Month: March 2021

  • Efficient.


    Efficient — to do, make or accomplish with less effort, force and resources.



    My only frustration in life: When my personal strength cannot keep up with my personal ambition.

  • Anti Pride

    Anti Pride

    You best show what you believe in by what you don’t do, what you don’t engage in. Similarly speaking, best to exhibit your pride in what you decide not to do, not to buy, or not to pursue!



    Can’t stop, won’t stop!

  • Allow Yourself to Shoot Both Color *AND* Black and White

    Allow Yourself to Shoot Both Color *AND* Black and White

    In order to increase your photographic and artistic-creative optionally, just allow yourself to shoot both black and white and color!

  • What is Your Creative Vision?

    What is Your Creative Vision?

    I love the notion of a ‘creative vision’– because it implies our creative sense (our ingenuity for visual arts) as well as how we see the world as photographers:

  • A More Dope, Prosperous Future for All Photographers

    A More Dope, Prosperous Future for All Photographers

    What is my personal ambition? To help foster a more prosperous, dope future for all of us photographers.

  • Why Rangefinders Are Overrated

    Why Rangefinders Are Overrated

    In praise and a critique of rangefinders:

  • Fun Photography

    Fun Photography

    Photography is best when it is fun! In other words: Optimize all parts of the photographic process for fun, for you! Also: Don’t engage or entertain any parts of the photographic process which isn’t fun for you, or feels like “work” (toilsome labor).

  • The Ultimate Privilege

    The Ultimate Privilege

    To only pursue ideas and activities which interest you! And also the freedom to not do or pursue which you have no personal inclination or care for!



    When I played football in high school, typically after practice I would have an adrenaline high, and get a ton of creative ideas I would want to write and blog about. Which makes me think: Perhaps adrenaline and art go hand in hand.

  • Adrenaline Seeking Towards What Ends?

    Adrenaline Seeking Towards What Ends?

    What is the reason for our desire for fast sports cars, sports, music, action films, or any other adrenaline-boosting activities?



    The cardinal mistake we make as thinkers: We allow our thinking to get trapped in certain domains. For example, the thought that all of our philosophies and thinking must be consistent across all domains. But there is no such thing as “one ultimate universal truth which applies to everything”. For example, there are certain circumstances…



    What is your greatest gift? Your name. What is the most effective way to brand yourself, or your things? Just put your name on it!

  • Don’t Force Yourself to Write

    Don’t Force Yourself to Write

    Only write if you must!



    A thought when looking at a Porsche Macan (Turbo) the other day: What is it about the aesthetics and design of this car which appeal to me? Same goes with watches, cars (Tesla Model S), and other design things? My thought (at least for us men): We love masculine (muscular) design. But then the basic…

  • Creating and Sharing Out of Uberabundance or the Desire to Be Acknowledged and Affirmed?

    Creating and Sharing Out of Uberabundance or the Desire to Be Acknowledged and Affirmed?

    Something I’ve discovered when it comes to creators online: Practically all creators now are motivated and incentivized by how they can serve (same word from “slave”) others. Nietzsche had a version of this thought which was: When I judge the artwork of an artist, I wonder — did he create out of abundance or need?

  • Defining Aesthetics for Yourself

    Defining Aesthetics for Yourself

    We often fall victim to trends when it comes to aesthetics — color choices, color combinations, clothing fashion, car design, etc.



    It isn’t a matter of “willpower”, but “carepower”. 



    The harder you go, the harder you must rest.

  • In Praise of Kettlebells

    In Praise of Kettlebells

    Review: THE BEAST 48KG (105 Pound) Kettlebell You cannot buy health, or well-being, but you could buy kettle bells. I have found that ever since I have had a kid, I don’t really have the chance and opportunity or even the desire to go to the gym anymore. I’d rather be at the house with…



    Gain wisdom over your body:

  • You are the Photo Creator!

    You are the Photo Creator!

    You’re the leader, the guide of your photos. You’re the ultimate filter of embodied reality — you bring to light beauty, and also obscure what you don’t find relevant in reality.

