In Praise of a Streamlined Life

Anything you can do to streamline and simplify your life is good!

For example:

  1. Living in a simple apartment, ideally with “everything included”.
  2. Easy access to a gym: Ideally in your own apartment complex, or within close walking distance.
  3. Streamline your coffee: Make coffee the night before, so you can have a cup of coffee already ready for yourself the moment you wakeup.
  4. For photography just shoot with your iPhone, which makes it far easier to quickly view your photos, select your photos, and share/upload your photos.

Streamlined > “Better”

A realization with photography: we are always trying to upgrade our cameras and equipment for “better” image quality, etc. But often by ADDING additional equipment into our life, we complicate our artistic creation flow. By ADDING more equipment and stuff into our life, we actually DE-STREAMLINE our lives.

A simpler life is a better life.