Self Motivation

Something on my mind: perhaps the most virtuous thing we could do in life is to just focus on motivating ourselves. That it is the most efficient use of energy, time and resources. That if we just motivate ourselves, perhaps others can be inspired by us, rather than wasting our efforts and motivating others.

1. Clothing that motivates you?

A first thought: is there a certain types of clothes that motivate more than others?

I think so. One of my first theories is that for myself, tight fitting clothing is actually more motivational the loose fitting clothing.

One theory: compression is a motivator. Also the idea that pressure makes diamonds.

2. First you move, and then you discover motivation?

Contrary to popular belief, one does not need motivation in order to move. Rather, one moves and then discovers the motivation after the fact.

3. Pursuing certain aesthetic ideas which interest you?

The philosopher is an Artist who makes his or her ideas their art work. Philosophers as artists of the mind. Even Nietzsche said of Plato as an Artist. Even Seneca quotes Hippocrates “Ars longa, vita brevis” (Art is long — lasts a long time, whereas human life is short).

Pursue your own art.

The Art of Art

NONFUTURE film by Cindy Nguyen


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