  • Photo Thoughts

    Photo Thoughts

    A life without photos ain’t a life worth living. Photography as the glorification of life and embodied reality. Your best photos are yet to come. Never stop editing your photos — meaning, always arrange and rearrange your older photos. Bring old ones and new photos to light. Photography is insanely fun as you experiment with…

  • Why I Love Photography

    Why I Love Photography

    Photography: the ultimate creative outlet which combines art, creativity, and embodied reality and life. To take everyday life— your life and to transform and transfigured it into art, isn’t this the apex?

  • How to Think Entrepreneurially

    How to Think Entrepreneurially

    Entrepreneurship ain’t about making a “startup”, “pitching a company”, or getting a company to “go public” (IPO), and becoming a unicorn worth a billion dollars. I say— entrepreneurship as a mindset, ethos, and a way of life and living.

  • A Life of Expansion

    A Life of Expansion

    What is an interesting concept to follow in life? A life of expansion. Nota benne: “expansion packs” (Starcraft), expansion as a military and civilization concept, expansion as a real estate concept, or expansion in terms of your body (expand your muscular size and masculine presence).



    It seems the modern trend is towards minimalism — minimalism in appearance, in possessions, in lifestyle, etc. Essentially minimalism as the noveau elitism — only the rich and wealthy can afford to be minimalist. For example, note that when traveling, the poor tend to travel with LOTS of suitcases — just in case they need…

  • We Tire of The Beautiful, but Not of the Ugly?

    We Tire of The Beautiful, but Not of the Ugly?

    No such thing as an “anti” hedonic treadmill, or an “ugliness adaptation”:

  • Film Noir Compositions in Photography

    Film Noir Compositions in Photography

    What are my favorite cinema films for inspiration and motivation in photography? Film noir. This style of composition when applied to photography — very enigmatic, interesting, mysterious and beautiful!

  • The Miracle of Human Growth

    The Miracle of Human Growth

    A new miracle I am witnessing: Witnessing the growth of my child, Seneca Thien Anh Kim. To me this is insane — only the consumption of human breast milk, he is able to grow so quickly, so much, have all the nutrition necessary for him to develop physically, mentally, and physiologically! So if you want…

  • 3 Reasons Why Be Optimistic About Your Photographic Future

    3 Reasons Why Be Optimistic About Your Photographic Future

    First sent on ERIC KIM NEWSLETTER Dear friends, Spring is upon us. There are many reasons to be optimistic about the future, and the future for us photographers. Some thoughts:



    You’re balling, you’re balling!

  • The Philosophy of Progress

    The Philosophy of Progress

    The strange bias we have in modern times: If we cannot measure or perceive progress, it is meaningless. But what about things which cannot and should not be measured? For example love for your partner or child, your progress in your artistic evolution, and just life in general?

  • When to Be Frugal, When to Be Profligate?

    When to Be Frugal, When to Be Profligate?

    Be frugal to things which don’t matter much; your car, phone, etc. Be profligate with groceries (buy lots of meat, without abandon), be profligate when buying gifts and presents for family friends and others you care for, and be profligate when spending money on your art, creativity, or anything which has to do with what…

  • No Photos, No Future

    No Photos, No Future

    The joy of photography: extreme optimism for the future! Why? Because photography is predicated on the future; future new moments for you to experience and photograph!

  • Convictions are Prisons

    Convictions are Prisons

    The basic philosophical thought: The apex of philosophical greatness is when one comes up with an immutable thought or belief, and holds tight onto that belief for the rest of his or her life. But is this truly wise? I say no.

  • The Artistic Impulse

    The Artistic Impulse

    What is my genesis towards art? For me, overflowing and overwhelming gratitude towards life and existence. Prerequisites — great sleep, movement during day, physical exercise, social interaction, love, and a strength of purpose and family community life. Thus perhaps as a prerequisite to art, we must put our own lives and physiological and bodily wellbeing…

  • When to Photograph

    When to Photograph

    Obey your gut and instincts. When you see something unfolding before your very eyes, and you have an impulse to shoot, just shoot it (many times and work the scene) then figure out what to do with it later!

