Spruce goose hangar, looking up with RICOH GR III and 21mm lens.

Mode — type, style.

We got airplane mode. Why not photo mode?

Method, method, way

I like this notion of ‘modus operandi’– the mode of how you operate.

A thought:

Perhaps we should think about the way we operate as being photographers.

What I mean is this:

Our mode of living is to integrate photography into how we live, experience, and interact with the world.

For example, I have this insatiable urge to photograph everything around myself. I have a voracious appetite for experiencing new things, photographing new things, witnessing new things, and capturing new things.

Spruce goose hangar,  looking up with RICOH GR III and 21mm lens.
Spruce goose hangar, looking up with RICOH GR III and 21mm lens.

Ignore others

my feet parking lot

My frustration:

When people say that my mode of living or operating is illegitimate or ‘bad’.

Your modus operandi (mode of living) SHOULD be different from others. Furthermore, we should derive a deep sense of pride that the way we think, live, act, and behave is different from others.

The goal isn’t to become more like others, the goal is to become a more concentrated and un-compromising version of yourself!

Your life is photography

Howard Hughes vibes google hangar
Howard Hughes vibes // Google Spruce Goose Hangar (Playa Vista).

Integrate your life more with photography. Photography as your personal augmented reality.

Shoot more, process your photos more, and share more of your photos.

You are photography!



Discover more personal meaning in your photographic life with my course: PHOTOLOSOPHY >