Month: July 2019

  • Photography Entrepreneurship Philosophy

    Photography Entrepreneurship Philosophy

    Something I’m very interested in: the intersection of photography, technology, entrepreneurship, and philosophy. I feel this is very fascinating ground which hasn’t (yet) been fully analyzed in detail.

  • HAPTIC SUMMER PHOTO BOOK CLUB: Based on a True Story by David Alan Harvey #buybooksnotgear

    BASED ON A TRUE STORY by David Alan Harvey — a beautiful book concept that teaches us: There are so many new, innovative ways we can produce books and interact with! Ideas from the book: Print ‘newspaper’ styled books Don’t need to create a spine or staple. Allow the reader to re-arrange the pages. The…



    Are You Strong Enough, or Too Weak? A way to think about life — Don’t be afraid of failure or hurting/injuring yourself. Instead, just focus on building your own strength and become strong enough to pursue great tasks and aims in your life.

  • Why Publish Your Own Photo Book?

    Why Publish Your Own Photo Book?

    Generally speaking, buying books will always be a better investment than buying photo gear (#buybooksnotgear). But at times, I feel a bit conflicted about photo books. In some regards, I think photo books are over-rated. And some ways, photo books are underrated. Let me use this essay as an opportunity to explicate some of my…

  • Why the RICOH GR III is Better than the RICOH GR II

    Why the RICOH GR III is Better than the RICOH GR II

    The RICOH GR II is a perfect camera. But the good news– the RICOH GR III is even better.

  • Living Life in Airplane Mode

    (Listen to as PODCAST) For the last 2 years, I have been experimenting with disconnecting. This meant: For about 1-2 years, I didn’t own a phone After this period, I used phones (Xiaomi and iPhone) for around 6 months without a data/phone plan. The basic notion was this: By not owning a phone or a…

  • How to See the World in Monochrome

    How to See the World in Monochrome

    RICOH GR III in high contrast monochrome JPEG setting is epic.

  • Only buy a camera you can imagine shooting with forever

    Only buy a camera you can imagine shooting with forever

    Super enjoying the RICOH GR III; which gave me a thought: Perhaps we should only ever purchase a camera which we can imagine using forever? Of course nothing is meant to last forever. And of course digital photography is moving so quickly, that to never buy another digital camera ever again is also a foolish…

  • Hasselblad is the Future of Digital Photography

    Hasselblad is the Future of Digital Photography

    Hasselblad: killing it with insane innovations in digital medium format, and digital backs for their old school Hasselblad V system.

  • How do You Know if You’re Progressing in Your Photography and Life?

    How do You Know if You’re Progressing in Your Photography and Life?

    Life is about growth and progress. But a question which often gnaws at the back of our head: “Am I making progress in my photography, artistic innovation, and life?”



    Life is all upside, no downside.

  • Traits of great photographers

    Traits of great photographers

    Based on my thoughts: Longevity: Ability to continue to innovate in their photography over decades. To keep shooting until they die (Andre Kertesz). Self-confidence: Making photographic art works to impress themselves, not others. Refusal to allow themselves be trapped within a genre. To think of photography less about capturing reality. More delight in artistic form,…

  • How to Never Stop Innovating in Your Photography

    How to Never Stop Innovating in Your Photography

    Simple tips to get you going!

  • How to Thrive as a Photographer

    How to Thrive as a Photographer

    How does a photographer thrive? By shooting more (new) photos! The world is your visual oyster. Exploit reality by shooting all the new photos you can!

  • 21mm Ultra-Wide Angle Review for Ricoh GR III (3)

    21mm Ultra-Wide Angle Review for Ricoh GR III (3)

    Testing the 21mm ultra-wide angle adapter for the new Ricoh GR III, and really enjoying it!

  • A Riskier Life is a Better Life #philosophy #stoicism

    What if by taking the ‘safe’ option in life, you were actually taking the worse path in life?

  • Why Photography is Good for the Soul

    Photography gives us more motivation in life. In order to photograph, we must move. Thus our personal curiosity about the world encourages us to move, explore, go on more adventures, and shoot more!

  • The photographer’s will to capture all of life

    The photographer’s will to capture all of life

    What if our goal and motive as photographers was to capture the fullest extent of life, while we’re still alive? To photograph people, nature, urban landscapes, plant life, and all of life?

