Learn from the Masters of Art

A series I started while in Vietnam, inspired by my ‘Learn from the masters of photography‘ is this — the ‘traditional’ masters of art (mostly painters). But still … hugely useful to study!

Inspiration is everywhere

  1. Joseph Beuys
  2. Umberto Boccioni
  3. Pablo Picasso
  4. Piet Mondrian
  5. Leonardo da Vinci
  6. Matisse
  7. Raphael
  8. Vermeer

For inspiration, learn from these contemporary titans:

  1. Ayrton Senna
  2. Einstein
  3. Buckminster Fuller
  4. Frank Lloyd Wright
  5. Mark Cuban
  6. Jay-Z
  7. Dr. Dre
  8. Pablo Picasso
  9. Steve Jobs
  10. Elon Musk
  11. Kanye West
  12. Jeff Bezos
  13. Jiro Ono
  14. Tony Robbins
  15. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi