Via Negativa Health, Strength, and Happiness

Inspired by Nassim Taleb: the basic idea is this:

Instead of trying to figure out what drugs, supplements, and things to ADD to your life, experiment by subtracting and pruning away toxic things, in order to become healthier, happier, and stronger.

For example for me:

  1. No lactose, cheese, dairy, butter: These all taste phenomenal to me, but my Asian stomach can not handle or process it. I’m much stronger and my digestion is far better after cutting it all.
  2. No alcohol: I get easy hangovers. Just cutting alcohol has helped my mind stay strong, focused, and of course — no lost productivity because of headaches related to alcohol.
  3. No drugs (cocaine, weed, LSD, shrooms, ecstasy, etc): No moralistic problems with it, the biggest problem is I’m just super suspicious of the negative long term impacts it can have on my brain, neuro chemical, and hormonal signaling.
  4. No email, social media, news, blogs, newspapers, TV, Netflix shows: These things all seem to rewire my brain in strange and distracting ways. Difficulty to focus. Also, more feelings of anxiety associated with these types of media and communication.
  5. No gluten, bread, rice, starch, carbs, sugar, corn-related products, etc: I’ve been able to be pure keto (lots of fatty meats, eggs, and bitter herbs) with no mental, physical, or emotional downside. In fact, I feel stronger, keener, sharper, more awake, confident, and brazen. Also my body fat percentage has gone down (less fat adipose tissue) which is great for my personal physique. Furthermore less carbs and starch means I can eat more eggs and meat (more protein for muscle building and brain recovery).

In life, to increase happiness, health, and strength, keep experimenting with subtraction in order to become more powerful!