  • Make photos which motivate yourself

    Make photos which motivate yourself

    When I look at artwork, I like artwork which “moves” me– quite literally moves me. Which encourages me to move around, dance, and go out and make more of my own artwork!

  • In Praise of Animated GIF for Photographers

    In Praise of Animated GIF for Photographers

    An idea: for fun, turn your photos into animated GIFs!

  • Photography Genres are Prisons

    Photography Genres are Prisons

    Refuse yourself to become a prisoner to your past self, your past artistic style, etc.


    Once you start to see yourself as a visual artist (not just a photographer), this will totally change how you approach your photographic art:

  • ERIC KIM Free Stock Photos Volume 1

    ERIC KIM Free Stock Photos Volume 1

    Free DOWNLOAD of Eric Kim Stock Photos (Volume 1). Thanks to Cindy for the idea. The basic notion is this: If you need free photographs or illustrations for a book cover, design, etc — these are for you.

  • How to Make More Artistic Photos
  • ERIC KIM Ricoh GR III (3) Review: It’s LIT!

    The RICOH GR III is a great camera, and a worthy sequel to the RICOH GRII.

  • How to Master Marketing in Photography

    How to Master Marketing in Photography

    It seems that success as a photographer in today’s brave new world of photography is 90% dependent on marketing skill, and only 10% photographic skill. It seems this is the truth. Now, how are you to succeed and stand-out? Here are some practical ideas I’ve learned through my decade+ experience in photography, marketing, philosophy, and…

  • Why Produce?

    To produce is more fun!

  • I am not alike.

    I am not alike.

    Why don’t I like to possess things which others posses?

  • Why Josef Koudelka is a Great Photographer

    Why Josef Koudelka is a Great Photographer

    I deem JOSEF KOUDELKA as one of the greatest photographers of all time. Why? Let me share.

  • The will to simplicity in art photography

    The will to simplicity in art photography

    To make great photos, strive to make strong and simple compositions.

  • Always Optimize for Ultralight

    Always Optimize for Ultralight

    When in doubt, go light.

  • How to strengthen your willpower

    How to strengthen your willpower

    With enough of your personal willpower, you can achieve, do, become, or create anything. But the practical question: How do we “gain” more willpower? How can we strengthen our willpower?

  • Do dope shit.

    Do dope shit.

    A simple way of living life: Devote all of your power and energy to do dope shit!

  • You are the end.

    You are the end.

    A thought inspired by Cindy: You are the end. What I mean is this:

  • Aesthetics in Photography

    Aesthetics in Photography

    Is there such thing as “ideal” aesthetics in photography?

  • Entrepreneurship which isn’t led by a proft motive?

    Entrepreneurship which isn’t led by a proft motive?

    To me, entrepreneurship is applied philosophy to reality. To become an entrepreneur takes 10000x more guts than to be a thinker and philosopher. Why? As an entrepreneur you are tied to reality (skin in the game, via Nassim Taleb). You’re a modern day hero. You’re taking on personal sacrifices and risks to better humanity and…

  • How to make better black and white photography

    How to make better black and white photography

    I love monochrome. Here are some practical tips to help you elevate your monochrome vision:

  • My Vision of Producerism

    My Vision of Producerism

    I have a bold new vision of the future: A world in which we derive happiness and meaning from creating and producing things (artwork), instead of striving to buy, possess, or consume.

  • Wider is Better

    Wider is Better

    In photography, using a wide-angle lens and getting very close will make better photos:

  • Why Be Happy?

    Why Be Happy?

    Why is happiness important? Why be happy?

  • The Best Headphones are In-Ear Monitors

    The Best Headphones are In-Ear Monitors

    Kind of random — but after years of experimenting with different headphones (noise cancelling, over-head, in-ear, bluetooth, wireless, wired, etc), I have decided: In-ear monitor ‘earbuds’ are the best headphones.

  • What is True Happiness?

    To me true happiness is the feeling of hyper-abundance, the feeling of hyper-activity, supple movement, and the deification of existence.  Happiness as overflowing creative and physiological power. The ability and the desire to create. The faith in oneself — the faith that you are capable of great things, and you have the power to even…

  • Photography Entrepreneurship Tips and Ideas

    Photography Entrepreneurship Tips and Ideas

    Entrepreneurial concepts to help increase your likelihood of success:

  • Is Hustle Sufficient Unto Success?

