January 2021

Sleep is Godlike

Sleep hacks

Something interesting:

In the Iliad and Ancient Greek mythology, even the gods sleep.

Sleep is described with all these blessed words. Even the battle-weary soldiers have the blessing of sleep.

So why is it in our strange modern times we see sleep as something undesirable, and a sign of the weak? Shouldn’t sleep be seen as one of the most godlike summits?

In Praise of Blur

Blur is great in photography. Why blur? If you look at a blurry photo (especially in monochrome) the photograph feels more dynamic. You feel the movement. And if we believe in visual kinesthesia, then a photograph that feels like it is moving, spurs you to move as well!

Why Content and Substance is King in Photography

The best photos — personal, full of depth, include your own soul.

Substance — your photos carry emotional and personal weight. Your photos reveal something deeper and more substantive of you.

Content: What do your photos contain? What are you photographing? The best subjects are of those who you love and care for — for example, my ultimate best photos are that of Cindy.

Composition and framing is certainly essential in photography, but let us recognize that at the end of the day, your subject is king.

Decentralize Your Photos

Currently reading “Blockchain 2035” (co-written by Jared Tate, founder of Digibyte [DGB]– which I own). One of the concepts thrown around a lot is “decentralization”. Beyond just this anarchist-hippie libertarian utopist perspective, the general notion of decentralization is good. For example, best to *not* have all your photos stored only on Instagram. What if your account gets deleted, blocked etc? Then you’re fucked. Same goes with trusting everything to Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Creative Risk Taking

Destroy image selfie crimson red

Creative entrepreneurship. Artistic risk taking. The realization and thought:

To not allow yourself to be stuck, and to follow a pre-ordained path for your artistry.


Once you’ve become successful in your given domain of art, not to stay there and sit on your laurels. Instead, using that opportunity to double-down on your creative innovation.

Art Photography

Crimson red black dark skies ERIC KIM

Art photography — photography that doesn’t need to be “realistic”. In some ways, disdains “realism”.

Also the childlike joy of making images for fun — for the sake of it!

GRANDFATHER by Jun Goodhouse Kim

grandfather jun goodhouse kim 2

I recently saw this photograph by my friend Jun Goodhouse Kim, and felt it greatly stirring. It reminded me much of how I photographed my own grandfather’s funeral.

Jun then told me that his GRANDFATHER series was actually in-fact, motivated by my project and experience. Jun told me that seeing my original Grandfather project gave him the motivation and strength to pick up the camera, to document it.

I was really touched by his original article on photographing his grandfather’s funeral and his relationship to his grandfather. Being a fellow Korean-American, it spoke deeply to me:

10 Lessons I’ve Learned from Street Photography

Hanoi silhouette composition ERIC KIM


As I contemplate my future and past, I think and reflect much on street photography. How much street photography has given and afforded me, how many new opportunities street photography opened up for me, and all the epic life journeys I’ve been able to experience through street photography.

As I start a very new exciting and brave new life in 2021, I wanted to use this chance to reflect on my past lessons, journeys and experiences and reflections in order to share them with you. My hope is that you gain some practical insight from what I’ve learned, and you can use these lessons to your own benefit and continue to pass them on to others!

Providence, 2021


no need for you to behave
You gotta stay strong with yourself right now
Now not never, wherever the weather.

Be brave
You’ve stayed and paved your own path in life, beyond the plight and blights

Your future is bright and bold. You make your life— ignore what you’ve been told!


Now is Your Chance to Shoot History in the Making

Many of us bemoan the fact of COVID-19. But my thought:

Right now is your uber-unique opportunity to document history in the making!

We might not have had the opportunity to shoot World War 1, World War 2, the Vietnam War, or any of the things happening in Europe during the days of Magnum (Robert Capa, Cornell Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson). But we have the chance to shoot this brave new COVID world!


In street photography — best to shoot in such a manner in which you’re *not* hiding behind a bush, or not pretending to *not* be shooting photos. In some sense, to make it obvious that you’re shooting a street photograph of someone or your subject is more honest and genuine (ethics in street photography). Why? You expose yourself to the risk of the other — you shoot the scene knowing that your subject knows that you’re photographing them. As a consequence, street photography is one of the most difficult forms of photography but also one of the most rewarding forms of photography!

Artistic Virtue-Signaling

Artistic virtue signaling

What is artistic virtue-signaling? Simple:

When (pretentious) and petty (insecure artists) name-drop other famous artists of the past (hoping you don’t know who they are talking about), use obscure art terms, or other strange “art world” concepts to befuddle you, confuse you, make you feel small, and have them feel superior to you due to your lack of artistic knowledge, experience, or “in-speak”.

The Poetics of Photography

What keeps me going in photography? Simple — how joyful and beautifully simple photography can be, and the beautiful sublime images photography can produce!

Visual Sublime

As a visual artist, what am I hungry for? The visual sublime. To discover new art works which turn me on, excite me and fascinate me, and also for me to take my hand and to attempt to make my own art works which I consider visual sublime.

The Philosophy of Fun

Why is it in modern times, to have “fun” is seen as bad and indecent? Perhaps it is a result of industrialization, the Protestant work ethic, and the thought:

Whenever you are *not* working and being “productive”, you’re actively sinning.

But has there been any philosophers or thinkers who have seriously thought about fun … as a good and productive thing?

The Best Mind is a Clear Mind

Clear mind ERIC KIM

My friend Jeffrey Lam said it best:

ERIC, it seems that in life you optimize for “mindspace”, and you’re willing to trade money, convenience and other things to maximize your mindspace.

I agree. For me, the best mind (or my own optimal mind for myself) is mostly via negativa: I want *fewer* worries, cares, and needless thoughts in my mind. I want to have a crystal clear mind — to gain a more clear picture of things and the world. Clairvoyance — clear vision is what I desire.

And what to do with this clear mind?

Let interesting innate thoughts and ideas come to me, to speak to me, in order for me to focus on my creative “ideation”.

And these more interesting ideas and thoughts — I desire to meditate, think on them, marinate them, and eventually write about them and share them with the world!

Why Specialized Tools are Best

Recently got an “all in one” Black + Decker oventop baker, “air fryer”, toaster and oven and learned:

None of it works that well.

Compare this to this funny “Nuwave ‘Infared oven’” Cindy and I got which actually works very well. Super simple — one function (to cook stuff), super simple buttons and controls, and it just works.

Which makes me think:

Perhaps the best tools are specialized tools.

For example, iPhone Pro is great for photography but ultimately if your goal is to maximize your photography, RICOH GR III is perhaps 20x better. Why? The Ricoh has only one function — make photos, and all the functionality is optimized towards that— fits well in your hand, compact, lightweight, great high ISO performance, etc. Whereas the iPhone needs to do a lot of stuff — make phone calls, text message, play games, operate apps, use as GPS, etc.

Thus the takeaway is this:

Don’t get suckered by “all in one” solutions and tools — there will always be a compromise somewhere.

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