Something which I contemplate on much:
What is the psychology of the photographer-artist?
In other words:
Why do we photograph? Why do we get so much joy from photography? What makes our psyche as photographers unique from others?
Photography as augmented living
First thought:
Through photography, I live more.
Photography affords me the opportunity to *SEE* more beauty in my everyday lived reality. Furthermore, it uncovers hidden beauty in the shadows of existence.
Photography as self-introspective
I am interested in myself, and also the world around me. Recognizing that me, the photographer (ERIC KIM) is the locus of visual control and perspective in life, then I treat myself as the instrument and the tool for interacting and engaging with the outside world.
Photography as proof-making?

In some ways, it is better to explain things visually than just with words. To explain something I saw via a visual image (photograph) as more accurate, direct, and clear.
On documenting your life journey
Photography is also interesting, because it is a form of self-documentary. But for the sake of who? For the sake of the current living, for your children, for your future (yet to be) children, and also for future generations.
Photographing the beauty of nature
Humans have natural ‘bio-philia’ (love of the biological, love of the organic). Consider all these uber-luxury homes, and architectures revolve around nature. For example, the apex of living seems to be some sort of glass house/dome in the middle of the wilderness, or a home on the cliff — overlooking a sea. I know personally one of the most tranquil and sublime settings I experienced was when in a ‘Ryokan’ (Japanese bathhouse) in Kyoto-Uji, in a simple tatami mat room overlooking the rushing river right outside my window.
Photography for joy, fun, and the most extreme affirmation of life, and that of existence.

Discover more personal meaning in your photographic life with PHOTOLOSOPHY >
- Optimize Your Life for Photography
- How to Become a Great Photographer
- What is the Point of Photography?
- Past, Present, and Future Photos
- Reliability
- Why Share Your Photos?
- On Becoming Less Critical of Your Photos and Yourself as a Photographer
- Camera is God
- Photography Philosophy
- Photography for Mental and Physiological Health
- Photography and Health
- How You Can Become a Great Photographer
- Form and Substance
- What Are You Trying to Message in Your Photography?
- Don’t Strive to Make Good Photos
- Photography as Your Personal Life Odyssey
- Grapher
- The Joyful Photography
- Photography 300 Years from Now
- All I wanna do is make photos and philosophize!
- First Get Happier, then Shoot Photos!
- No Artwork SHOULD Last Forever
- High Photography
- How to Photograph Your Everyday Life
- The Photograph is Not Sacred
- The Visual Soundtrack of Your Life
- The Photographer is a Visual Explorer and Transformer
- Photography as the Ultimate Artistic Form of Self-Expression
- Don’t Seek to Please or Impress Others with Your Photos
- Shoot For Yourself
- Power Photography
- Creative Evolution
- The Artist-Photographer
- Photo Realism
- Perpetual Photography
- All Photography is Good Photography
- Optimal Simplicity
- Photograph.
- True Happiness in Photography
- NOW IS THE TIME TO SHOOT! #photolosophy
- Photolosophy: With Physical Proximity comes Emotional Proximity
- Why Share Photos?
- Chaos Photography
- Soul Street Photography
- Now is the Time to Shoot!
- Photolosophy 101: Don’t Photograph Others the Way You Wouldn’t Want to Be Photographed
- Photolosophy 101: Life and Death in Photography
- Photolosophy 101: Street Photography and the Art of People
- Introduction to Photolosophy
- Photography Entrepreneurship Philosophy
- Photography Philosophy 101