    A question in entrepreneurship: Is hustling hard sufficient unto success? Which means — can you succeed in business or in life via your pure determination, willpower, and effort? Or do you need “luck”(the right opportunities in life, money, power, influences, network)?

  • Why Photography is Art

    Why Photography is Art

    What is art? Art is something that a human being creates. Anything you create is an “art-work”. Now perhaps the more practical question is this: Is art a legitimate art-form? And is it on the same plane as painting or other forms of artwork? I claim it is. Why? Let me explain:

  • Why ARS is Better than Instagram

    Why ARS is Better than Instagram

    ARS: The superior ‘anti-social’ social media platform BY photographers, FOR photographers!

  • How I Photograph

    How I Photograph

    How I shoot in real life:

  • Why I Love Photography

    Why I Love Photography

    Some of my favorite photos and why I love these photos:

  • Create Things You Like Looking At

    Create Things You Like Looking At

    A thought on art: Perhaps we should strive to make beautiful things which we like to look at.

  • How to Create More

    How to Create More

    I am one of the most creatively productive people I know. Here are some practical thoughts and tips on how to create more:

  • The Best Camera Straps for You

    The Best Camera Straps for You

    What are the best camera straps for you? An overview of all HAPTIC STRAPS:

  • Photography motivation tips

    Photography motivation tips

    Some ideas on walking more and shooting more:

  • Motivation is Movement

    A new way to think about motivation: To “motivate” yourself means to literally MOVE yourself!

  • How to make beautiful photos

    How to make beautiful photos

    What makes a beautiful photo? How do we better increase our chances of making a beautiful photo? What type of camera do we need, and so forth?

  • Become a giver, not a receiver

    Become a giver, not a receiver

    To become more successful in life, give more and receive (take less).

  • Beautiful photos and nothing but beautiful photos!

    Beautiful photos and nothing but beautiful photos!

    Life is too short for ugly photos.

  • The Visual Soundtrack of Your Life

    The Visual Soundtrack of Your Life

    A thought when listening to some hip hop music and looking through my photos: I strive to make a visual soundtrack. My photos are a reflection of me. My photos are imbued with my soul.

  • How to make surreal photography

    How to make surreal photography

    Surreal photos are more interesting, and more artistic.

  • Is photography more beautiful when it doesn’t look like real life?

    Is photography more beautiful when it doesn’t look like real life?

    The beauty of monochrome, blur, grit, and surreal/abstract photography — that it looks different from reality?

  • Make Photos that Move and Motivate Others

    Make Photos that Move and Motivate Others

    To motivate others literally means to make them move. What kind of photos do I like to look at? I only like to look at photos which encourage me to move and go out and shoot my own photos! Great photographers: Richard Avedon Henri Cartier-Bresson Josef Koudelka Bruce Davidson Jason Eskenazi Strive to study more…

  • Photographer-Artist


    You’re a photographer-artist. Never let anyone talk down on you.

  • How to Make Better Photos

    How to Make Better Photos

    Practical ideas on how to make better photos:

  • Don’t do it for the money

    Don’t do it for the money

    A thought on entrepreneurship and life: Don’t be led by trying to make money. Instead, work on challenging, interesting, and difficult problems which interest you and which are fun for you!

  • Why Photography is Essential

    Why is photography important and essential in our lives?

  • iPhone photography tips

    iPhone photography tips

    Practical thoughts on why iPhone is the best camera:

  • Permissionless Living

    A thought: You don’t need anyone’s permission to do anything. Perhaps the best life is a life in which you don’t need anyone’s permission to achieve or accomplish anything? A life which you don’t need the judgement of others in order to validate yourself. A life where you can depend 100% on yourself, to achieve…

  • How to Make More Ambitious Photography Compositions

    How to Make More Ambitious Photography Compositions

    Study compositions from other great photographers you admire, break them down, and aspire to take your own compositions to the next level! Some inspiration from Garry Winogrand:

  • Visual Philosophy

    What is the value of images?

  • To Photograph IS to Experience!

    To Photograph IS to Experience!

    You ever have someone tell you: “Put away the camera, just enjoy this moment!” But what if to photograph something WAS to experience it deeper, richer, fuller, with more gratitude and joy?