Dear friend,
Basic idea:
There is no such thing as good or bad photography; all photography is good photography.
What is really our goal as photographers?
My idea:
The point isn’t to make ‘good’ or ‘bad’ photos — the point is for us to make AUTHENTIC PHOTOS!
What is an authentic photo?
To me, an authentic photo is a photograph that you shoot purely for yourself. A photograph that speaks your soul. A photograph that you shoot, because it brings you joy! A photograph shot for selfish reasons.
What is an ‘in-authentic’ photo? A photo you shoot because you hope to get a lot of likes on Instagram or social media. #deletethegram
Why does it matter if the photo is good or not?
For myself, I don’t even think it really matters whether people shoot good or photos or not.
Of course, there are certain photos which aren’t my ‘cup of tea’. There are certain photos that exist on the internet that I don’t like. But that is fine– the internet ocean is big enough for all photos to exist.
This is the truth:
Just because I don’t like the photograph doesn’t mean it is a bad photograph.
There are photos that I dislike, which others like!
Best for us to focus on making photos we consider good– instead of worrying whether others think the photo is good or not!
Shoot photos which put a smile on your face!
Shoot photos which bring joy and delight to your life. Shoot photos in which when you look at your own photos, they bring a smile to your face!
Photograph your loved ones. Photograph things that you find interesting. Shoot for yourself.
Discover more personal meaning in your photographic life with my course: PHOTOLOSOPHY >
- Optimal Simplicity
- Photograph.
- True Happiness in Photography
- NOW IS THE TIME TO SHOOT! #photolosophy
- Photolosophy: With Physical Proximity comes Emotional Proximity
- Why Share Photos?
- Chaos Photography
- Soul Street Photography
- Now is the Time to Shoot!
- Photolosophy 101: Don’t Photograph Others the Way You Wouldn’t Want to Be Photographed
- Photolosophy 101: Life and Death in Photography
- Photolosophy 101: Street Photography and the Art of People
- Introduction to Photolosophy
- Photography Entrepreneurship Philosophy
- Photography Philosophy 101