Month: April 2021

  • You Are Your Own Ideal User

    You Are Your Own Ideal User

    How do you know whether something is ‘good’ or not? Simple: Imagine yourself as your own ideal and optimal user … and design based on that!

  • Pride in What You Paid For

    Pride in What You Paid For

    We often think: Oh… if I just got all this for free, I’d be so happy. We wish to get ‘sponsored’ and to get free things. And I think many people desire to get a huge inheritance, etc. But in actuality, the best life is in which you pay for everything. Why? By paying for…

  • How to Optimize for Your Health

    How to Optimize for Your Health

    When it comes to life decisions, optimize for your health. In terms of your abode, living situation, neighborhood, food and diet, exercise, people and friends and city community. You can do this by investing your money, time and resources towards your health. Your health reigns supreme! Simple ideas: Optimize for your sleep Optimize your stimulants…

  • Bright & Quiet

    Bright & Quiet

    My new favorite aesthetic: Bright and quiet. What does this mean? With cars, I hate loud cars. Ideally electric or hybrid car. The best technologies REMOVE loud noises (BOSE noise canceling headphones) With color, white and bright is good! Black accents and chrome accents are good. With homes, optimize for bright light (huuuuge windows and tons…

  • Differentiation vs Equalization

    Differentiation vs Equalization

    In life, ask yourself the question: Do I strive to become more similar to others, or more different? And also: Do you derive your pride from owning the same totems of wealth and success as others, or do you prefer to be radically different? I say in life, strive to become *more different* from others…

  • SPRING 2021

    SPRING 2021

    A beautiful 2021 awaits us:

  • Money for Health

    Money for Health

    Why health is the ultimate wealth, and how money without health is useless:

  • The Philosophy of Intuition

    The Philosophy of Intuition

    Why follow your intuition? 

  • Photography is My Play!

    Photography is My Play!

    How did children and kids learn? Via playing. Even dogs play with one another! In modern society we are taught that to play is a vice, and to work is a virtue. Even now, kids playtime is continually cut down and down to prioritize (boring) academic work. But moving forward … if we desire to…

  • What I’ve Been Photographing


    When in doubt, just make and create it. Don’t worry about the worth or value of it — enjoy the process of making it, and keep creating and keep sharing it!

  • Anything Which Entertains You Is Good.

    Anything Which Entertains You Is Good.

    As I have hit all my life goals, have reached financial freedom, etc … I have a very difficult time entertaining myself. Almost nothing holds my attention (entertain as ‘en+tenare’ — something which holds your attention). And in fact, ‘entertainment’ is not base. Epic poetry and deep philosophy tends to be the most entertaining to…

  • The Best Design is Via Negativa

    The Best Design is Via Negativa

    A design epiphany: The best design is “via negativa”. For example, the best designed shoes aren’t the ones that “look” the coolest, but the ones that DON’T cause pain! With cameras, the best designed camera has the LEAST amount of superfluous buttons, features, and the LEAST amount of confusion in the UI/UX (also the least…



    Our photographic motto:

  • How to Take Better Photos of Your Kids

    How to Take Better Photos of Your Kids

    Ever since having my first kid, my photography has flourished. Why? I always have something great to photograph!

  • CHICAGO CONQUER COMPOSITION Street Photography Workshop (May 22-23rd, 2021)

    CHICAGO CONQUER COMPOSITION Street Photography Workshop (May 22-23rd, 2021)

    Dear friends, Spring (and summer) of 2021 is in full-bloom. I am super pumped to share that spots are now open for my CHICAGO CONQUER COMPOSITION Street Photography Workshop this upcoming May 22-23rd, 2021). If you (like myself) have felt cooped up from this pandemic, desire to explore, shoot, and re-spark your passion for photography,…

  • The Visual Poet

    The Visual Poet

    What are you? A visual poet. You’re creating visual poems with your images and photos!