  • How to Get New Creative Ideas

    How to Get New Creative Ideas

    I’m the happiest when I’m being creative — either thinking of new creative ideas, or actively creating stuff. Some practical ideas and tips:

  • You Only Know How Much You Care For It Based on the Price You’ve Paid

    You Only Know How Much You Care For It Based on the Price You’ve Paid

    Or why I don’t like using free things — why I prefer paying for things. Also, you only know what you truly value in life based the price you’re willing to pay for it, or what you’ve sacrificed in order to get it. For myself, it seems the only material things I truly care for…

  • Peak Photographic Productivity

    Peak Photographic Productivity

    What we we seeking as photographer-artists? Peak photographic productivity. In which we always find inspiration and motivation all around us, and when we never disgust or tire of our photography and photographic approach!

  • When to Review Your Photos

    When to Review Your Photos

    Perhaps the best time to review your photos is the time when you yourself need the extra visual stimulation, or self motivation to make new photos?



    All great things originate from your body. If you optimize for your body — in terms of your abode, lifestyle, nutrition, and approach … everything else in life will take care of itself! Practical ideas:

  • Bodily and Muscular Vigor in Order to Create!

    Bodily and Muscular Vigor in Order to Create!

    Why do we want bodily and muscular vigor? Not for the sake of it — but for us artists, we desire to have the optimal physiological conditions in order to create! To create our art works, our products, our ideas, to think deeper and create and propagate/distribute things more widely and boldly!



    To create and distribute things — our goal as artists, creators, and entrepreneurs. To make things to reach as many people as possible. To create as many goods and things, and to propagate them as far as possible! My underlying philosophy behind HAPTIC, and even teaching workshops (to make my workshops as accessible to as…

  • Minimalism as an Aesthetic and Ethos

    Minimalism as an Aesthetic and Ethos

    A thought while walking around the block and thinking about the sit-flush handles of the Tesla Model S (and all the Tesla cars): Beyond the Range Rover Evoque and Range Rover Velar, there are truly no other cars which have integrated such a subtle, simple yet beautifully elegant solution to their car design. Elon Musk…

  • Photography and Joy

    Photography and Joy

    Is it that by making photos we feel more joy, or is it that when we feel and experience joy, we like to photograph?

  • Photo Assignment: CLOTH

    Photo Assignment: CLOTH

    First sent on ERIC KIM NEWSLETTER:

  • Introducing The Photographer’s Wallet

    Introducing The Photographer’s Wallet

    Dear friends, After a brief hiatus, HAPTIC is back in full effect with our newest product, The Photographer’s Wallet. If you ever wanted the perfect “everyday carry” wallet which has perfect aesthetics and function, The Photographer’s Wallet is for you:

  • The Philosophy of Blogging

    The Philosophy of Blogging

    Blogging — perhaps the most underrated, under appreciated tool and communication technology we currently have.



    The value of photos are priceless.

  • How to Be Artistic Throughout the Pandemic
  • How to Discover Beauty in the Mundane as a Photographer

    How to Discover Beauty in the Mundane as a Photographer

    One of the best skills we can cultivate as photographer artists: Being able to see and capture the beauty of everyday, ordinary life, and of ordinary things. Capturing beauty in the mundane — our strength of seeing, noticing, but also our childlike innocence to see interest in everything around us!

  • Why I Love Shooting Videos at 24FPS

    Why I Love Shooting Videos at 24FPS

    When shooting videos in 24FPS, I feel reality slows down. Things (even everyday movements, especially hand movements) become more poetic, artistic, and beautiful:



    What makes art so great? The fact that it is open to all; regardless of age, nationality, race, ethnicity, gender/sex, etc. It doesn’t matter how experienced or inexperienced you are. This is the great thought: Regardless of what position you are currently in life, you always have the opportunities and tools to make art. In…

  • HANDS.


    Photo idea: Photograph hands more frequently. Either macro close up photos of hands (RICOH GR III in macro mode), or include the hands of a subject in a photo. Our hands perhaps as one of the first primal forms of communication?



    This is our exalted goal as artist-creators.



    Even the bad! So just endure your hardship a bit longer!

  • How to Still Create in Unfavorable Circumstances

    How to Still Create in Unfavorable Circumstances

    If COVID has taught us anything, conditions are no longer ideal (far from it, conditions are quite shitty). But irregardless of this, how can we still create in the midst of the most unfavorable conditions we’ve ever experienced?



    How meaningful photos can be made from home:

  • Natural Light and Health

    Natural Light and Health

    What is the #1 contributor to my health, well being, mood, and creative productivity? Natural light. Why is this? Some thoughts: