explain:

1. I don’t want to die

The noise cancelling is really good, and the in-ear isolation is also quite good. But the danger? If you’re always walking around the city with them, all external noise is masked. Which means you’re more likely to not notice cars (you’re in the zone), and more likely to get hit by a car and die.

The technology is almost too good.

2. You notice less around you

If you’re using the new AirPods pros, you notice less of the world around you, which means, less noticed photo opportunities.

I am convinced: when you’re out shooting photos, you should NOT listen to music, podcasts, or have any headphones or earbuds on. Why? My theory:

When you have the eternal stimuli of audio bombarding your eardrums, your visual acuity is weakened, and therefore you are less likely to see good photo opportunities.

3. The noise cancellation makes my head and brain feel weird.

This is just me– you might not get this, but when I use in-ear noise cancelling earbuds (this includes the BOSE in-ear noise cancelling ones), it puts a strange pressure in my earlobes and brain. I don’t like the feeling. But you should test them out to see if this is an issue with you.

4. When would the AirPods Pro be good for you?

Assuming the noise-cancellation doesn’t make your brain or eardrums feel weird, they would be ideal for travel (long-haul flights), or when working at the coffee shop to focus. The fit is good, the noise cancellation works well, and the music quality is good too.

Conclusion: This is just my opinion

Hats off to Apple and the AirPods/bluetooth team. Truth be told, the AirPods Pro is a HUGE technological marvel and design marvel. It is really a truly great product. But once again, I’m more worried about:

  1. Using them while walking or in public spaces, which make me less aware, perhaps more likely to get run over, and die.
  2. Using them outdoors as a way of becoming disconnected with the external ’embodied’ world. I’m wondering– what are the philosophical downsides of being disconnected with the outside world? Perhaps more anti-social behavior.

Of course I don’t want to dictate your behavior. Just try them out, buy them, and if you don’t like them, just return them (14 day Apple return).

Not for ERIC KIM

I’m not going to use the AirPods Pro, I will stick to my in-ear monitor earbud headphones (paired with my old-school iPod nano). Furthermore as a reminder to myself:

  1. Never use headphones or listen to music or podcasts when walking. I don’t want to get run over and die (even if this chance is very low. Remember, my goal is to live to be 120-140 years old).
  2. Perhaps we need LACK of external stimuli in order to think “more creative thoughts”.
  3. The upside of not listening to headphones at the gym: More focus, and less time wasted at the gym trying to discover the perfect song while working out.

More turbo thoughts to come.