  • Photography Slideshow Motion Blogging Concept Idea Innovation

    Photography Slideshow Motion Blogging Concept Idea Innovation

    A thought I had while watching Justice League (and thinking about films in general): Why is it that we prefer films movies over still photos? Because we prefer motion! Seeing moving images or things actually motivates us to move as well! Then I was thinking: is there a possible way we can take all of…

  • Rhythm Photography Composition

    Rhythm Photography Composition

    Why are stripes, dots and black and white great in terms of photography composition? Because it obeys musical theory — beats, rhythms (think about treble and bass in photography applied to musical and photo composition theory). In other words, think piano keys!



    Is there any car cooler than the Lamborghini SIAN? Insanely epic aesthetics — give us a new hope and belief in more phenomenally epic, beautiful, and mind blowing futures.

  • My Passion to *Become* Something More

    My Passion to *Become* Something More

    What is my personal passion and interest in life? Not merely to do more, learn more, think more, experience more, and adventure and attempt more … but to *become* more!

  • No Aesthetic or Ethos is Forever

    No Aesthetic or Ethos is Forever

    A thought and realization: There is no perfect aesthetic, ethos or approach to anything in life. No matter how good or perfect something you discover or create, sooner or later you will either bore or tire of it, or change your mind. Thus the goal is to always delight in the new, to strive to…

  • Black is Boring

    Black is Boring

    I don’t know about you, but the trend of “all black everything” is starting to bore me. For example all black cars — it is a boring trend. Better to opt for more bold, vibrant and audacious colors! And with clothing and fashion — perhaps best to opt for the outlandish and loud than the…

  • iPhone Photography Workflow

    iPhone Photography Workflow

    iPhone as great for photography workflow. Some thoughts:

  • The Zen of Having the Best

    The Zen of Having the Best

    Why do we want to have the “best”? My theory: We desire to have the best things in order to not think about it anymore, the zen of not having to explore any further options (no longer needing to “optimize” or “betterfy” your tools), and to focus on what’s truly important to you — adventure,…

  • Flex Your Own Art!

    Flex Your Own Art!

    Rather than flexing your knowledge about artists x, y, z as a form to flex your “wokeness” — better to disdain other artists and to flex your own art work!

  • In Praise of the New

    In Praise of the New

    What is a life without the new? Not life at all. True life thrives on the new! New adventures, new sights, new tools, new films, new music, new fashion, new ideas — thrive in the new!

  • Who Dictates the Aesthetic?

    Who Dictates the Aesthetic?

    Do you define the aesthetic or does the aesthetic define you?

  • The Art of Post Processing

    The Art of Post Processing

    Processing your photos as a creative and artistic act — it is an artistic thing that you do!

  • Life Design

    Life Design

    What’s the most important thing to design, designate, control, modify and transfigure in existence? Your life! What does this include? This includes where you live, in which neighborhood you live, the type of apartment or home you live in (the size, the concept, the design aesthetics etc). And the most important thing — figure out…

  • Which Decision is Best for Your Photography?

    Which Decision is Best for Your Photography?

    Thinking more about the philosophy of decision making, specifically around photography — ask yourself: With this certain life decision … how will it affect my photography? Which decision is most optimal and best for my artistic and photographic creativity and photographic productive output?

  • What’s the Best Life or Mode of Existence?

    What’s the Best Life or Mode of Existence?

    Extreme restfulness: Ability to sleep (no insomnia), to sleep deeply, and to wake up excited, well rested and pumped to take on and seize the day! To always have some sort of questions or thoughts on your mind — creative pursuits still lingering and things you’re still curious about. Excitement and enthusiasm for the day,…

  • New Forward Facing Design vs Retrospective and Nostalgic Design

    New Forward Facing Design vs Retrospective and Nostalgic Design

    My critique of much of modern design: It is focused on the nostalgia of the past and retrospective because it is “cool” and sells, rather than the substance of it. For example, there is no reason why modern digital cameras need to look like old school rangefinders. There is no more film cartridge or 35mm…

