Deadlift ERIC KIM



1. FUN.

If it ain’t fun, it ain’t worth doing.

2. Personal fun challenges

ERIC KIM deadlift gif 455 sumo - normal
455 Sumo Deadlift (one rep max)

FOR EXAMPLE — POWERLIFTING. It doesn’t really matter. It is more of a fun challenge for myself.


You don’t gotta prove nothing to nobody else. Just do it for fun, to prove it to yourself.


3. Don’t count reps.

You don’t gotta count reps. Just do it for fun.

My first muscle-up

My pragmatic idea:

Keep doing reps, as long as it feels good for your muscle [pleasure].

When you lift weights or move your body, the point ain’t to do lots of reps. The point is this:

As you are stressing and challenging your body, you get “feel good” hormones while doing it.

4. Play

Something fun–

Just throw around rocks and play around!

My rock workout at the park.

It ain’t “working out” or “exercise”. No. It is adult play! Adult fun!

5. Admire the progress and the spoils of your efforts


If you don’t flex you’re a sucker.

Why flex? To enjoy your progress. For yourself!

You don’t need to flex to impress nobody else but yourself. What greater joy is it than to look great in the mirror naked, before you take a shower? You see your body all-day. Why not sculpt your body into a beautiful piece of marble?

Or in other words:

Some people aspire to buy a Lamborghini. I aspire to transform and build my own body into a Lambo!

6. Don’t weigh yourself

Just look at yourself in the mirror. This is the best judge.

7. I have no discipline.

I never gotta ‘motivate’ or force myself to workout, exercise. No. It is play! I do it for the joy in itself!

I think once we change our mindset, and discover exercises and movements we genuinely enjoy — this is the road to health.


8. Meat is the ultimate reward.

Why eat meat?

Intermittent fasting BEORE lifting and BEFORE powerlifting. Thus as a triumphant reward, you go “HAM” [hard as a motherfucker] on the meat.

Also my theory:

Meat is a steroid.

Conclusion: Experiment for yourself and have fun!

Treat yourself as “n=1”. You are your own self experiment. Have fun!

MUSCLE 101 >

My Muscle Philosophy:

Treat your body as sculpture.

This is not my body

The first thing:

I don’t see my body as belonging to me. I look at my body like it belongs to someone else.

When I look at the Lamborghini of someone else, I admire it. When I see the muscles and physiques of anyone else, I admire it. Then I had the epiphany:

Why not transform my own body into a Lambo, and admire my own body instead?

The logic

The great logic:

  1. It is far cheaper to get buff than to buy a Lambo.
  2. The human body is the apex beauty. This means your personal goal in life should be to beautify your own personal body to the maximum (without plastic surgery, steroids, etc).
  3. Ultimate democratic approach: Genetics doesn’t matter. Sex doesn’t matter. Racial ethnicity doesn’t matter. Anyone can both add muscle mass and subtract fat.
  4. It doesn’t cost much to get ripped. Just intermittent fast [no breakfast, no lunch], one big ass meal a day, and mostly a ‘ketogenic’ diet.
  5. Your body is always with you. Why not beautify your body to inspire yourself?

The joy of sculpting your own body

To sculpt your own body is insanely fun. Why? You can see the change over time!

Once again, the goal is simple:

Never stop adding muscle mass, and never stop reducing body fat, or keeping it low (around 10%).

Muscle and your body is highly practical.

The more muscle you have, the more energy you got. The more power you got to make art-work, and live with gratitude, joy, and hyper-vigor.

Strengthen on, and flex on!



  1. Why I Don’t Consume Protein Powder or Supplements
  2. Real vs Fake // Natural vs Unnatural
  3. You Can’t Fake Strength
  4. How to Grow Your Muscles
  5. How to Add Muscle and Subtract Fat at the Same Time
  7. Don’t Build Muscle, Build Strength.
  8. Visual Kinesthesia: Muscles and Art
  9. How to Maximize Muscle Growth and Fat Loss

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