The Best Design is Via Negativa

A design epiphany:

The best design is “via negativa”.

For example, the best designed shoes aren’t the ones that “look” the coolest, but the ones that DON’T cause pain! With cameras, the best designed camera has the LEAST amount of superfluous buttons, features, and the LEAST amount of confusion in the UI/UX (also the least weight, and the least amount of time it has on your shelf— the best camera is the one you shoot with all day, every day— either RICOH GR III or iPhone).

Also with homes, the best designed homes as having the LEAST amount of noise, the LEAST amount of heat loss, and the minimum of dark spaces at home.

Also the iPhone Mini as the best iPhone as it is the LEAST heavy, LEAST big (better for one handed texting and usage), and also lesser in price than the other “Pro” models.