  • In Praise of Having Children

    In Praise of Having Children

    It seems the millennial trend is to *NOT* have kids, or to desire to *NOT* have children. But I can say (as a millennial, or ‘Generation Y’ kid, born in 1988) that having children is one of the most blessed things you can do, experience and witness in life:

  • Carte Blanche

    Carte Blanche

    ‘Carte Blanche’ — the phrase in French (blank slate, blank piece of paper). Why is carte blanche so beautiful? When things are new, clean, pure, and un-tainted … then you can truly re-challenge yourself, re-innovate, and re-create yourself and the future (and past!)

  • Owning Your Own Opinion

    Owning Your Own Opinion

    The greatest gift — to own and command your own opinion, to not water it down, and to propagate your thoughts as widely as you can!

  • The Philosophy of Photography and Life Experiences

    The Philosophy of Photography and Life Experiences

    This is something I think about a lot: How to augment your life experiences, intensify them, make more sticky photos, and to live a more artistically productive life?

  • Why Make Photos?

    Why Make Photos?

    For me the primary reason to make photos: I have a poor memory, and when I look at my old photos, it resparks great joy in my heart and breast! Perhaps then for us photographers, forgetfulness or having a poor memory is a great blessing in disguise! Also perhaps our forgetfulness of our past memories…

  • Uncorrupted Desires

    Uncorrupted Desires

    Do you remember your pure, uncorrupted desires when you were a kid, a teenager, high school student or naive and optimistic college student? Perhaps the best way forward in life is to stick to your pure uncorrupted desires and aesthetics/ethics as a kid, and use your adult resources and wisdom to advance!

  • Why Black and White Photography?

    Why Black and White Photography?

     Some thoughts and ideas:

  • Strengthening or Weakening?

    Strengthening or Weakening?

    When deciding to do x, y, z ask yourself: Am I doing this as a means to strengthen myself or to weaken myself? Also consider — whenever you do x, y, z, does it strengthen or weaken you? All things that strengthen you is good, anything you do which weakens you is bad!

  • The Philosophy of Having Kids

    The Philosophy of Having Kids

    Strange bias in today’s world: Millenials and many people no longer want to have children. Why this bias?

  • Male Beauty

    Male Beauty

    The philosophy of male beauty:

  • Mimetic Desires

    Mimetic Desires

    Is it possible for us humans to have desires which are not mimetic?

  • The Philosophy of Black and White

    The Philosophy of Black and White

    Or why the “panda” approach is best:

  • Depressing Design vs Uplifting Design

    Depressing Design vs Uplifting Design

    I cannot say for certain that great design uplifts, but I can certainly say that ugly design depresses us:

  • The Best Design Towards What Ends?

    The Best Design Towards What Ends?

    It seems many of us desire this pipe dream: To discover the best design things, the best design objects, etc … and to ‘get them all’. But towards what ends?

  • Artist-Photographer vs Professional Photographer

    Artist-Photographer vs Professional Photographer

    Which do you strive towards? For me — the artistic!

  • Muscular Motivation

    Muscular Motivation

    How to motivate your muscles? This is our artistic and creative inquiry:

  • Visual Impression

    Visual Impression

    Great design — not about accuracy or precision. Instead, the visual impression it gives you:



    Building upon the notion of boredom: Perhaps the solution is to figure out what to keep consistent, and what to make novel. For example, consistency in your tools and equipment and car, and make the novelty having new adventures, making new art works, and new attempts.

  • Easily Bored?

    Easily Bored?

    A thought while looking at the new McLaren Artura hybrid super car: Assuming you buy the best car which exists… how long before you bore of it? Which makes me think more about boredom in general: Boredom of our devices, cars, cameras, tools, phones, laptops, etc Boredom of our home, city, neighborhood, etc Boredom of…

  • Anything Which Causes You to Live More Fearfully is Bad

    Anything Which Causes You to Live More Fearfully is Bad

    Or in other words, optimize your life in such a manner which causes you to live maximally brave and fearlessly. This can mean own possessions which you’re not afraid to fuck up, break, scratch or dent. Having a phone you’re not worried about breaking and ruining is better … so you don’t need to baby…

  • The Philosophy of Creativity

    The Philosophy of Creativity

    Why create? My thought: The supreme mode of existence in life is supreme prolificness, joy, and motivation with your creativity.

  • Anti Medium and Moderate

    Anti Medium and Moderate

    Why extremes are better:

  • The Never-Ending Journey

    The Never-Ending Journey

    A thought in a half awake state, which got me up this morning: The joy of life is that there is no end. For example, with consumer goods. Perhaps the ideal isn’t to strive to have a “perfect” device which you keep forever, and are forever satisfied and happy and pleased with it. Instead, to…

  • Towards a More Independent Street Photography Approach

    Towards a More Independent Street Photography Approach

    This means: Strive to position yourself in street photography in such a manner in which you enjoy street photography as an independent pursuit for yourself — to enjoy the process of going out and making photos, the joy of interacting with strangers, the joy of being on the streets, the joy of the chase, the…

  • How Street Photography Improves Your Life

    How Street Photography Improves Your Life

    A life with street photography is a better life. Why? My thoughts:

  • Exciting or Boring Design?

    Exciting or Boring Design?

    Life is too short for boring design. The best design increases your adrenaline, excites you, and motivates you to do more, aspire to create beautiful things, and to be grateful towards life and everything in-between.

  • What is Your Higher Purpose in Life?

    What is Your Higher Purpose in Life?

    In life you have the power to dictate your own purpose in life. Your own higher purpose in life. A purpose so high and mighty that you are willing to forgo everything else. Assuming you don’t believe in a (conscious) afterlife, and think that life is devoid of inherent meaning (nihilism) then this is the…

  • Conserve Your Strength Towards What Ends?

    Conserve Your Strength Towards What Ends?

    When to expend your strength, when to conserve your strength?



    Refuse to do anything, or participate in any type of activities which rob you of your peace, tranquility, flow of thoughts, and mental zen:

  • What New Photo Adventures Await You?

    What New Photo Adventures Await You?

    FREE MOTIVATION ON ERIC KIM NEWSLETTER > Thought: As spring is in full bloom, ask yourself — “What new photo adventures await me?”



    We are proud to announce that PHOTO WALLET is here, and available to order (right now) in the HAPTIC SHOP. If you desire one wallet for your everyday life and photographic adventures, PHOTO WALLET is for you. 

  • Towards a Higher Mode of Existence

    Towards a Higher Mode of Existence

    What do we desire the most? To design our life in such a way which elevates our mode of existence and living to a newer, more epic height.

  • How to Tell Stories in Your Street Photos

    How to Tell Stories in Your Street Photos

    If story telling in your street photography is your goal, some thoughts for you:

  • Street Photography Towards What Ends?

    Street Photography Towards What Ends?

    How will your passion for street photography manifest? Some thoughts:



    Finally a long time after my life experiences (the last decade+) I’ve realized this: With any design objects, tools, things, phones, laptops, cameras, clothes, homes, etc … it will never fully satisfy you. There are objects, things, tools, equipment and lifestyle which are superior than other things, and I believe there are some things which…

  • Low-Key Photography

    Low-Key Photography

    Low-key photos are photos that skew towards the dark end and the darker side. The opposite of ‘high key’ photography (very bright photos). Low-key photos are more dramatic, dark, and mysterious. I say that a low-key photograph is around 80% dark, and 20% bright (80% black, 20% white). The benefits of low-key photos:

  • How to Decide

    How to Decide

    One of the most difficult things in modern life: To make a decision, to stick with a decision, and to *NOT* second-guess your past decisions, or to *NOT* have regrets. Some real thoughts: