Month: March 2021

  • Will it Help You Create More?

    Will it Help You Create More?

    With cameras, equipment, lenses, gear or any other decisions of the type try to honestly ask yourself: “Will this decision or purchase help me create more”? If so, just go for it. If not, just use what you got and make on! The definition of “creativity” as the propensity to create … anything!

  • Photo Fitness

    Photo Fitness

    Photographic fitness: to shoot a lot, frequently, and to always stay fit with your photography; your technique and sharpness in shooting, your photographic vision, and your photographic muscles!

  • Writing With Light is Photography

    Writing With Light is Photography

    You are a special type of artist– one who paints with light. You write and paint with light; this is what photography is! Thus in photography, think about creative ways you can write with light and paint with light. Utilize the light, create light, and write your feelings with your photos!



    Why I love RICOH GR III, and why I think it is the best camera (better than any Leica camera, rangefinder, iPhone, etc): Ability to shoot with one hand (increases your photographic optionality) Best monochrome JPEG images (high contrast black and white) Charges via USB-C (insanely useful, especially if you own a MacBook Pro charger)…

  • One-Handed Photography

    One-Handed Photography

    A epiphany I had while shooting with the iPhone Mini (one handed, in my left hand while walking): The most flexible form and the best technique in photography is having the ability and privilege to shoot one-handed. For example, most of the time when we are out living our everyday lives, we often have to…

  • Delightful Technology and Design

    Delightful Technology and Design

    How do you know what great design or technology is? The more you use it, the more you like it! Or, The more you use something, the more the design surprises and delights you in ways you couldn’t have even imagined! For example, the iPhone Mini: the joy of shooting photos with one hand, the…

  • Towards a More Beautiful Mode of Existence and Future

    Towards a More Beautiful Mode of Existence and Future

    What do we desire? We desire to look forward to a more beautiful and prosperous future. What does this mean? This means: More beautiful sights (more beautiful interior decor, more beautiful neighborhoods) Being part of a more elite/beautiful society (more beautiful human beings, deeper conversations, more ‘turbo thoughts‘) Brighter light (living in a place with…

  • Closer is Better

    Closer is Better

    When I look at my most powerful photos, this is what I have noticed: My strongest photos are typically very close (I am close to the subject, both physically [macro mode] or emotionally). This goes not only in my street photography, but my personal photography.

  • You Cannot Fake Passion

    You Cannot Fake Passion

    Or in other words: Life is too short to pursue or do anything you are *NOT* passionate or enthusiastic towards. I still believe: If you pursue your passion(s) with the greatest zeal and might in life, there is no way you cannot succeed and win. Why? With passion, you will have pure endurance, perseverance, not…



    The goal: To make more powerfully impactful images. Photos which elicit a strong and powerful emotional response within us. Stronger and more powerful aesthetics, stronger light, and stronger and more emotional subject-matter (for example, photographing your family, loved ones, or children).



    When do we have the greatest zeal and zest for life? When we strive to over-come and over-go ourselves. In other words: Striving to achieve more ‘PR’s (personal records) in life– whether it be entrepreneurial, financial, strength-based (powerlifting) or even achieving a new ‘max reps’ number. To become more. To become stronger today (in some…



    A thought — In terms of aesthetics, story, drama, and happenings … darker is better. This is what I mean:



    Designs I am into right now:

  • Dynamic Aesthetics

    Dynamic Aesthetics

    I’ve been pretty much wearing ‘all black everything’ (in terms of clothes) for around 4+ years straight. Today I looked at myself in the mirror and I thought to myself: I really don’t like the way this black t-shirt looks on me. Instead, I put on a well-fitted Uniqlo V-Neck Supima Cotton (White) and I…

  • Triangle Photography Composition

    Triangle Photography Composition

    The most fun composition you can shoot anywhere:

  • Self-Photography


    Every photo you make is a reflection of yourself (the saying that a photo is a mirror with a memory):

  • What’s the Point of Having the Best?

    What’s the Point of Having the Best?

    For me, having the ‘best’ or the most ‘optimal’ tools and things in order to *NOT* second-guess or consider other options, which frees up mind space in order to focus on what is truly important– your focus on your artistic and creative creations, deeper philosophical thought, and innovation!

  • The Best Things

    The Best Things

    I don’t need the best — I’m more about reviewing and testing? I don’t need to own the things. In fact, I prefer to own nothing — to he tied down by nothing. The goal and game isn’t to acquire all the best things. Rather, to use, test and experience/learn from the best things, tools…

  • Love of the Body

    Love of the Body

    Nowadays, to say anything about the body is seen with bad taste. For example: If you flex to much, it is seen as vain and sinful. Also: Due to our Christian-Judeo morals and ethics in America, the body is seen as bad, evil, and to be untrusted. Yet the irony is that in America, we…

  • Design vs Brand Prestige

    Design vs Brand Prestige

    Something I thought about when looking at the Puma x MAISON KITSUNE collaboration line (specifically these yellow and black sneakers): Wow, Puma makes some really cool shoes, even though Puma isn’t considered as prestigious or “cool” as Nike or Adidas. In a similar vein, I find the new Kia and Hyundai/Genesis cars very cool from…



    How does one feel extreme gratitude? Through extreme difficulty and through long periods of enduring difficulty. Thus in life, one cannot feel gratitude without difficulty. One cannot force oneself to feel gratitude. Furthermore, perhaps life ain’t about trying to avoid difficulty and challenge, but rather to take it in good stride and know: Once this…

  • Philophoto


    Philosophy means “love of wisdom, or sophia”. Taken further, we can also think about photography — our love of photography, the love of photos, and the love of making photos!

  • Classic Proportions, Modern Design

    Classic Proportions, Modern Design

    The new tag line of the new Nissan Z Proto. I love the concept and execution. Why? I believe it is what I actually do believe in— the best design gives homage to the past, while injecting in the present and modern. Even the car having a classic 6 speed manual transmission — brilliant. Even…

  • Laptops are the Future

    Laptops are the Future

    My buddy Anthony Larson told me about the new MacBook Air, and how the new apple M-chip is quite epic. A related thought: After trying so much to try to improve my productivity with iPad, iPhone, etc… still at the end of the day, I am 100x more productive with a laptop. Which makes me…

  • More Interesting or Less Interesting?

    More Interesting or Less Interesting?

    In life, art, writing, and thoughts — always opt for the more interesting one.



    What do we aspire to? Simple — augmenting, improving and raising our visual and artistic acuity to photography. But how does one do that? Some ideas:

  • iPhone Mini is the Best iPhone

    iPhone Mini is the Best iPhone

    Why I prefer iPhone Mini over iPhone Pro:

  • Lifestyle Design

    Lifestyle Design

    I think I first heard the notion of ‘lifestyle design’ waaaaay back when talking about Tim Ferriss. The general gist: You craft and create your own ideal life and lifestyle for yourself. Lifestyle has been the trend for a long time. But what does ‘lifestyle’ mean, and why is ‘lifestyle’ design important?



    You are the craftsperson of your own life. I say: Adjust the different settings of your life — continually tweak the knobs and levers, to build your own ideal life. Nobody will hand you your own life on a silver platter. Similarly speaking, nobody knows what *YOUR* preferences are. Thus, be staunch, strong, and head-strong.…

  • Bodily Wisdom and Intelligence

    Bodily Wisdom and Intelligence

    Know your body, know what is best (and what is worst) for you:

  • Exercises Which Uplift Your Mood and Vigor

    Exercises Which Uplift Your Mood and Vigor

    Uplift and pump yourself up!

  • Why Does Design Matter?

    Why Does Design Matter?

    Why design rules everything around me:

  • Just Share Your Thoughts

    Just Share Your Thoughts

    No such thing as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ thoughts. All thoughts are thoughts, and worthy of being shared:

  • iPhone Thoughts

    iPhone Thoughts

    Just got a new iPhone mini and was checking out all the new iPhones. Some thoughts:

  • One Day of Sublime Joy!!!

    One Day of Sublime Joy!!!

    If all of existence built up to one day of insanely sublime joy, it was all worth it!!! UBER-LIME: The opposite and other half of ‘sub-lime’ (ABOVE and OVER the line). The deepest and darkest sorrow as necessary for the highest and most sublime joy.

  • Our Desire to Make Beautiful Photographs

    Our Desire to Make Beautiful Photographs

    What do we desire as photographers? To make beautiful photos. What is our desire for cameras, lenses and equipment? To have a certain image quality or aesthetic to the camera, sensor, or image-processing which helps us create beautiful photos.

  • A Life of Forever Change and Novelty

    A Life of Forever Change and Novelty

    A thought while looking outside my window, and seeing a new electricity pole: Wow, even seeing this slightly different version of my view is very delightful! The electricity pole is brand-new– taller, with a darker (more aesthetically pleasing) brown wood, and there is some bright orange tape on it. Taking it further — let us…

  • AMAP (As Much as Possible) or None.

    AMAP (As Much as Possible) or None.

    A simple heuristic and approach to life: When it comes to decision making, either do it ‘as much as possible’ or not at all. For example, when it comes to food (intermittent fasting), either don’t eat anything during the day (fasting) or when you break your fast (at night, in the evening after sun goes…

  • Things Designed to Rob You of Your Focus

    Things Designed to Rob You of Your Focus

    Or why I hate Google Chrome, Android and (most) of Google products and social media:

  • What if in fact we *did* make the right and the best decision?

    What if in fact we *did* make the right and the best decision?

    We often regret: Oh I should have known better. I wish I had made a better decision.  But how rarely do we think: How grateful I am that given the circumstances something FAR WORSE did not happen! Or in other words, having the wisdom or insight to understand that your “mistake” was very small and…

  • How to Start Shooting Street Photography

    How to Start Shooting Street Photography

    My earliest passion and interest in photography was specifically street photography. But starting off, how does one approach street photography?

  • Self-Interested Photography

    Self-Interested Photography

    Question: Do you like your own photos? Are you interested in your own photos?

  • How to Keep Up With Your Photography

    How to Keep Up With Your Photography

    One of the challenges I deal with: How to keep up with my photos. What I mean by that is this: I am shooting so much now (with the birth of my son) — perhaps on average ~500-1000 photos a day. So the question: How can I most effectively continue to shoot while still editing,…



    Your task and duty: To create, shape, and form yourself — whether philosophically, artistically, entrepreneurially, physical (muscular, body composition). You are the end product!

  • The Significant Moment

    The Significant Moment

    Beyond the “decisive moment” in photography. What we are actually searching for are *significant* moments in photography — moments which are personally meaningful and significant to us! For example, the smile and laugh of your child or loved one. Even in street photography, we are trying to capture certain moments which we find beautiful and…

  • The Best Design

    The Best Design

    The best design is the design you don’t need to think about, or the design you no longer notice.

  • Why or How Does it Matter?

    Why or How Does it Matter?

    We certainly know we care about certain things x, y, z, but we never ask ourselves how it matters — how this decision or taste of ours will actually practically manifest and affect our everyday lives and lived realities.

  • Visual Delight

    Visual Delight

    What is the meaning of our predilection towards the visual arts, whether photography, film, cinema, sculpture, fashion, art design etc? Visual delight! Delight in the contrasting shapes and forms, movements, colors, hues, textures, patterns and compositions!

  • When to Shoot Photos

    When to Shoot Photos

    We talk much on how to shoot photos, and I’ve also covered a lot of thoughts on *why* shoot photos. But something we haven’t explored as much: When should we make photos?

  • Photography Innovator

    Photography Innovator

    My higher calling and passion — to innovate in photography.



    Hyper photos and hyper photography — Going beyond just basic notions of photography — making the photos go *above* and *beyond* basic photography:



    Beyond just ‘adaptation‘ — strive to optimize each and every moment of your day.



    Towards a more emotional future:

  • Ironically Enough the Best Way to Please Others is to try *NOT* to Please Others, but to Please Yourself​

    Ironically Enough the Best Way to Please Others is to try *NOT* to Please Others, but to Please Yourself​

    Perhaps this is the best way to make things which last— art works which last, albums which last, projects which lasts, and ideas which last! Like Nietzsche said: durability is of supreme value of things on earth!

  • The Philosophy of Time and Events

    The Philosophy of Time and Events

    Not everything happens for a reason. But what do we have control over? Having the guts and courage to think … perhaps 10 years from now looking back, I will learn to realize how this difficult time in my life was one of the best and formative experiences of my life … and in fact,…

  • TENET by Christopher Nolan Film Review

    TENET by Christopher Nolan Film Review

    Great film, highly recommended.

  • How *Not* to Resent

    How *Not* to Resent

    I see resentment as one of our worst evils. Similarly speaking, I’ve heard resentment is the #1 cause of divorces in marriages and pain in relationships. Certainly we cannot control whether others resent us or not, but we can control orienting ourselves and acting and living in such a way which we don’t resent others.…

  • Personal Entrepreneurship

    Personal Entrepreneurship

    We are all so obsessed with building billion+ businesses, building unicorns, etc but instead — Why not just focus on our entrepreneurial aims and ends to ourselves? What if *we* are the unicorns? What if we are the proper ends to our investing, self-speculation, and self-developments?

  • Reflexive Photography

    Reflexive Photography

    The thought behind reflexive photography: The photos you shoot are a reflex (reflexive) of you. The photos you shoot are a reflection of you and in some ways, *are* you!

  • SON (아들) Aduel Project

    SON (아들) Aduel Project

    Not just the #cindyproject — my new SON (아들) Aduel Project:

  • Impelled or Spurred?

    Impelled or Spurred?

    Question: When it comes to your work or life … do you have an inner impellation which drives you, or an external social expectation spur which drives you?

  • Thinking Stimulus

    Thinking Stimulus

    What types of media, music, films, books, literature are good? Those which aid you in thinking — which act as a stimulus for your thoughts! Thus as a simple suggestion: When it comes to movies or films, watch movies and films which turn on your brain and encourage you to think. For example philosophical movies…



    The philosophy of events and time:

  • Selfish ‘Sacrifices’

    Selfish ‘Sacrifices’

    It seems that the bias is that all sacrifices are good sacrifices; that sacrifices you do for the sake of others is good. But when are “sacrifices” selfish in disguise? Thinking about self-interested “sacrifice” and “sacrifices”:

  • Healthy vs Happy

    Healthy vs Happy

    When optimizing for decisions in life, don’t try to get suckered into thinking what will make you “happier”(tends to be consumerist luxury items and things). Instead, optimize for your health— the more direct way to be “happier”.

  • Photo Motivation

    Photo Motivation

    The root of photographic motivation: a fervent love of life! To get more motivation for photography, position yourself to love life more!

  • All Information is Information

    All Information is Information

    Information as not “good”or “bad”— it is all information. This means: It is how you harness and use the information which makes it good or bad. For example let’s talk about your “mistakes”in life or poor judgements. Treat it as good information — down the line in your future, this small mistake will prevent a…

  • Self Blindness

    Self Blindness

    Too much knowledge of one self as bad — it will paralyze your from acting or doing. Some self blindness and ignorance as a good thing.

  • Actual vs Aspirational

    Actual vs Aspirational

    An important step towards our self wisdom: Will these things actually improve my life or (in theory) aspirationally improve my life?

  • Picture Tips

    Picture Tips

    Quick tips: