How to Live Bravely in Today’s Brave New World and Society

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Today’s brave new world and society:

  1. More time living indoors, working from home, working remotely, etc.
  2. Nothing is really open anymore, which means you probably don’t have *that much* utility for money besides paying for rent and groceries to cook at home.
  3. Potentially a non-travel future. The desire to travel is often a trap. Now we cannot travel anymore … how can we still inject novelty and interest in our everyday lives?
  4. There are still *some* places that are open (some indoor, outdoor restaurants, some gyms, etc). Therefore for you to do anything or attempt anything requires a real risk. And the question … *is the risk worth it*? This acts as an ultimate filter … how much you really care to do x, y, z or how much you care for people x, y, z.

Leave your house as much as you can.

Insofar much as you can, still travel and do stuff. Mexico City is open for travel. Walk around the block. Go to the park. Go get some takeout food. Do stuff!

  • Selfie ERIC KIM glitch

Use this opportunity to focus more on doing what you care for.

Life is short. Life is precious. COVID has taught us —

This is what I care for, and this is what I *don’t* care for.

Consider this your golden opportunity to double-down on what you’re truly passionate for … to truly thrive!



Red selfie crimson ERIC KIM icon
  1. Arousal
  2. Is Humanity on the Decline?
  3. Social Innovations
  4. Society *Shouldn’t* Be Fair
  5. Why Society Doesn’t Want Free Thinkers and Free Livers
  6. Our New Soft Society

Sociological Theory

Photography and Sociology